Attachment 'meeting.log.html'
DownloadIRC meeting log
The 2nd of May, 2006
[10:00:02] <Fujitsu> I guess I'll chair!
[10:00:06] * Fujitsu quickly looks at wiki
[10:00:08] <jellyware> thanks fuji
[10:00:14] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:00:18] <manicka> interesting agenda
[10:00:22] * Fujitsu hits hammer on monitor 3 times.
[10:00:36] <manicka> more like a conversation
[10:00:38] <Fujitsu> I bring to session the 4th(?) meeting of the Ubuntu Australian Team.
[10:00:46] <Fujitsu> Blah blah etc.
[10:00:49] <Fujitsu> Hi Phlosten!
[10:00:51] <pschulz01> +1 agenda item (sorry it's late)
[10:00:52] <Fujitsu> Justintime.
[10:00:56] <horsey> hi phlosten
[10:01:00] <Fujitsu> Go ahead, pschulz01.
[10:01:04] <Fujitsu> (PM me)
[10:01:20] <pschulz01> Report on 'Connecting Up 06' (wat me to add it to the page?
[10:01:32] <Fujitsu> OK, pschulz01.
[10:01:40] <Phlosten> ok, here now, coffee at the ready
[10:01:44] <Fujitsu> Good.
[10:01:49] <Fujitsu> First up!
[10:01:51] <horsey> good thought you had bailed on me
[10:02:06] <Fujitsu> Contacting NSW open source about what they are doing... And see if we can help.
[10:02:16] <Fujitsu> Horsey/Phlosten, explain, if you please.
[10:02:23] <horsey> Phlosten you or me
[10:02:30] <Phlosten> you
[10:02:33] <horsey> thanks
[10:03:04] <Fujitsu> Very kind.
[10:03:19] <Phlosten> or I can
[10:03:20] <horsey> Ok we were surfing round the other day and Phlosten found the site listed on the wiki page where it looks as if the NSW government has a program in place to implement open source software
[10:03:26] <horsey> Ok i started sorry
[10:03:31] <Phlosten> thats cool
[10:03:37] <Phlosten> i'll add to that
[10:03:42] <horsey> thankyou
[10:03:46] <Phlosten> we are not sure what exactly this group does
[10:03:47] <Fujitsu> Go ahead.
[10:04:16] <Phlosten> there isnt a lot of information on the current site, just a link to one case file and thats about it, seems like a recent project
[10:04:27] <manicka> link?
[10:04:42] <manicka> on the agenda ...sorry
[10:04:42] <Matthewv> http://www.opensource.nsw.gov.au/
[10:04:42] <Fujitsu> http://www.opensource.nsw.gov.au/
[10:04:50] <Phlosten> however we thought it might be a good idea to send a formal letter to the body introducing the ubuntu-au team
[10:05:02] <horsey> Im happy to write that and send it
[10:05:08] <Matthewv> we need a secretary :)
[10:05:10] <Fujitsu> OK, horsey.
[10:05:19] <jellyware> interested in seeing the letter before its sent...
[10:05:19] <Phlosten> which would be probably best suited to after the website is launched so that someone might have something to look at
[10:05:24] <Fujitsu> Yes.
[10:05:26] <Matthewv> horsey, post the letter on the wiki :)
[10:05:28] <horsey> Jellyware no issues
[10:05:30] <Fujitsu> Matthewv, +1
[10:05:35] <horsey> will do
[10:05:35] <Fujitsu> jellyware, +1
[10:05:37] <jellyware> +1
[10:05:44] <Phlosten> we basically just want the ok from the group to send the letter, and any suggestions to content etc
[10:05:52] <horsey> anyone thinks it should be altered there let me know I will post a cut off date with the letter
[10:06:05] <Fujitsu> Good idea, horsey.
[10:06:09] <jellyware> can you send the letter to the email list?
[10:06:14] <Fujitsu> Phlosten, that's a good idea.
[10:06:18] <horsey> for those who dont have my email its stuartliv@gmail.com
[10:06:24] <Fujitsu> Yeah, maybe put the letter up for peer review.
[10:06:29] <Matthewv> once its on the wiki it can be altered as we see fit, then maybe a final vote on it at, say next meeting??
[10:06:31] <bimberi> (for info) Pia Waugh mentions the head of that org recently in her blog - http://pipka.org/blog/2006/04/27/sketches-from-linuxworld/
[10:06:33] <horsey> its easier that way
[10:06:45] <horsey> thankyou
[10:06:52] <Phlosten> i'd be happy with the peer review, would also give other members something to spark some further action with other groups perhaps
[10:07:15] <Phlosten> maybe there are other bodies in other states ?
[10:07:20] <horsey> Its important that as a group we dont miss these things or we will fall behind
[10:07:42] <horsey> we need to work on an integrated approach for these guys if you want them to take us seriosuly
[10:07:42] <Matthewv> maybe this could be the occasion to write a fairly generic letter, for sending to other groups, and then altered as necessary for each receiver
[10:07:48] <Fujitsu> There is nothing similar in Victoria, as far as I know./
[10:07:54] <Fujitsu> A generic one would be a good idea.
[10:07:55] <horsey> Matthewv it wont work that way
[10:08:04] <Phlosten> perhaps a goal would be to get some sort of link on that government website back to ours for commerical organisations to be able to contact us for more information?
[10:08:04] <horsey> generic letters get put in bins
[10:08:22] <Fujitsu> True.
