
Attachment 'ubuntu-au-meeting-20060418.txt'


   1 20:02.48 <YukiCuss> Alright.
   2 20:02.50 <YukiCuss> Ready to go?
   3 20:03.03 <Fujitsu> I assume.
   4 20:03.19 <YukiCuss> Okay.
   5 20:03.32 <YukiCuss> Point one on the agenda: Launch date for ubuntu.com.au (jellyware)
   6 20:03.45 <YukiCuss> Basically, the future of the website is currently fairly undecided.
   7 20:04.16 <YukiCuss> Reviewing last week, we made an effort to determine its use. So far, it seems to be the consensus that we want to use it as a front for static information for people who want to know more, and that we'll use the Wiki for members information, and so on.
   8 20:04.25 <Fujitsu> *two weeks ago
   9 20:04.29 <YukiCuss> Two weeks ago, sorry.
  10 20:04.38 <rob> personal wiki pages etc?
  11 20:05.08 <YukiCuss> rob, I'm not sure if that's precisely it. More that we'd be using the Wiki for its current purpose, and that we use ubuntu.com.au to serve some static info on us, and perhaps a forum. (or not)
  12 20:05.08 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I'll like to put info on the local cd mailouts on it...
  13 20:05.26 <rob> eek. forum?
  14 20:05.28 <YukiCuss> jellyware: if we can help it, any of our CD distributions will include info.
  15 20:05.34 <Horsey> Think the forum would be a good idea
  16 20:05.38 <YukiCuss> rob, that was just something I added now as a testy idea. It's in no way ratified. xP
  17 20:05.41 <Fujitsu> Speaking of that, what's happened with the Linux Australia CD sponsorship?
  18 20:05.53 * Fujitsu ratifies YukiCuss.
  19 20:06.02 <YukiCuss> Fujitsu, or not.
  20 20:06.08 <rob> heh cool, no need to fragment the forums (not that I use them anyway as it is)
  21 20:06.10 >>> join bash_finger (n=tony@
  22 20:06.16 <Fujitsu> Evening, bash_finger.
  23 20:06.23 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: can we keep to the topic fuji?
  24 20:06.26 <YukiCuss> rob, true, true.
  25 20:06.32 <bash_finger> Hi
  26 20:06.39 <Fujitsu> Yes, jellyware, good idea.
  27 20:06.48 <YukiCuss> Anyway, we haven't got much else to say than that.
  28 20:06.55 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: sorry fuji, not here for long
  29 20:06.57 <YukiCuss> So far, Fujitsu is managing the launch of the website.
  30 20:07.16 <YukiCuss> Fujitsu, a) are you happy to continue it? and b) if so, when can you project a launch of at least a `static' website?
  31 20:07.22 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: i think the ubuntu.com.au/drupal page is almost ready for content..
  32 20:07.30 <Fujitsu> Pretty close, yes.
  33 20:07.33 <rob> dang, what was the agenda page again?
  34 20:07.38 <Phlosten> does Fujitsu need any contributions?
  35 20:07.38 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: looks real nice guys btw
  36 20:07.45 <Fujitsu> Phlosten, ideally :)
  37 20:07.48 <Phlosten> for the website (info etc)
  38 20:08.13 <YukiCuss> rob, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings
  39 20:08.14 <Fujitsu> If you could make some, it would be good.
  40 20:08.27 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: cant we just start posting content that gets moderated?
  41 20:08.27 <rob> thanke
  42 20:08.28 <Horsey> whats needed still for the site ?
  43 20:08.42 <Fujitsu> A more finished theme (I'll adapt the logo later)...
  44 20:08.47 <Phlosten> Fujitsu, happy to help out if you let us know what you need
  45 20:09.05 <Horsey> same on this end just let us know and I will see what we can do to help
  46 20:09.05 <YukiCuss> By the way, this probably should've been mentioned at the start, but we have an apology from PaulSchulz (pschulz01), as he's going to Perth to help promote Ubuntu at Connecting Up '06.
  47 20:09.06 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: fuji.  possible to get a timeframe?
