Contents |
This page lists the contact details of the Blubuntu Theme
Please add your name to either the 'Contributors' or the 'Supporters' list.
Note I highly reccomend adding spambot destroying characters to your email addresses.
If you would like to keep your email address private then please add your name to the list and privately email me (mailforwho <at] googlemail [dot> com) your email address if you want updates on what is going on
If you want to contribute work to the effort add your name to this table
Name |
JonathanAustin (Who) |
mailforwho at googlemail [dot] com |
SourabhRath (teen) |
DavidCornejo (DavidCS) |
david[dot]cs (at) gmail[dot]com |
KristofVerbeken ( PingunZ ) |
PingunZ # |
MattRussell (flargen) |
mjohnrussell [at] gmail [dot] com |
JuanMorales (crispamares) |
crispamares at googlemail dot com |
if you don't want to contribute, but would still like updates on the progress of the theme then add your name to this table
Name |
Sub-pages :
Artwork/Incoming/Blubuntu/BlubuntuContributors (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:12 by localhost)