[10:08:27] <maskd> need something with a bit of spark
[10:08:27] <horsey> Phlosten or to get some sort of NSW gov recommendation on use of ubuntu
[10:08:33] <Phlosten> thats it
[10:08:35] <horsey> Im good at those letters guys
[10:08:38] <Matthewv> horsey, I don't mean the whole thing generic, but just a few paragraphs on who we are, what we do, then a per-receiver section on why we contacted you and what we can do for you
[10:08:59] <Phlosten> generalised content common to a few letters
[10:08:59] <manicka> it doesn't seem to me that commercial interests would use that site
[10:09:03] <horsey> Matthewv in my experience very difficult to pull off properly
[10:09:15] <horsey> manicka but government do
[10:09:15] <jellyware> its great that the nsw govt has initiatives like this..
[10:09:23] <Phlosten> manicka, but if they did...
[10:09:25] <Matthewv> horsey, you have far more experience than me so I'll leave that to you in that case
[10:09:27] <horsey> and we need to get on that bandwagon
[10:09:28] <manicka> it looks like a nsw gov. internal thing only
[10:09:47] <Matthewv> we can always see how this letter ends up...
[10:09:48] <horsey> manicka it is but if they dont know we exist than how can we help them
[10:09:50] <Phlosten> manicka, it sort of looks that way, but we want to basically find out what exactly it is all about
[10:09:52] <horsey> thats right
[10:10:00] <Matthewv> manicka, if they have a website, then we should contact them
[10:10:10] <manicka> agreed
[10:10:14] <Fujitsu> Yes.
[10:10:16] <horsey> look let me post it to the wiki this week and I will put a closing date of next monday on alteration
[10:10:23] <Hotwheelz> horsey may i say somthing please?
[10:10:26] <Matthewv> horsey, +1
[10:10:28] <horsey> yep
[10:10:30] <Fujitsu> Go ahead, Hotwheelz.
[10:10:34] <jellyware> horsey. can you announce it on email list too??
[10:10:42] <horsey> yeah
[10:10:52] <jellyware> thanks horsey
[10:10:57] * Matthewv thinks we need a letterhead
[10:11:00] <horsey> we do
[10:11:03] <Hotwheelz> have a look at this aswell
[10:11:05] <Hotwheelz> http://www.mmv.vic.gov.au/OpenSourceVictoria
[10:11:06] <Fujitsu> I can do a letterhead.
[10:11:15] <Fujitsu> OSV is a good thing.
[10:11:31] <Fujitsu> I've been using their resources to prepare an onslaught for school.
[10:11:41] <Phlosten> ok someone do a letterhead and send it to horsey
[10:11:47] <horsey> have we contacted them in the past ?
[10:11:58] <horsey> letterhead to me is a good thing
[10:12:00] <Fujitsu> OSV? No.
[10:12:06] <horsey> should we while we are at it ?
[10:12:11] <Hotwheelz> maybe we can send the letter them aswell?
[10:12:18] <Fujitsu> horsey, good ida
[10:12:20] <Fujitsu> Hi, bustacap.
[10:12:23] <horsey> im happy to do both..
[10:12:23] <Matthewv> the letterhead should be along the lines of the ubuntu.com.au site, to give a consistent feel/impression
[10:12:27] <Fujitsu> Yeah.
[10:12:29] <jellyware> hey busta
[10:12:35] <bustacap> hey guys..
[10:12:37] <Fujitsu> I'll eliminate the background of the logo...
[10:12:38] <bustacap> hey fuji/jellyware..
[10:12:44] <manicka> evening bustacap
[10:12:44] <horsey> Matthewv agreed we will post it on the wiki also closing date for alterations monday...
[10:12:53] <Phlosten> ok, +1 me
[10:12:57] <Fujitsu> 6 days? OK.
[10:13:01] <manicka> +1
[10:13:03] * bustacap waves hi to manicka
[10:13:05] <Fujitsu> +1
[10:13:07] <horsey> I will have the letters ready tomorrow
[10:13:09] <Matthewv> probably have a meeting here monday for discussion or something like that :)
[10:13:11] <Matthewv> +1
[10:13:31] <horsey> mathewv I agree those who want input meeting monday same time...
[10:13:33] <Phlosten> horsey, looks like it is all yours for now horsey
[10:13:50] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:13:54] <horsey> Phlosten fine at least I can get the teeth into it
[10:14:02] <Fujitsu> Meeting on Monday to finalise the Open Source NSW letter?
[10:14:30] <Phlosten> post a note about monday with the list announcement?
[10:14:31] <horsey> this is whats happening 2 letters and a letterhead to be posted this week on wiki all alterations to be in by monday lunch then meeting monday 1000 utc
[10:14:38] <Matthewv> Fujitsu, just an idea, as there will probably be a lot of discussion here anyway...
[10:14:44] <Fujitsu> Yeah.
[10:14:51] <horsey> is that correct ?
[10:14:53] <Phlosten> sounds good horsey
[10:14:59] <Phlosten> big thumbs up from me
[10:15:00] <Fujitsu> Meeting May 8 1000UTC, to be announced on the mailing list?
[10:15:07] <Matthewv> or make the meeting Tuesay, keeping with the original idea of an unofficial meeting every second Tue
[10:15:12] <bustacap> sure, I think it's good to get some community involvement in the drafting of the letter..
[10:15:17] <Fujitsu> A possible idea, Matthewv.