  48 20:09.11 <rob> gee this could be a quick meeting..
  49 20:09.20 <YukiCuss> rob, quick meeting's a good meeting. :)
  50 20:09.27 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I have this bottle of champagne...
  51 20:09.30 <rob> not complaining :)
  52 20:09.38 <Fujitsu> Hmm.
  53 20:09.48 <Fujitsu> I /might/ be able to finish the theme tonight.
  54 20:09.50 <YukiCuss> Fujitsu, how about you set a timeframe and organise with the others what you'll all do?
  55 20:09.54 <rob> so, launch date approx?
  56 20:10.06 <Fujitsu> Tomorrow the theme will be ready.
  57 20:10.08 <YukiCuss> At least as a `best case' or `worst case' scenario, depending on how pessimistic or optimistic you are about the date.
  58 20:10.12 <Fujitsu> People need to start making content.
  59 20:10.24 <Fujitsu> Or thinking about what content we need.
  60 20:10.28 <Phlosten> is there anything the website launch can be tied into?
  61 20:10.32 <Fujitsu> I don't know what we should put...
  62 20:10.36 <YukiCuss> Fujitsu, date date date date.
  63 20:10.43 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so we log into drupal and post our own content?
  64 20:10.44 <Phlosten> any linux events or whatever that it can be piggybacked on?
  65 20:11.06 <YukiCuss> Phlosten, are you aware of any?
  66 20:11.11 <Fujitsu> I suppose people can post content if they want :)
  67 20:11.16 <YukiCuss> As it would be ideal.
  68 20:11.17 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I'm sure it will get used once launched...
  69 20:11.31 <YukiCuss> As always, we need to maintain a good standard of quality content for the website. This is a different matter, however.
  70 20:11.35 <Phlosten> YukiCuss, not aware of anything, I will look around, just putting the question out there
  71 20:11.40 <YukiCuss> How about we agree on a release date, and all make an effort to meet it?
  72 20:11.47 <YukiCuss> Phlosten, and I.
  73 20:11.52 <Fujitsu> I will be pedantic about quality, don't worry...
  74 20:11.54 <Horsey> are we doing anything about making people come to the site once its up reviews etc ?
  75 20:12.16 <rob> announce on mailing lists, etc
  76 20:12.16 <Fujitsu> Good question, Horsey.
  77 20:12.25 <Fujitsu> Yeah, mailing lists...
  78 20:12.33 <YukiCuss> Horsey, we've received some good publicity from mlists, and a podcast, but otherwise not much.
  79 20:12.34 <rob> fridge
  80 20:12.37 <YukiCuss> More announcements will be necessary.
  81 20:12.38 <Horsey> Think we should look into that a bit more before a release date on the web page
  82 20:12.39 <YukiCuss> rob, good.
  83 20:13.16 <Phlosten> maybe we can all brainstorm some links/info etc on australia ubuntu specific stuff, media coverage, etc
  84 20:13.17 <Horsey> need to have that end tied up surely
  85 20:13.30 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I think we should try for a target date though...
  86 20:13.32 <Horsey> I can work on some people I know
  87 20:13.46 <YukiCuss> Horsey, Phlosten, good points there.
  88 20:13.54 <YukiCuss> But, we should try to give some sort of date.
  89 20:14.00 <YukiCuss> It's been `check back in a week' for some time.
  90 20:14.05 <Phlosten> agreed, a date would be good
  91 20:14.10 <YukiCuss> If people are given a date (if they have been checking up in a week), it'll calm them.
  92 20:14.12 <Fujitsu> True.
  93 20:14.16 <YukiCuss> Plus, we need a point to work at.
  94 20:14.16 <Horsey> the problem with giving a date is that if we dont have the media organised it will be a wasted opp
  95 20:14.20 <Fujitsu> We need content, though.
  96 20:14.27 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: yuki.  I agree.  and add you guys are doing a great job with the site from what I've seen
  97 20:14.32 <YukiCuss> Horsey, in theory. You could consider it motivation, though .. :)
  98 20:14.34 <Fujitsu> How about we finish it, then announce a date?
