This set follows FreeDesktop naming specification. LINK
Status Key |
Final |
Done. No changes needed |
Fix Me |
Is mostly good. Just needs tweaks |
Redo |
Don't like the look. Do it again |
Needs Icon |
No icon currently created. |
Text that appears next to the Key will go here.
Actions (actions) |
Icon Name |
Description |
Icon |
Status |
Notes |
address-book-new |
The icon used for the action to create a new address book. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
application-exit |
The icon used for exiting an application. Typically this is seen in the application's menus as File->Quit. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
appointment-new |
The icon used for the action to create a new appointment in a calendaring application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
contact-new |
The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
dialog-cancel |
The icon used for the “Cancel” button that might appear in dialog windows. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
dialog-close |
The icon used for the “Close” button that might appear in dialog windows. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
dialog-ok |
The icon used for the “OK” button that might appear in dialog windows. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-new |
The icon used for the action to create a new document. |
Status |
Note |
document-open |
The icon used for the action to open a document. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-open-recent |
The icon used for the action to open a document that was recently opened. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-page-setup |
The icon for the page setup action of a document editor. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-print |
The icon for the print action of an application. |
Status |
Note |
document-print-preview |
The icon for the print preview action of an application. |
Status |
Note |
document-properties |
The icon for the action to view the properties of a document in an application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-revert |
The icon for the action of reverting to a previous version of a document. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
document-save |
The icon for the save action. |
Status |
Note |
document-send |
The icon for the send action. |
Status |
Note |
document-save-as |
The icon for the save as action. |
Status |
Note |
edit-copy |
The icon for the copy action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-cut |
The icon for the cut action. |
Status |
Note |
edit-delete |
The icon for the delete action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-find |
The icon for the find action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-find-replace |
The icon for the find and replace action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-paste |
The icon for the paste action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-redo |
The icon for the redo action. |
Status |
Note |
edit-select-all |
The icon for the select all action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
edit-undo |
The icon for the undo action. |
Status |
Note |
folder-new |
The icon for creating a new folder. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
format-indent-less |
The icon for the decrease indent formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-indent-more |
The icon for the increase indent formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-justify-center |
The icon for the center justification formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-justify-fill |
The icon for the fill justification formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-justify-left |
The icon for the left justification formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-justify-right |
The icon for the right justification action. |
Status |
Note |
format-text-direction-ltr |
The icon for the left-to-right text formatting action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
format-text-direction-rtl |
The icon for the right-to-left formatting action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
format-text-bold |
The icon for the bold text formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-text-italic |
The icon for the italic text formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-text-underline |
The icon for the underlined text formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
format-text-strikethrough |
The icon for the strikethrough text formatting action. |
Status |
Note |
go-bottom |
The icon for the go to bottom of a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-down |
The icon for the go down in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-first |
The icon for the go to the first item in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-home |
The icon for the go to home location action. |
Status |
Note |
go-jump |
The icon for the jump to action. |
Status |
Note |
go-last |
The icon for the go to the last item in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-next |
The icon for the go to the next item in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-previous |
The icon for the go to the previous item in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-top |
The icon for the go to the top of a list action. |
Status |
Note |
go-up |
The icon for the go up in a list action. |
Status |
Note |
help-about |
The icon for the About item in the Help menu. |
Status |
Note |
help-contents |
The icon for Contents item in the Help menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
help-faq |
The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
insert-image |
The icon for the insert image action of an application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
insert-link |
The icon for the insert link action of an application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
insert-object |
The icon for the insert object action of an application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
insert-text |
The icon for the insert text action of an application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
list-add |
The icon for the add to list action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
list-remove |
The icon for the remove from list action. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
mail-forward |
The icon for the forward action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-mark-important |
The icon for the mark as important action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-mark-junk |
The icon for the mark as junk action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-mark-notjunk |
The icon for the mark as not junk action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-mark-read |
The icon for the mark as read action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-mark-unread |
The icon for the mark as unread action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-message-new |
The icon for the compose new mail action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-reply-all |
The icon for the reply to all action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-reply-sender |
The icon for the reply to sender action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-send |
The icon for the send action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
mail-send-receive |
The icon for the send and receive action of an electronic mail application. |
Status |
Note |
media-eject |
The icon for the eject action of a media player or file manager. |
Status |
Note |
media-playback-pause |
The icon for the pause action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-playback-start |
The icon for the start playback action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-playback-stop |
The icon for the stop action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-record |
The icon for the record action of a media application. |
Status |
Note |
media-seek-backward |
The icon for the seek backward action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-seek-forward |
The icon for the seek forward action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-skip-backward |
The icon for the skip backward action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
media-skip-forward |
The icon for the skip forward action of a media player. |
Status |
Note |
object-flip-horizontal |
The icon for the action to flip an object horizontally. |
Status |
Note |
object-flip-vertical |
The icon for the action to flip an object vertically. |
Status |
Note |
object-rotate-left |
The icon for the rotate left action performed on an object. |
Status |
Note |
object-rotate-right |
The icon for the rotate right action performed on an object. |
Status |
Note |
system-lock-screen |
The icon used for the “Lock Screen” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-shutdown |
The icon used for the “Shutdown” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-log-out |
The icon used for the “Log Out” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-suspend/sleep |
The icon used for the “Sleep” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-suspend-hibernate |
The icon used for the “Hibernate” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-restart |
The icon used for the “Restart” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-switch-user |
The icon used for the “Switch User” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
system-run |
The icon used for the “Run Application...” item in the desktop's panel application. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
system-search |
The icon used for the “Search” item in the desktop's panel application. |
Status |
Note |
tools-check-spelling |
The icon used for the “Check Spelling” item in the application's “Tools” menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
view-fullscreen |
The icon used for the “Fullscreen” item in the application's “View” menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
view-refresh |
The icon used for the “Refresh” item in the application's “View” menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
view-restore |
The icon used by an application for leaving the fullscreen view, and returning to a normal windowed view. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
view-sort-ascending |
The icon used for the “Sort Ascending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
view-sort-descending |
The icon used for the “Sort Descending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
window-close |
The icon used for the “Close Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
window-new |
The icon used for the “New Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu. |
{{}}[[|SVG]] |
Status |
Note |
zoom-best-fit |
The icon used for the “Best Fit” item in the application's “View” menu. |
Status |
Note |
zoom-in |
The icon used for the “Zoom in” item in the application's “View” menu. |
Status |
Note |
zoom-original |
The icon used for the “Original Size” item in the application's “View” menu. |
Status |
Note |
zoom-out |
The icon used for the “Zoom Out” item in the application's “View” menu. |
Status |
Note |
Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons/Actions (last edited 2009-07-09 22:33:05 by pool-173-59-227-176)