[10:15:22] <Fujitsu> +1 Matthewv, I'd say.
[10:15:26] <horsey> nope has to be monday I have a meeting tuesday
[10:15:26] <bustacap> will we have a website up by the time you send the letter??
[10:15:36] <Fujitsu> OK, horsey.
[10:15:39] <Matthewv> horsey, ok monday then :)
[10:15:40] <Phlosten> but we may be changing meeting day tonight?
[10:15:42] <Fujitsu> We need content for the website.
[10:15:44] <Fujitsu> (hint)
[10:15:49] <Fujitsu> True, Phlosten.
[10:15:50] <Phlosten> keep to monday
[10:15:52] <horsey> ok
[10:15:55] <horsey> we done
[10:15:57] <Matthewv> Phlosten, good point.... :)
[10:16:12] <Fujitsu> So, we shall make it provisionally Monday, although it may be rearranged later in the meeting with the meeting changes.
[10:16:14] <Phlosten> ok can we safely roll onto the next slightly related topic?
[10:16:15] <Fujitsu> Yes.
[10:16:23] <jellyware> guys. are we sticking with adjenda here?
[10:16:28] <Fujitsu> Mobile phone contact number.
[10:16:36] <manicka> yes jellyware
[10:16:39] <horsey> me again ...
[10:16:41] <jellyware> sorry. my bad
[10:16:50] <Matthewv> cya all gtg...
[10:16:52] <Phlosten> horsey, can you ellaborate on this please
[10:16:54] <Fujitsu> Bye, Matthewv.
[10:17:01] <horsey> bye matthewv
[10:17:08] <Fujitsu> I think it's a good idea, as horsey is in the industry.
[10:17:31] <bustacap> yeah..
[10:17:33] <bimberi> what's his voice like? :P
[10:17:37] <horsey> ok guys I am offering one of my many mobile numbers for use as a contact for ubuntu-au
[10:17:39] <Fujitsu> A good point.
[10:17:46] <Fujitsu> Heheheh.
[10:17:54] <bustacap> I am not sure of the advantages/justification of having a number..
[10:18:07] <Phlosten> horsey, you are happy to take professional calls on the matter?
[10:18:10] <horsey> that way people can contact us if they need to
[10:18:12] <bustacap> Does that mean horsey is the media outlet for the team?
[10:18:14] <jellyware> horsey. thanks. sounds great!
[10:18:18] <Fujitsu> bustacap, it might make it more professional looking... Although it minimizes the team thing...
[10:18:20] <Fujitsu> Who knows.
[10:18:25] <horsey> Yeah why not I do it on a daily basis anyway
[10:18:27] <Fujitsu> It's difficult to do phone things.
[10:18:42] <jellyware> horsey. what exactly do you do?
[10:18:47] <horsey> media outlet
[10:18:52] <Phlosten> i would be looking at it more as a first contact, horsey could relay and requests etc
[10:18:54] <bustacap> well, I am not concerned about the "team thing" - I would hope somebody might be able to step forward to be the media contact if they have a PR background..
[10:18:56] <horsey> I run an IT consultancy company
[10:19:00] <manicka> having a phone contact moves outside the way we normally communicate as a team
[10:19:21] <Fujitsu> That's what I was thinking, manicka.
[10:19:23] <horsey> yes it does but the general public dont communicate this way
[10:19:23] <bustacap> I can only see the phone as a media contact - but really, I think it should just be email only..
[10:19:26] <jellyware> can you do tech support too :)
[10:19:37] <bustacap> haha, I am afraid of that jellyware..
[10:19:40] <horsey> to a limited degreee
[10:19:53] <bustacap> no. we are not a tech support group at all..
[10:19:57] <horsey> would rather send them to the wiki
[10:20:01] <manicka> then are we looking at nominating a media officer?
[10:20:03] <horsey> or the groups
[10:20:08] <bimberi> bustacap: agreed
[10:20:10] <Phlosten> perhaps if we are going to use phone numbers as contacts, we could use a few different ones? I have a 'lot' of spare time and I don't mind my phone number being out there
[10:20:20] <Fujitsu> Hmm...
[10:20:31] <Fujitsu> I think a single point of contact is a better idea, Phlosten.
[10:20:33] <horsey> I could organise a 1300 number
[10:20:38] <horsey> but not yet
[10:20:41] <bustacap> email only guys - people are in the 21st century..
[10:20:55] <horsey> bustacap thats not good enough for gov or business
[10:21:00] <bustacap> horsey, what about some justification of having a number..
[10:21:05] <horsey> ok
[10:21:07] <Fujitsu> +1 bustacap.
[10:21:09] <bustacap> I am sure they can send an email first..
[10:21:17] <manicka> yes, i need some convincing
[10:21:19] <horsey> (1) its far more professional
[10:21:27] <jellyware> +1 horsey
[10:21:32] <horsey> (2) People are more likely to pick up a phone and call
[10:21:40] <Fujitsu> Point 1 is good... Point 2 is fairly good...
[10:21:42] <bustacap> no problems if somebody puts their hand forward in the mailing list and says "yeah, I'll be the phone contact for this matter"
[10:21:44] <Phlosten> maybe a phone number at this early stage is possibly premature?
[10:21:47] <horsey> (3) email is hard when you dont know what you are talking about
[10:21:52] <Fujitsu> bustacap, +1
[10:21:54] <bustacap> +1 Phlosten
[10:21:59] <Fujitsu> +1 Phlosten.