  99 20:14.42 <Horsey> good point
 100 20:14.49 <Horsey> Fujitsu agree
 101 20:14.51 <Fujitsu> Cheating, but it'd work.
 102 20:14.54 <YukiCuss> Okay, but;
 103 20:15.00 <YukiCuss> we should at least pick a target for our own benefit.
 104 20:15.01 <Fujitsu> However, the target should be soon.
 105 20:15.04 <Fujitsu> Yes.
 106 20:15.11 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: or announce a date then finish it by that date...
 107 20:15.17 <Horsey> before next meeting to soon ?
 108 20:15.21 <Phlosten> does anyone know of any organisations using Ubuntu?
 109 20:15.28 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: can we vote on this??
 110 20:15.33 <Horsey> Phlosten not yet but soon
 111 20:15.40 <YukiCuss> Phlosten, our school will be running over half of its servers on it by half 2, 2006.
 112 20:15.53 <YukiCuss> Okay.
 113 20:16.03 <YukiCuss> Do people think that being able to finish the website by the next meeting is acceptable?
 114 20:16.03 <Phlosten> YukiCuss, there is an article right there, I'll note that down and discuss it with you later
 115 20:16.04 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: can we keep with the topic?
 116 20:16.05 <Horsey> somone work out a date...
 117 20:16.10 <Fujitsu> Next meeting is good.
 118 20:16.11 <YukiCuss> (even if we don't announce it/release it by then?)
 119 20:16.20 <YukiCuss> Next meeting is what ...
 120 20:16.20 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: Yuki.  i like that idea
 121 20:16.29 <Fujitsu> 32nd of April... :P
 122 20:16.36 <YukiCuss> 2nd May.
 123 20:16.37 <Horsey> yeah we should hold off the announcment till its ready
 124 20:16.38 <YukiCuss> So.
 125 20:16.50 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: 2 weeks away...
 126 20:17.16 <YukiCuss> What if we put an announce for 6th May? (Friday after meeting)
 127 20:17.20 <YukiCuss> Saturday, rather.
 128 20:17.22 <Phlosten> we should aim to have plenty of content by next meeting perhaps
 129 20:17.22 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so.  a launch date at the next meeting?
 130 20:17.26 <YukiCuss> It gives a meeting to convene on what we've done.
 131 20:17.30 <Fujitsu> Good idea...
 132 20:17.37 <Phlosten> YukiCuss, yes
 133 20:17.41 <Horsey> yeah that should be enough time to get stuff organised
 134 20:17.46 <YukiCuss> I should think so..
 135 20:17.51 <Horsey> for the promo I meant
 136 20:17.51 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: 6th may good for me...
 137 20:18.01 <Fujitsu> And review by everyone between 2nd and 6th.
 138 20:18.04 <YukiCuss> Are others happy with that date?
 139 20:18.05 <YukiCuss> Yes.
 140 20:18.07 <Horsey> Yep
 141 20:18.20 <Phlosten> yup, 6th may = goodness
 142 20:18.21 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: +1
 143 20:18.27 <YukiCuss> rob?
 144 20:18.40 <rob> sounds good to me :)
 145 20:18.44 <YukiCuss> Alright!
 146 20:18.50 <Fujitsu> Accepted!
 147 20:18.51 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so content should be addressed to fuji?
 148 20:19.03 <YukiCuss> jellyware, most queries to him, yes. He's set up Drupal for us.
 149 20:19.20 <YukiCuss> 6th of May it is, then.
 150 20:19.21 <Fujitsu> Mail to tanarrifujitsu@optusnet.com.au, or fujitsu@ubuntu.com.au, if you please.
 151 20:19.26 <Fujitsu> Or just add them :)
 152 20:19.28 <YukiCuss> Fujitsu, that address works..!?
 153 20:19.34 <Fujitsu> I think so, YukiCuss.
 154 20:19.39 <Fujitsu> At least, it did a week ago.
