
Revision 4 as of 2006-06-26 21:30:35

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Color Choice

I heard over the mailing list that Human and Tangerine were going to be staying for 6.10, so I had to rethink my plan a little. Even though I reworked some of the Human icons into my new Frozen color scheme, that would be useless since we're keeping the current icons. So I needed 2 colors that not only went together nicely, but also worked well with the icons. My inspiration came from a very weird source...the front of my Network Router! It's Silver, and the lights are Green and Yellow!

If Orange, Silver, and Green looked good on a Router, it would be perfect on a desktop!

This idea also allows us to keep the current icons and branding, since they have Orange in them already, and since Orange is one of the 3 major colors, it's perfect!

The Pallete

Tropic Green: #39EB3C

Tropic Orange: #FFA600

Tropic Silver: #EDEDED

The GTK Theme

Even though it could still look good with Ubuntulooks, I've been experimenting with the new gFlat GTK Engine, it's a pretty neat ClearLooks based engine, and has alot of interesting options! It even has support for animations (something Ubuntulooks lacks, animated progress bars are the best cliche nowadays).



Unfortunatly, the Metacity theme I used is not good at colorization to GTK themes, kinda leaves it pale a little...but here's some TRUE examples of how cool it looks!