[10:22:07] <horsey> (4) for distro its far easier to get someone to talk
[10:22:20] <bustacap> horsey, I can't see no diff between calling and emailing about a topic you have no idea about..
[10:22:31] <manicka> i think people who would be interested in us would know how to email
[10:22:31] <pschulz01> What about SMS?
[10:22:33] <horsey> bustacap there is a huge difference
[10:22:49] <bustacap> horsey, I do agree with the fact - but surely people can just ask to have a discussion with a rep/member of the Aust team
[10:22:54] <pschulz01> any easier?
[10:23:02] <bustacap> or we can ask to contact them back over the phone, if they prefer..
[10:23:13] <horsey> and since we are introing ouselves so we only give them an email in the letters is that what your saying because if so its a waste of time
[10:23:21] <Fujitsu> bustacap, the email first idea is good.
[10:23:45] <Fujitsu> For the letters, a contact number should be given.
[10:23:45] <horsey> you must have a phone contact
[10:23:52] <horsey> then we need a number
[10:23:54] <bustacap> as Phlosten said - we are still in the early development stages of finding what our role is in the Aussie linux/FOSS community - I think leave it to a meeting later down the track..
[10:23:56] <horsey> my point
[10:24:02] <Fujitsu> But there shouldn't be a global phone contact, as far as I know.
[10:24:07] <Fujitsu> Probably per-issue.
[10:24:22] <bustacap> horsey, well the drafter/author of the Open Source letter should put their number on the letter - that's fine...
[10:24:24] <Phlosten> maybe we should have a phone number for the purpose of such things like this letter of introduction, only as a contact for the person on the receiving end of the letter, but not advertise this phone number on the website etc
[10:24:30] <pschulz01> +1
[10:24:31] <bustacap> but not as a phone contact for the team..
[10:24:39] <Hotwheelz> gtg guys talk soon
[10:24:41] <horsey> look its no skin of my nose
[10:24:45] <Fujitsu> That's what I think bustacap/Phlosten.
[10:24:50] <Fujitsu> Bye, Hotwheelz.
[10:24:52] <horsey> either way just thought it would make us look more professional
[10:25:16] <bustacap> numbers on letters and direct correspondance - leave the "team contact" stuff till later down the track..
[10:25:16] <horsey> I really dont want it on the website
[10:25:28] <Phlosten> it sounds like bustacap, myself and Fujitsu agree on a contact number for the letter
[10:25:34] <horsey> and me
[10:25:39] <Fujitsu> Hmm.
[10:25:41] <bustacap> horsey, I don't want your number on the website as well ;)
[10:25:45] <manicka> yes for letters only
[10:25:52] <Fujitsu> Just to interrupt a little... Who's here?
[10:25:54] <bimberi> +1
[10:26:00] <bustacap> it has too much potential for misuse..
[10:26:02] <horsey> I never intended it to be that if we go that way we need a 1300 and someone to answer it
[10:26:03] <Phlosten> ok so who agrees to 'Phone number on professional letters only'?
[10:26:14] <bustacap> I think we have a general consensus on the issue..
[10:26:18] <Fujitsu> +1 Phlosten.
[10:26:20] <horsey> agreed
[10:26:22] <bustacap> +1
[10:26:23] <Fujitsu> I think it's agreed.
[10:26:24] <manicka> +1
[10:26:26] <horsey> done
[10:26:27] <bustacap> .next.
[10:26:30] <bustacap> :)
[10:26:32] <horsey> man my fingers hurt
[10:26:32] <Fujitsu> Next.
[10:26:36] <bustacap> haha horsey
[10:26:41] <Fujitsu> Horsey's conversion to Ubuntu diary.
[10:27:00] <Fujitsu> -------------------------------------------------------------
[10:27:00] <Phlosten> ok I think we have sorted out that one, so horsey pop the number on the letters, but we shall not use it in any other places as yet
[10:27:02] <horsey> no more for me for a minute guys can we come back to it
[10:27:09] <Fujitsu> OK, horsey.
[10:27:10] <horsey> Phlosten yep
[10:27:15] <Fujitsu> Deferring for a while.
[10:27:23] <horsey> sorry
[10:27:26] <manicka> next
[10:27:30] <Phlosten> perhaps, meeting day?
[10:27:32] <Fujitsu> Defer the interview until later...
[10:27:35] <Fujitsu> Meeting day, yes.
[10:27:37] <Fujitsu> -------------------------------------
[10:27:47] <pschulz01> Fujitsu: I like the diary idea.
[10:27:54] <Phlosten> has everyone had a look at that LUG meeting schedule etc I did?
[10:27:55] <jellyware> I like to be regular, like every 2nd tues
[10:27:59] <Fujitsu> pschulz01, it's been deferred for a while.
[10:28:06] <jellyware> phos. great job
[10:28:18] <Fujitsu> I think 2nd and 4th Tuesdays might be a good idea...
[10:28:21] <bimberi> Phlosten: yes, thanks for that!
[10:28:22] <horsey> just give me a couple to get organised again
[10:28:26] <Phlosten> it was very quick, apologies if I have missed any key groups
[10:28:28] <Fujitsu> OK, horsey, that's fine.