 155 20:20.04 <YukiCuss> Point two on the agenda: `Pimp my Ubuntu fests'; physical meetings where gurus show the newer ones how to do things (jellyware)
 156 20:20.41 <rob> sure, if someone pays my plane tickets (I live in north qld) :)
 157 20:20.47 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I think physical local meetings could be useful....
 158 20:20.54 <Horsey> Agreed
 159 20:21.02 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so much that can't be done online
 160 20:21.19 <YukiCuss> True, but it brings a much larger point of being dependent on physical location and availability.
 161 20:21.28 <rob> like mini-installfests?
 162 20:21.35 <Horsey> but we cant be everywhere to keep the meetings.  Plus it would be good to bring some real newbies or potential newbies along
 163 20:21.42 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: rob.  something like that...
 164 20:21.49 <Phlosten> gatherings of small groups should lead to ideas etc for the bigger one
 165 20:21.53 <YukiCuss> Phlosten, true.
 166 20:22.12 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: except installing is'nt a prob with ubuntu.  its doing all the other things...
 167 20:22.17 <rob> why not just aim to pimp Ubuntu at your local lug meetings, do talks on Ubuntu there instead?
 168 20:22.19 <Horsey> agreed
 169 20:22.27 <YukiCuss> jellyware: isn't*
 170 20:22.45 <Phlosten> i am working on some local promotion out my way in the hope to form a small LUG type group etc
 171 20:23.10 <YukiCuss> rob has a fairly good point, in that it doesn't require reorganisation; more people are willing to come to a meeting for a whole LUG.
 172 20:23.11 <rob> but why draw people away from LUGs to do so?
 173 20:23.12 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: can i put something on the wiki?
 174 20:23.29 <YukiCuss> jellyware: we need to be certain what we're doing so far.
 175 20:23.36 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I'm part of slug but they don't seem to do much of this anymore...
 176 20:24.13 <rob> I live in Townsville, we have a wireless group, a Linux group and the JCU computer group, to be honest its a little silly as it is in a town as big as ours
 177 20:24.20 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: informal social gatherings to discuss/show ubuntu...
 178 20:24.28 <rob> adding a Ubuntu group would be insane
 179 20:24.32 <YukiCuss> jellyware: we're still talking about it.
 180 20:25.05 <YukiCuss> On the current agenda, what do people prefer: adding an Ubuntu group to the mix, or infiltrating existing LUGs? (sorry to make it sound so cynical :))
 181 20:25.09 <rob> jellyware, slug doesn't do presentations? what about special interest groups?
 182 20:25.09 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: rob.  point taken.  but in somewhere like sydney...
 183 20:25.27 <Horsey> agreed sydney would be good
 184 20:25.45 <Horsey> but you need to get numbers before you proceed or it will end up being a waste of time
 185 20:25.48 <Matthewv> what about separate install fests?? but announced through lugs etc...??
 186 20:26.11 <YukiCuss> Matthewv, as Horsey just said, good idea, but you do need record of numbers.
 187 20:26.13 <Phlosten> formal ubuntu group would be silly, best way i reckon is liasing with existing groups plus smaller informal things where people want
 188 20:26.18 <rob> I have my doubts you would get sustained numbers, and feel there would be a lot of opposition to split from traditional LUGs like this
 189 20:26.19 <Matthewv> or maybe I shouldn't say anything, as physical location prevents me from ever taking part :)
 190 20:26.43 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: lugs seem to be more general linux oriented
 191 20:26.54 <Horsey> rob agreed but if we give incentive to get them along its not a break
 192 20:26.58 <rob> as it is there is only a handful of Ubuntu-au people in each location
 193 20:27.27 <rob> Horsey, then why not pimp Ubuntu to the LUGs, and though LUGs to the wider community?
 194 20:27.28 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so I don't see a lot of interest here...
 195 20:27.49 <Horsey> rob think I agree with you but what success have we had with that in the past ?
 196 20:27.56 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I like this community!
 197 20:28.06 <rob> if you skip the LUGs you create resentment and will find it hard to get support from the wider IT community
 198 20:28.07 <YukiCuss> We're all talking about it, jellyware, but there's a bit of division between doing separate things, and joining LUGs.
