- Changing to fortnightly meetings
Going to fortnightly meetings may increase the attendance at the meetings because they are less frequent - NaamanCampbell
- Adding a "Talks" section on the Wiki page
List talks given in Australia by members of the LoCo team - NaamanCampbell
Official LoCo Team Confirmation
Apply for consideration for being added to the official listing of LoCo teams at the next CC meeting (see LoCoTeamList for more info) - NaamanCampbell
I've talked to Matthias Ulrichs about it, and we're now on the agenda for the next CC meeting. YukiCuss and I should be in attendance. - WilliamGrant
- Projects
- Schools Project
Discussion of schools project - NaamanCampbell
- Business Project
Discussion of beginning an Australian Ubuntu-In-Business working group - NaamanCampbell
- Schools Project
- Marketing
Discussion of marketing strategies within Australia for Ubuntu - NaamanCampbell
- Install CD distribution
Ordering and delivering install CD's locally - Jellyware
One or two people in each state with a large number of CDs for distribution? - WilliamGrant
Effective way of adding CD's to local libraries for people to borrow (re: http://www.newsforge.com/software/03/12/14/1545216.shtml)? - AndrewSwinn
- Website/Forum
Is there a need for the AustralianTeam to have a website? Communications can be provided by the Wiki & Launchpad pages along with a permanent home on the Ubuntu Forums. - NaamanCampbell
- Logo
DavidSymons created the idea for the AustralianTeam logo (Ubuntu logo with black Southern Cross superimposed), however his version was based on raster stars, and as such did not scale well. I created a new SVG version, although Gamma crucis (the left-hand point) needs repositioning. Any ideas? - WilliamGrant
How about a green kangaroo in the middle of the Ubuntu circle? The kangaroo would be exactly the same as the "Australian Made" kangaroo. - NaamanCampbell
AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Mar21 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:09 by localhost)