[10:28:33] <horsey> Fujitsu agreed
[10:28:47] <manicka> wasn't 1st a d 3rd suggested
[10:28:52] <horsey> brb
[10:29:04] <Fujitsu> Wednesdays and Thursdays eliminate YukiCuss and I/
[10:29:05] <Phlosten> 1st and 3rd wednesday
[10:29:09] <Fujitsu> (TAFE)
[10:29:14] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, ok cool
[10:29:19] <Fujitsu> Hmm.
[10:29:31] <Fujitsu> But PLUG and PC Users Group (ACT) meet every week....
[10:29:40] <Fujitsu> Could be a problem.
[10:29:45] <Phlosten> ok lets stick to tuesdays but make sure they dont clash with the others
[10:29:56] <manicka> 2nd and 4th Tuesday seems to fit in well
[10:30:14] <Phlosten> i'm leaning towards 2nd and 4th tuesdays
[10:30:19] <Fujitsu> 2nd and 4th only clash with PLUG and PC Users Group (ACT), and it isn't too much reorganisation from what we are now.
[10:30:26] <bimberi> it will mean the occasional 3 week break - fine with me though
[10:30:41] <Fujitsu> bimberi, probably not much of an issue...
[10:30:43] <horsey> back I have no issues
[10:30:55] * bimberi doesn't attend PCUG(ACT) so no issue for me
[10:31:11] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, yes they are already clashing, but I have not heard from anyone that is attending those groups that wants to be here, yet there are a couple missing out due to LUV etc
[10:31:28] <Fujitsu> Yeah, I'd like to become involved with LUV at some point.
[10:31:30] <TheMuso> c/c
[10:31:38] <jellyware> what is luv by the way?
[10:31:40] <Fujitsu> TheMuso, what?
[10:31:44] <Fujitsu> Linux Users Victoria.
[10:31:49] <TheMuso> Sorry guys
[10:31:54] <manicka> i don't think the times would clash with PLUG
[10:31:55] <TheMuso> Having some keyboard/console issues here. :)
[10:32:02] <Phlosten> TheMuso, we forgive you
[10:32:11] <bustacap> a suggestion guys - perhaps a vote should be conducted on the Wiki page - those who can't attend these meetings can't vote in favour of another meeting time (because they can't make these meetings!) :)
[10:32:16] * Phlosten takes TheMuso's picture off the dartboard
[10:32:19] <Fujitsu> True, bustacap.
[10:32:27] <horsey> good idea bustacap
[10:32:29] <Fujitsu> Or email me with votes?
[10:32:40] <manicka> sounds messy bustacap, let's make a decision
[10:32:41] <horsey> for me any day but friday
[10:32:43] <Fujitsu> Wiki is open to corruption (although the history can be checked)
[10:32:45] <jellyware> busta. I like this group!
[10:32:58] <Phlosten> I'd put up suggestions that people can add their nicks too on the wiki
[10:33:06] <horsey> Phloste +1
[10:33:10] <bustacap> haha - come on Fuji - let's have some trust in each other..
[10:33:12] <jellyware> phlos. great idea
[10:33:14] <Phlosten> people unable to edit the wiki can email someone to do it
[10:33:21] <bustacap> absolutely..
[10:33:29] <Phlosten> Matthewv is a whizz with the wiki
[10:33:34] <Phlosten> ;)
[10:33:39] <Fujitsu> We just need to trust each other.
[10:33:42] <horsey> Matthewv is aka wikiman
[10:33:44] <bustacap> perhaps we can suggest two alternative times along with the current one here
[10:33:45] <Fujitsu> So, voting on the wiki?
[10:33:50] <bustacap> then post them on the wiki..
[10:33:50] <Fujitsu> bustacap, maybe.
[10:34:03] <bustacap> yeah, I know it sounds messy - but it's quick and easy..
[10:34:09] <bustacap> and all-inclusive
[10:34:13] <Fujitsu> +1 bustacap.
[10:34:14] <horsey> wiki it is
[10:34:15] <Phlosten> ok so we are all in favour of doing a vote on the wiki before next meeting
[10:34:20] <horsey> yep
[10:34:22] <jellyware> +1 wiki
[10:34:26] <pschulz01> +1
[10:34:28] <manicka> why don't we make a provisional change to 2nd and 4th Mondays, then vote on it
[10:34:34] <Fujitsu> +1 Phlostenish.
[10:34:39] <Fujitsu> manicka, +1
[10:34:39] <Phlosten> ok, i'd say thats a done deal
[10:34:44] <bustacap> and make an announcement on the mailing list as well..
[10:34:51] <Fujitsu> Provisional change to be voted on?
[10:34:57] <horsey> -1
[10:35:00] <manicka> +1
[10:35:00] <bustacap> -1
[10:35:02] <Phlosten> official announcement of meeting alteration next tuesday fortnight
[10:35:16] <jellyware> +1 phlos
[10:35:19] <Fujitsu> horsey, bustacap, pardon?
[10:35:21] <bustacap> no - votes first I think..
[10:35:29] <bustacap> before even a provisional change..
[10:35:44] <bimberi> +1 Phlosten
[10:35:48] <bimberi> i thought it was Tue2&4
[10:35:51] <Phlosten> votes on wiki, decision to be made from votes, announcement at next meeting
[10:35:53] <bustacap> the meeting attendance is quite good to warrant not making a provisional change..
[10:35:54] <Fujitsu> Well, voting on whether or not to have meetings on 2&4?
[10:36:01] <jellyware> so long as the changes are announced on the mailing list I'm good
[10:36:04] <horsey> +1 phlosten
[10:36:14] <bustacap> +1 Phlosten
[10:36:18] <Fujitsu> +1 Phlosten.
