As dicussed during the 10.04 UDS:
Current process
Submissions to the flickr group (http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork).
- Shortlist is created by a group of judges.
- Selections are made.
Problems with the Karmic cycle
- A number of photos had nice motives, color and contrast, but suffered from having the motive out-of-focus (blurriness) and/or a weak composition.
Updated process
- Finish the process 3 months before release? Aim for first package to go into Beta 1.
- Make the connection between the author and photo more explicit.
- Be explicit about the fact that submissions on the wiki will not be included. (Sent Email to list)
- Ask people if we can alter their photos as we ask them about the license?
- discuss on a case-by-case basis what the changes are that we are suggesting and how it should be executed.
- Rewards! People with an Ubuntu One account?
- Add a stamp for everyone who is short-listed.
- Redo all the phrasing on the flickr group.
- Add phrasing for 'just a great photo'.
- Ensure that the wiki is fully updated to reflect the new process.
Check out Miro for the video contents? (http://getmiro.com/).
- Fix the link from the Appearance settings dialog so that it offers the user the option to install more wallpaper packages. Perhaps link to the Software Centre? Add an apt-url link instead of a link to a website so that a user can install them automatically. Perhaps there would be a benefit to packaging the wallpapers individually which would lead to stats we could use to improve the selections!
- Define our expectations regarding wallpaper design better.
Ideas and suggestions for the instructions:
You might like to consider categories like these:
- Abstract
- Monochrome
- Animal life
- Landscapes
- Local culture
- Other flavours of ubuntu - do they use the same set or run their own competitions?
- How do we tie in with the Free Culture Showcase?
- Is the Free Culture showcase the umbrella? Yes.
- Should we encourage more abstract images and how?
- Do we restart each cycle or reuse some wallpapers between releases?
- Restart each cycle, put wallpapers in a package per release, ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic.
- Should upgraders still have the previous wallpapers package? (Note possible need to split the package in this case due to design wish to explicitly change default wallpaper background).
- Can we relate the desktop themeing to the wallpaper selection?
- Can we improve the selection process/information gathering by creating our own infrastructure? Extra website/wiki, tool to view pics on a desktop-like overlay.
Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/Wallpaper_Contest_Planning (last edited 2010-01-14 15:23:42 by ABordeaux-258-1-93-3)