Migrated my info and blog to: Marcos Costales' website
LoCo Council
I do not know other person better than Marcos for work on the council. His dedication maintaining gufw is important but tenacity with Ubuntu Spain it is even more. I am an enthusiastic supporter of his application.. -- franciscomol
I'm working with Marcos in Gufw Project. He is involved actively in the Ubuntu community and he's a great developer. He really cares about Ubuntu and Free Software. I strongly support Marcos in his application for the Ubuntu Council, he really deserves it. gpicchiarelli 2013-04-17 07:06:09
Costales is the single most active member of the Spanish LoCo. Since he became a member he has replaced the outdated and dying website with a newer and richer one, where he acts as server admin and main contributor. He has also integrated social media communications (twitter, facebook, ...) reaching to a bigger audience than before. He always takes other people opinions into account, and tries his best to find the best approach to whatever he is doing, whether it's his own project (like Gufw), or finding a solution for somebody else problem, and I'm sure he would do the same as a council member. gatoloko 2013-04-16 20:23:07
I had the pleasure of meeting Marcos in Asturies a month ago, we have been Ubuntu internet pals since 2010, and I found him even more thoughfull and hard-worker than I was aware. I hope he will achieve great things in Ubuntu LoCo Council. rafael-carreras 2013-04-17 12:09:07
testify! Marcos has always been a very good member of the community, which has contributed much to the spread of Ubuntu in Spain and helping in events of Ubuntu-Classroom-Es, besides being a positive leader in Asturias! - SergioMeneses
I knew Marcos a few years ago when he came to Montevideo, in a trip he made to SouthAmerica, since then he was always in touch, planing projects to promote Ubuntu and LoCo interaction in general. He is a great leader and this is why I support his nomination. Pablo Rubianes
I fully support Marcos in his application for the Ubuntu Council. He is proactive and innovative, always looking for new ideas and projects. Marcos really deserves this recognition. xil
I support Marcos in his application - I know him from the Gufw project which he started and has continued to maintain, bringing necessary software to Ubuntu and helping the Ubuntu community consistently over the years. vperetokin
Ubuntu Membership
Marcos is a thoughtful yet action guy. He provides ideas and make them happen in many ways, built Asturian LoCo Team with great effort and asking for advice to other LoCos, as recommended. He's eager to help others and I thing he will be a valuable member in LoCo Team affairs. rafael-carreras 2010-08-29 15:36:51
What to say about Marquinos, that you don't read before in this wiki, he is the developer of Gufw, help translate ubuntu to asturian language, he is the administrator and founder of the asturian loco team and is the administrator of the asturian loco team website, what to say ... all ... he is a humble and kind and tries to stay on the same target, is always a pleasure to work with you in every activities of the loco team ... a big hug
I fully agree with everything that has been written above. I'd just add that Marcos is a guy which really cares about what he or his team is doing, always looking for excellence and encouraging we, his teammates, to also do so. I fully support him to become an Ubuntu Member. xuacusk8
I've been working with Marcos since the start of GUFW and he's all about Ubuntu - from helping create a simple to use firewall to users, to distributing and promoting it the Asturian region. He's definitely a candidate worthy of the Ubuntu Membership. vperetokin
Marcos is a creative, smart and friendly person. He likes to advocate for free software and collaborates actively to preserve and encourage the use of the Asturian language where he lives. He also participates in several ubuntu-related communities and is the creator of Gufw, an excellent frontend for Ubuntu's ufw. I therefore won't hesitate to support Marcos in his application for the Ubuntu Membership, he really deserves it. turl
I strongly support his application for Ubuntu Member. He is a keymember of the Ubuntu community, smart, friendly and hard working. leoquant
As a member of the Galician translators team and the Galician LoCo Team (I have been the coordinator for several years, and now I am member of the council) I fully support his application to be an Ubuntu Member. Marcos has been in contact with us pushing for collaboration, and he has done a great job leading the Ubuntu-ast team to be an Official Ubuntu LoCo. Marcos really deserves this recognition. xil
I worked with him in Gufw. He is very involved in the Ubuntu community, smart, friendly and hard worker. I support his application. runoo
Marcos (Costales) is one of the most important people in our group. He is very active, dynamic and enthusiastic. He is always bringing new ideas to promote Ubuntu. Since Marcos is the leader of Ubuntu-ast LoCo and little by little the community is growing, there are more people interested in knowing and using Ubuntu. He never misses an event, I think his live it's a continuous "install party": helping people to use Ubuntu. His second love is his little creature: Gufw. These are the reasons why I think he deserves to be a member of this community. ivarela
When I had the pleasure of meeting Marcos, I was really impressed by his enthusiasm towards Ubuntu and Open Source. Since then, I've been in touch with him for LoCo, translations and even Gufw matters, and he's always been responsive and very active in anything he's been involved with. Just for founding and leading the Asturian LoCo team, and having seen the work done starting from nothing to the success the team and Ubuntu in Asturian is, I believe he deserves Ubuntu membership. I fully support his application, and I think the Ubuntu community should be proud to have members like him. Keep up the awesome work! -- dpm 2010-09-06 10:26:22
I work with Marcos on gufw as Debian/Ubuntu maintainer. He is very active and happy to help as can, he doesn't work on Ubuntu, he simply makes it better, he put in his work all his enthusiasm making the community better. I fully support his application. -- d.filoni
costales (last edited 2020-01-19 10:23:57 by costales)