[10:36:25] <pschulz01> +1 Pholsten
[10:36:27] <Fujitsu> Anybody else?
[10:36:31] <manicka> whatever
[10:36:42] <jellyware> +1 phlos
[10:36:50] <Fujitsu> 5+, 1=...
[10:36:54] <Fujitsu> Any -?
[10:37:07] <bustacap> nope - next customer please...
[10:37:09] <bustacap> :)
[10:37:10] <Fujitsu> I'll take that as a no.
[10:37:19] <bimberi> +1 (sorry was briefly afk)
[10:37:20] <Phlosten> ok, next topic
[10:37:22] <horsey> ready for the next one for me
[10:37:22] <Fujitsu> OK, who'll send the email and set up the page?
[10:37:33] <Phlosten> i can do it
[10:37:45] <Fujitsu> OK, Phlosten. Go for it.
[10:37:47] <Fujitsu> Next.
[10:37:51] <Phlosten> ok done!
[10:37:53] <Fujitsu> The website.
[10:37:58] <Phlosten> it'll be done by tomorrow
[10:38:00] <Fujitsu> ------------------------------------
[10:38:03] <Fujitsu> We need content, yes.
[10:38:06] <Fujitsu> Good, Phlosten.
[10:38:14] <horsey> looks good
[10:38:16] <Fujitsu> I'll make some, if you tell me what you're covering.
[10:38:35] <jellyware> its due for launch this weekend right?
[10:38:37] <Fujitsu> I've just upgraded to Drupal 4.7 this afternoon, which required some massive changes to the theme code...
[10:38:42] <Fujitsu> jellyware, Friday.
[10:38:44] <bustacap> guys, feel free to place my presentation about Ubuntu and SunRays on the site as well
[10:38:45] <horsey> fujitsu now might be the time to talk about the diary thing
[10:38:45] <manicka> I'd just like to see it launched
[10:38:49] <Fujitsu> Drupal 4.7 is nice.
[10:38:54] <Fujitsu> OK, bustacap.
[10:38:59] <Phlosten> i wrote that agenda item not remembering the launch date was supposed to be this Friday
[10:39:07] <jellyware> man. I'm with you
[10:39:09] <Fujitsu> horsey, I'll do so once this is over.
[10:39:13] <horsey> ok
[10:39:21] <Fujitsu> So, next?
[10:39:37] <manicka> so this Friday, yes
[10:39:55] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:40:04] <Fujitsu> Horsey's conversion
[10:40:07] <Fujitsu> -------------------------------------------------------
[10:40:21] * Fujitsu cues horsey
[10:40:29] <horsey> well for those who have been around you will be aware I am in the process of
[10:40:38] <horsey> finalising a deal with a large customer
[10:40:40] <horsey> of mine
[10:40:42] <Fujitsu> :D
[10:40:47] <Fujitsu> !enter
[10:40:47] <ubotu> Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.
[10:40:47] <Fujitsu> :P
[10:40:51] <Phlosten> lol
[10:41:01] <horsey> they are moving from windows to linux and to ubuntu
[10:41:01] <Fujitsu> What terrible spamming :P
[10:41:05] <Fujitsu> Good, horsey.
[10:41:12] <Fujitsu> That's what I like to hear!
[10:41:26] <pschulz01> Wahoo
[10:41:43] <horsey> we will get a final go ahead this comming week, and I propose that we do a diary to place on the web page of the process planning etc needed to complete the move
[10:41:52] <Fujitsu> 150 W/S, 8 servers, 2 laptops, wasn't it?
[10:41:59] <horsey> 4 laptops now
[10:42:03] <Fujitsu> horsey, sounds good.
[10:42:03] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:42:06] <Fujitsu> Even better :D
[10:42:13] <bimberi> horsey: it really sounds great - please don't hold back - make it warts and all
[10:42:16] <horsey> was going to do it in blog format for now if thats ok
[10:42:22] <Fujitsu> OK, horsey.
[10:42:24] <pschulz01> How about blogging it? (same thing really)
[10:42:28] <horsey> maybe shoot a url off the page
[10:42:44] <horsey> was thinking blogger
[10:42:46] <bustacap> horsey - can you make an effor to document some of your work on the Ubuntu Wiki - if it is not on their
[10:42:46] <Fujitsu> I can set up some hosting for you on ubuntu.com.au/ubuntu-au.org in a couple of minutes.
[10:42:57] <Fujitsu> And set up WordPress or something.
[10:43:02] <bustacap> like if you worked with a tool that wasn't worked on..
[10:43:06] <horsey> ok fujitsu
[10:43:15] <Phlosten> i had intended to work with horsey on documenting this move
[10:43:17] <jellyware> sounds like a novel...
[10:43:19] <Fujitsu> people.ubuntu.com.au shall happen soon.
[10:43:28] <horsey> bustacap I have very detailed stuff to put up think you will be happy
[10:43:38] <Fujitsu> Nice!
[10:43:43] <bustacap> good..
[10:43:50] <horsey> including planning system spec etc
[10:43:53] <Fujitsu> horsey, any preference to blogging backends?
[10:44:00] <bustacap> and maybe consider giving a presentation about the migration at a LUG as well..
[10:44:06] <horsey> nope fujitsu will discuss it with u later
[10:44:10] <bustacap> if you have time..
[10:44:15] <Fujitsu> It'd be good to make up a presentation.