 199 20:28.30 <Horsey> cant we stay seperate but invite the lugs to attend?
 200 20:28.33 <Fujitsu> True, rob.
 201 20:28.37 <Phlosten> LUG's promote Linux, Ubuntu is Linux
 202 20:28.54 <Phlosten> our aim should be to make it the prominant alternative
 203 20:28.56 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: lugs seem a little old-worldly to me...
 204 20:29.02 <rob> Horsey, lots at my local LUG, infact I converted all of them from various other distros all to Ubuntu, thats about 20 people in total
 205 20:29.10 * Fujitsu mails Matthias Ulrichs again.
 206 20:29.29 <Horsey> I could get some business intrest in Melb sydney along but it would not be big numbers
 207 20:29.38 <Matthewv> Horsey, and everyone else, so these events are not regular meetings, but just maybe twice yearly (maybe few weeks after ubuntu release) or 4 times yearly, etc... install fests :) ....
 208 20:29.39 <rob> Ubuntu is the defacto standard at all of our Installfests too
 209 20:29.42 <Phlosten> has anyone here had experience in initial setup of local LUG?
 210 20:29.49 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I went to a slug meeting and it kinda went over my head a bit
 211 20:30.16 <Matthewv> never been to a lug
 212 20:30.31 <Horsey> Can i ask what do you want to achieve from the meetings it would help if we had a goal
 213 20:30.44 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I'm interested in extending the ubuntu-au communication channel..
 214 20:31.08 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I would love someone to show me a few command lines...
 215 20:31.18 <Matthewv> Helping people on ubuntu??? to install, get started, get their feet :)...
 216 20:31.25 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: find it hard to read them all as text..
 217 20:31.44 <Horsey> Then using lugs will not achieve that if they are already profficent ....
 218 20:32.00 <changlinn> slug had a bit of division on the email list a little while back due to the debian/ubuntu majority taking over and being a bit smug...
 219 20:32.14 <Matthewv> Yeah, but maybe just using lugs to get the word out..??
 220 20:32.41 <Horsey> thats what i was trying to say think if we use lugs to get the word out and hold them solo
 221 20:32.45 <YukiCuss> Horsey, Matthewv, all.
 222 20:32.47 <Phlosten> they already have the formation and structure to use to our benefit, don't go reinventing the wheel
 223 20:32.56 <YukiCuss> It could be an idea to conduct this question on a case-by-case basis.
 224 20:33.06 <YukiCuss> Perhaps some groups would like to see it at their meeting, others might prefer separate.
 225 20:33.21 <changlinn> Lugs have the advantage of lots of people passionate about linux, they will try Ubuntu if it is promoted, you won't get all of them and that is fine
 226 20:34.23 <Horsey> Yuki Yeah I think your right thats the best way lets see what happens after we make some contact
 227 20:34.32 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I'm just looking for something to do on a sat afternoon....
 228 20:34.37 <changlinn> well slug has debsig that has moved into a more informal slug... not even deb centric so much any more... supposedly
 229 20:35.29 <ctd> debsig was never intended to be specifically debian.. it was setup basically as an informal slug meeting.
 230 20:36.54 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] 203.18.xxx.xx: I gotta head soon...
 231 20:37.16 <Horsey> So do we have an outcome ?
 232 20:37.16 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I gotta get back to work...
 233 20:37.32 <Matthewv> goodbye jellyware :)
 234 20:37.41 <Phlosten> i like the idea of some of being able to meet and talk the talk face to face
 235 20:38.00 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: I just wanted to put an invite on the wiki to see if anyone is interested....
 236 20:38.06 <Matthewv> maybe someone should ask some lugs what they want and report and next meeting :)
 237 20:38.06 <YukiCuss> Shall we announce them as we see necessary?
 238 20:38.10 <Matthewv> Phlosten, +1
 239 20:38.13 <YukiCuss> Advertise at LUGs; see if they would accept it there, or elsewhere?
