¡Bienllegáu a la Comunidá Asturiana d'Ubuntu! / Welcome to Ubuntu Asturian Community!

The Ubuntu-ast (aka Comunidad Asturiana de Ubuntu) is a small (but hyperactive) Ubuntu enthusiast group in Asturies. We work with Softastur LUG in the translations.

We're working hard for expand Ubuntu in Asturian language in our autonomous community. By the Asturian language we appeared more times in the news.

We have a diverse membership: students, developers, philologists, photographers, designers ..., and of course, we believe in an Open and Free community through Ubuntu.

Key Details


Ago 16, 2012

Team establishment:

17 August 2010

Team Admins:

Ubuntu Ast Council

Team Contact:

Iñigo Varela & Xandru Armesto


https://launchpad.net/@@/person 27 launchpad members





Mailing List:

ubuntu-ast on lists.ubuntu.com (30 susbcribers)


#ubuntu-ast on Freenode (logged on irclogs.ubuntu.com)

Presence in Social Networks:

https://identi.ca/favicon.ico Identi.ca, http://twitter.com/favicon.ico Twitter, http://ximielga.me/mod/ximielgame_theme/graphics/favicon.ico Ximielga.me and http://facebook.com/favicon.ico Facebook.

Events pics

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HB4EYrnbK7I/UEoZ1J3YZjI/AAAAAAAAAuk/G2TntSTODAs/s640/2012-05-18%2019.11.03.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-atHN_uIEEL0/UEtwv1phE8I/AAAAAAAAAwk/xVtnaxR1WRQ/s720/DSC_0001.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-kQSuK1VwCv4/Tb54u-E-1kI/AAAAAAAAAaw/JplP_vpqh1I/s640/DSC_0039.JPG http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5259/5460842449_80d8be99cc_b.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-aBB_Bm4zpDI/Tb54_b_xqwI/AAAAAAAAAb8/Nnu4hI_EN7U/s640/DSC_0516.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-JdJZ_nAam1Y/Tb55NcgAn9I/AAAAAAAAAdE/ARYEkB7gaqg/s640/DSC_0469.JPG http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1291/4608952716_57eac2792f_b.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-pTMT1VlHuHg/Tb535fGxHsI/AAAAAAAAAWY/-SYuNfqCIcQ/s640/DSC_0189.JPG http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5132/5461441882_74207e30b8_b.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3587/3553848563_80aa58e271_o.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1137/4608952714_413a04d1a8_b.jpg

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-IU30FvNfFRk/UEoaGkBEoaI/AAAAAAAAAvA/SSWfRV620bI/s640/2012-05-18%2019.31.57.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-dW_2PY7-nBg/UEtvsFH-mSI/AAAAAAAAAwY/IAgQEmUilXw/s640/DSCN2233.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-EB3v-TmcpHg/Tb53q-M7xiI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/pIYAmgSYC2s/s640/DSC_0232.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-BZrKPs9NSaI/Tb55HiB8OFI/AAAAAAAAAck/DXhLdZRQFxM/s640/DSC_0478.JPG

Ubuntu-ast. Edubuntu: Work with children (Video)

[[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqOZ16kCuqw]] Click here to see the video

Work with official agencies

News: "LoCo Stories: the Asturian team drives the Asturian Language Academy migration to Ubuntu"


In the Picture, Xandru Armesto, Ana Cano (President of Academy of the Asturian Language), Ubuntu Iñigo Varela and Ubuntu David Planella.


  • Traducir Ubuntu n'Asturianu:

  • Talleres d'instalación.
  • Charres nos Institutos, colexos...


Eventos hechos / Eventos fechos

General Ideas for improve Ubuntu :



  • 4 March - End of campaign for highlight the Ubuntu belonging for our culture. Link to end post. Link to campaign.


  • 27 August - Ubuntu Global Jam. Info / Pictures 1 & 2.


  • November 21 - 9:00-14:00 and 15:00-21:00: Install Party Ubuntu 9.10 in Uviéu 1.

  • November 20 - 19:00: Conference about Ubuntu & Free Software in Uviéu 1.

  • October 18: This set of GNU/Linux awareness videos, collaborative work with Softastur and AsturLinux LUG (in asturian language, subtitles available in 7 other languages).

  • October 18: Install Party in Sietes. Pictures & post here.

  • September 24: Introduction to Software Libre and Ubuntu. Library Atenéu (Turón/Mieres) Blog Tapaponga

  • September 25: Ubuntu Install Party. Library Atenéu (Turón/Mieres) Blog Tapaponga

  • September 25: Upload poster for Install Party in SpreadUbuntu for the comunity.

  • May 16: Install Party in Xixón / Asturies.
  • May 15 2009: Meeting Chat Log

  • May 14: Talk in the Asturian Letters Day, hosted by Xunta pola Defensa de la Llingua Asturiana.
    • Pictures 1 2

  • May 10: Talk for asturian language students.
    • Pictures 1 2 3


AsturianTeam (last edited 2022-01-24 11:39:04 by fitojb)