[10:44:17] <Fujitsu> horsey, OK.
[10:44:21] <horsey> bustacap will once its done
[10:44:21] <bustacap> it could be a good plug for your business..
[10:44:31] <Fujitsu> And for Ubuntu :)
[10:44:32] <horsey> dont need to much more work LOL
[10:44:40] <horsey> ubuntu is more to the point
[10:44:40] <bustacap> yeah, I know..
[10:44:54] <jellyware> horsey, whats your website?
[10:45:11] <horsey> will put it up in my details after the meeting
[10:45:17] <Fujitsu> horsey.com.au? :P
[10:45:21] <horsey> lol
[10:45:29] <bustacap> I am definately interested in reading through the migration process, challenges faced and conquered, etc..
[10:45:33] <horsey> so do I have an ok to continue
[10:45:40] <bustacap> +1 from me for the diary on the new site
[10:45:44] <bimberi> absolutely!
[10:45:44] <horsey> challenges yes
[10:45:44] <jellyware> +1
[10:45:48] <Matthewv> +1
[10:45:48] <manicka> +1
[10:45:52] <Phlosten> +1
[10:45:56] <Fujitsu> +infinity
[10:46:02] <horsey> now phlosten has something to add as well
[10:46:05] <pschulz01> +1
[10:46:20] <Fujitsu> Phlosten, go ahead.
[10:46:21] <Phlosten> ok, in keeping with that same topic...
[10:46:53] <Phlosten> more than likely I will be heading to albury to help mr horsey with the installation process (ie make coffee)..
[10:46:59] <Fujitsu> Hahah
[10:47:05] <horsey> lol
[10:47:14] <horsey> he doesnt know what else he is going to have to do lol
[10:47:32] <Phlosten> now while I am there I am thinking about perhaps doing an interview with horsey to go along with the diary
[10:48:06] <Phlosten> was thinking part of that process would involve me collecting questions etc from the group to put together an interview
[10:48:16] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:48:43] <Phlosten> then we would have a diary of the process from the man, and also an outside perspective on it
[10:49:06] <Phlosten> ie more content for our wonderful site
[10:49:14] <horsey> will give full coverage of the project from both sides, phlosten can also talk with the ceo of the company
[10:49:14] <Matthewv> keep Fujitsu happy
[10:49:24] <Phlosten> horsey, ah yes that too
[10:49:29] <horsey> for an interview
[10:49:40] <Fujitsu> Heh.
[10:49:58] <jellyware> is that it?
[10:50:05] <jellyware> we done?
[10:50:22] <Phlosten> closer to the time I will email the list with suggestions etc, will talk to members on and off over the next few days to find out the important stuff to discuss
[10:50:24] <Fujitsu> Not quite.
[10:50:29] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:50:34] <Phlosten> few weeks rather
[10:50:35] <horsey> so it will take a few months to get completed but it will be worthwhile
[10:50:40] <bimberi> Phlosten: sounds great - a wikipage to collect questions?
[10:50:50] <Matthewv> +1 bimberi
[10:50:51] <Fujitsu> +1 bimberi
[10:50:55] <horsey> +1
[10:51:04] <Matthewv> maybe a subsection of the wiki for this
[10:51:11] <Matthewv> like the meetings area :)
[10:51:13] <horsey> matthewv yes please
[10:51:22] <Matthewv> anyway, gtg back after meeting see you all then
[10:51:29] <Phlosten> well I wanted to hold some questions back from horsey so that he doesnt have the heads up on everything ;)
[10:51:32] <Fujitsu> Bye Matthewv.
[10:51:37] <horsey> thanks mate
[10:51:40] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:51:43] <Phlosten> :D
[10:51:45] <horsey> nahh should be good
[10:51:47] <bimberi> Phlosten: ah, lol, fair enough
[10:51:49] <Fujitsu> Email to Phlosten, then?
[10:51:58] <jellyware> gotta go soon
[10:52:00] <bimberi> +1 Fujitsu
[10:52:03] <Fujitsu> OK, jellyware.
[10:52:05] <horsey> if its to hard he might end up in a packing box
[10:52:06] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, i'll send an email to the list for people to contact me
[10:52:13] <Fujitsu> OK, Phlosten.
[10:52:24] <Fujitsu> Or I could give you an @ubuntu.com.au one for the purpose...
[10:52:28] <Fujitsu> Or whatever purpose.
[10:52:28] <Phlosten> ok, i think that topic is pretty final for now
[10:52:30] <Fujitsu> OK.
[10:52:35] <horsey> yep done
[10:52:37] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, that would rock
[10:52:49] <Fujitsu> Phlosten, I'll talk to you later about it.
[10:52:52] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, i could make use of that for some local projects
[10:53:03] <Fujitsu> OK...
[10:53:12] <Phlosten> ok, next topic..
[10:53:12] <Fujitsu> Website content/promotion
[10:53:14] <Fujitsu> ----------------------------------------------
[10:53:47] <Phlosten> can we get together a list of places to promote the list and who is going to do that promotion?
[10:54:03] <pschulz01> The Fridge (do you want suggestions now?)
[10:54:05] <Fujitsu> In breaking news!
[10:54:10] <horsey> we actually need a promotion area
[10:54:10] <Phlosten> ie I wanted it promoted everywhere, but I don't want to double up
[10:54:11] <Fujitsu> YukiCuss is currently sick!