 240 20:38.34 <Horsey> YukiCuss yeah I will back that
 241 20:38.42 <Fujitsu> ++
 242 20:38.49 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: lugs and our wiki?
 243 20:38.54 <YukiCuss> jellyware: yes.
 244 20:39.07 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: +1
 245 20:39.57 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: so thats it?  nothing more?
 246 20:40.13 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: nice chatting.  catch you guys/gals later then!
 247 20:40.15 <YukiCuss> I believe we're done.
 248 20:40.21 <Horsey> wow done
 249 20:40.25 <Matthewv> nice :)
 250 20:40.31 <rob> sorry guys, dropped out there for a bit
 251 20:40.32 <Eucalyptbot> [Shoutbox] jellyware: group hug!
 252 20:40.42 <Matthewv> :D
 253 20:40.50 <Horsey> 40 mins
 254 20:41.00 <YukiCuss> Horsey, it's typically a bit more than an hour, so this is fairly good.
 255 20:41.08 <Matthewv> on 2 items :)
 256 20:41.09 <Horsey> yeah I was surprised
 257 20:41.14 <Phlosten> YukiCuss, i think this will be more typical
 258 20:41.18 <YukiCuss> Phlosten, quite likely.
 259 20:41.27 <Horsey> it would be good to keep them short
 260 20:41.43 <Matthewv> so YukiCuss should I stick that background on the menu... ?? :)
 261 20:41.47 <Horsey> has anyone got some suggestions for introducing Ubuntu to my clients ???
 262 20:41.51 <Matthewv> lighten it slightly first :)
 263 20:42.01 <YukiCuss> Matthewv, go for it. Consider removing the actual logo image sitting there, as the reptition is odd ...
 264 20:42.35 <Matthewv> ok... I'd just like to have the actual logo sitting somewhere too, unless I apply the image to all other menus and leave the logo on the main page
 265 20:42.39 <Horsey> YukiCuss couldnt he move it to the bottom of the page it seems a shame to remove it all together
 266 20:42.48 <YukiCuss> Possibly, if it's natural looking.
 267 20:43.08 <Matthewv> I'll try a few things, its a wiki :)
 268 20:43.14 <Horsey> make it like a letterhead type setup with details and logo at bottom
 269 20:43.37 <Phlosten> "NSW Open Source Project" does anyone know anything about this?
 270 20:43.42 <Matthewv> Horsey, I'll try that
 271 20:43.51 <Horsey> nope Phlosten
 272 20:44.03 <Phlosten> its a NSW government run thing
 273 20:44.08 <Horsey> ok
 274 20:44.25 <Horsey> can you get me a link?
 275 20:44.40 <Phlosten> trying to get it myselg
 276 20:44.42 <Phlosten> myself
 277 20:44.51 <Fujitsu> I would have assumed that AU Government and Open Source are mutually exclusive...
 278 20:44.55 <Phlosten> found it on this site http://www.cio.com.au/index.php?taxid=11&id=1990361190
 279 20:45.03 <Horsey> YukiCuss nice to meet you to and everyone else in here..
 280 20:45.07 <Phlosten> interesting read
 281 20:45.09 <YukiCuss> Horsey, good to talk to you!
 282 20:45.18 <YukiCuss> I've actually got to be off, too.
 283 20:45.21 <Horsey> will be a regular
 284 20:45.29 <YukiCuss> Horsey, good to hear!
 285 20:45.29 <Matthewv> cya YukiCuss
 286 20:45.34 <Fujitsu> Good to see you here, Horsey!
 287 20:45.38 <Fujitsu> Bye.
 288 20:45.41 <Phlosten> i am on a gathering mission to find articles etc regarding Ubuntu/Linux in Australia
 289 20:45.44 <Phlosten> cya Horsey
 290 20:45.44 <Matthewv> check the wiki in a few minutes :)
 291 20:45.50 <YukiCuss> See you Matthewv, Fujitsu!
 292 20:45.51 >>> YukiCuss has signed off IRC ("Leaving") [#ubuntu-au #ubuntu]

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