Screenshots @ Ubuntu.com
Sponsor: Design Team / Ivanka Majic <ivanka.majic@canonical.com>
Posted: 13 Nov 2010
Assigned: Artwork Team / JohnBaer
Packages affected: Software Centre
O N H O L D - Waiting guidance!
The Ubuntu Software Centre desires to display screen shots of applications to enhance the user experience. Currently screen shots are submitted to "screenshots.debian.net" which is a hosted sub domain of the community site "debian.net" / "debian.org".
The desired result of this effort will have the following characteristics.
- Designed to run as an enhanced web experience
- Will run as part of the Canonical infrastructure
- Supports current Ubuntu branding guide lines
- Permits the uploading of screen shots images
- Optionally permits the uploading of screen cast videos
- Permits the attachment of meta data to submissions
- Supports search, updates, and deletions
- Supports Software Centre integration
"screenshots.ubuntu.com" will be a sub domain of "ubuntu.com" which is supported by Canonical.
- The team will consist of resources from Canonical and the community.
- The granularity will be to the package ( 1 submission / package )
Use Cases
- Community author desires to display a screen shot of their application to assist a potential user in deciding if the application satisfies there needs.
- Community author desires to display a short screen cast showcasing the application ( viz. promotional video )
- Author desires to update submission.
- Author desires to delete submission.
- Community member or admin desires to find submission.
- Admin desires to contact submitter
Design Considerations
- Support branding standards.
- The interface must be simple and intuitive.
- Audience
- Non technical community focus
- Inspiration
- If at all possible the desired result should be python based / django.
- The mailing list will be used to facilitate design discussions.
Design mock ups submitted to: <flickr>
Source code submitted to: <launchpad>
ID |
Task |
Start |
Finish |
Resources |
Comments |
1 |
Initiation |
11/11/2010 |
12/08/2010 |
Project Team |
1.1 |
Sprint 1 |
11/11/2010 |
11/24/2010 |
Project Team |
1.1.1 |
Submit Draft Spec |
11/11/2010 |
11/15/2010 |
1.2 |
Sprint 2 |
11/25/2010 |
12/08/2010 |
Project Team |
2 |
Milestone #2 |
12/09/2010 |
01/05/2010 |
Project Team |
2.1 |
Sprint 1 |
12/09/2010 |
12/22/2010 |
Project Team |
2.2 |
Sprint 2 |
12/23/2010 |
01/05/2011 |
Project Team |
3 |
Milestone #3 |
01/06/2011 |
02/02/2011 |
Project Team |
3.1 |
Sprint 1 |
01/06/2011 |
01/19/2011 |
Project Team |
3.2 |
Sprint 2 |
01/20/2011 |
02/02/2011 |
Project Team |
4 |
Milestone #4 |
02/03/2011 |
03/02/2011 |
Project Team |
4.1 |
Sprint 1 |
02/03/2011 |
02/16/2011 |
Project Team |
4.2 |
Sprint 2 |
02/17/2011 |
03/02/2011 |
Project Team |
5 |
Milestone #5 |
03/03/2011 |
03/30/2011 |
Project Team |
5.1 |
Sprint 1 |
03/03/2011 |
03/16/2011 |
Project Team |
5.2 |
Sprint 2 |
03/17/2011 |
03/30/2011 |
Project Team |
Natty Beta |
BoF Discussion
- None planned
Artwork/Specs/0004_Screenshots_Ubuntu_Com (last edited 2011-01-24 09:13:36 by p4FFB4EF5)