
Revision 30 as of 2007-10-10 11:33:09

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Index of Project Pages : Navigation(children,1)

To create a page simply type in the page name you desire : Artwork/Incoming/FooBarSample. Create a new page using Artwork/PageTemplate as template. Please follow the [wiki:/SubmissionGuidelines Submission Guidelines]. Attachments should be attached using the attachment:foobarfile.sample format. Please do not edit this root page! A link is automatically added for you in the Sub-pages link.

Please locate all incoming items directly related to artwork below this namespace.

During our housecleaning, we cleaned up this directory. Everything not current has now gone to wiki:/Attic

If your artwork is a full project that lies outside of the release cycle, use the following form. Otherwise, see wiki:/Hardy.

NewPage(Artwork/PageTemplate,Create New Project Page,Artwork/Incoming)
