
Revision 5 as of 2010-11-20 01:42:55

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Xubuntu Natty Wallpaper

  • Community: Xubuntu / Saleel Velankar

  • Posted: 11/17/2010

  • Due: 03/25/2011

  • Assigned: Artwork Team

  • Packages affected: Xubuntu (Natty)

  • Comment: *** D R A F T ***


Xubuntu is a Ubuntu derivative which leverages the XFCE desktop for speed and grace. The desired result will be an image which embraces the "light" Ubuntu design concept and displays well on a variety of hardware environments.

The theme of this release is Natty Narwhal. Inspiration can be taken from the colors of the Narwhal and the environment in which it lives.


The Xubuntu palette includes the following colors.

Dark Blue









Inspirational Image


(c) Dave Schreier


  • The desktop will be XFCE

Use Cases

The desired dimensions of the successful candidate should be 2560 x1600 pixels. It is anticipated this will scale to the other common formats.

See Background Guidelines for additional information.

Design Considerations

  • Submissions should be posted in the Portable Network Graphics ( "png" ) or Scalable Vector Graphics ( "svg" ) format.
  • The desired design must go well with the colors used in the interface.
  • The audience is the general user population.



  • The mailing list will be used to facilitate design discussions.
  • Post submissions to the Xubuntu Natty Wallpaper Flickr group.

  • The successful candidate will be chosen by members of the Xubuntu community.

BoF Discussion

  • None planned