[10:54:18] <Fujitsu> That's why he hasn't been here.
[10:54:22] <horsey> ok
[10:54:46] <Fujitsu> Phlosten, a good idea.
[10:54:53] <pschulz01> Let jdub know!
[10:54:55] <Phlosten> Tatey has offered to promote on OCAU, so that is one, perhaps an email to the list might be in order to stir up suggestions?
[10:55:05] <Fujitsu> +1 Phlosten.
[10:55:10] <jellyware> +1
[10:55:13] <horsey> +1 Phlosten
[10:55:49] <Phlosten> looks like i'm going to be busy :)
[10:56:03] <horsey> yeah no complaining about being bored from now on ok
[10:56:05] <Fujitsu> You will.
[10:56:16] <Phlosten> but I have plenty of spare time atm
[10:56:18] <Fujitsu> Yeah, or I'll throw some more tasks at you :P
[10:56:20] <Fujitsu> Good!
[10:56:28] <Fujitsu> OK, that's settled.
[10:56:32] <Fujitsu> Next?
[10:56:34] <Phlosten> ok, next
[10:56:42] <Fujitsu> Software Freedom Day
[10:56:45] <Fujitsu> ----------------------------------------------------------
[10:56:52] <jellyware> +1
[10:56:54] <Fujitsu> (Phlosten, again)
[10:57:02] <Phlosten> yes me,....again!
[10:57:16] <Fujitsu> You do everything, Phlosten :)
[10:57:42] <Phlosten> I am preparing to do some big things with this day this year, just wanted to know if other ubuntu-au members are going to get involved etc
[10:57:57] <manicka> should we register a team
[10:57:59] <horsey> Phlosten will email you with my avail
[10:58:00] <Fujitsu> I probably will, but we need to work out some things to do.
[10:58:09] <bustacap> haha, I have a really cool idea for a media stunt to get some publicity..
[10:58:27] <Fujitsu> What, bustacap?
[10:58:28] <pschulz01> Janet Halkin did T-shirts and a logo for last year.. I can get the details.
[10:58:31] <Phlosten> i was planning on getting a page on ubuntu.com.au that we could add locations and events to regarding what will be happening re: SFD and ubuntu-au
[10:58:35] <pschulz01> I'm in!
[10:58:43] <Fujitsu> OK, Phlosten.
[10:58:53] <Fujitsu> I think you can add pages, but I'm not usre.
[10:58:55] <horsey> yep
[10:58:55] <Phlosten> we can slowly build on it over the coming months
[10:58:57] <Fujitsu> *sure.
[10:59:01] * Fujitsu checks.
[10:59:10] <bustacap> we make up a big paper mache mock "Windows XP" box (without infringing trademarks) - then have somebody break out of the box in a penguin suit with an ubuntu logo on it's stomach :D
[10:59:16] * bustacap is a crackpot..
[10:59:23] <Phlosten> just giving peoples brains a poke! get thinking about what you can do on SFD to promote ubuntu
[10:59:31] <Fujitsu> Hahah.
[10:59:38] <Phlosten> bustacap, lol
[10:59:39] * Fujitsu laughs at bustacap's idea.
[10:59:40] <bimberi> lol bustacap
[10:59:49] <horsey> lol
[10:59:51] <Phlosten> no naked chicks?
[10:59:53] <jellyware> drugs are too cheap these days
[11:00:13] <pschulz01> I made a contact today that can be used to promote through the Education department.
[11:00:15] <Phlosten> ok, i will email the list re this idea as well...
[11:00:32] <Fujitsu> Good, pschulz01!
[11:00:44] <pschulz01> (Eg. included in national newsletter sent to teachers involved with ICT).
[11:00:45] <Phlosten> Fujitsu, i shall send you the page idea for the site
[11:00:55] <Phlosten> pschulz01, excellent
[11:00:56] <Fujitsu> OK, thanks Phlosten.
[11:01:07] <pschulz01> Will find out more this week.
[11:01:21] <Fujitsu> That's SA covered, then :P
[11:01:26] <Phlosten> cool
[11:01:36] <Phlosten> ok, done with all those topics then?
[11:01:47] <Fujitsu> YukiCuss and I shall be beginning converting servers from the middle of June.
[11:01:55] <Fujitsu> 2 or 3 at school are proposed to be Dapperised.
[11:02:07] <Phlosten> 6.06ised
[11:02:09] <jellyware> hey fuji. did you see drupal 4.7 is out...
[11:02:10] <pschulz01> :-)
[11:02:12] <Phlosten> :)
[11:02:12] <Fujitsu> True.
[11:02:20] <Fujitsu> jellyware, I upgraded this afternoon :)
[11:02:23] <horsey> fujitsu you should do a diary for that as well
[11:02:26] <Fujitsu> It involved rewriting the theme, but it works.
[11:02:27] <Phlosten> ok are we ready to hear from pschulz01 now?
[11:02:31] <Fujitsu> I plan to, horsey.
[11:02:31] <jellyware> sweet fuji
[11:02:35] <Fujitsu> Yes Phlosten.
[11:02:42] <Fujitsu> Connecting Up '06
[11:02:44] * Phlosten presses the pschulz01 play button
[11:02:46] <Fujitsu> ---------------------------------------------------
[11:02:53] <jellyware> anyone need breezy install discs?
[11:03:00] <horsey> yes
[11:03:00] <pschulz01> cheers...
[11:03:02] <jellyware> going cheap (free)\
[11:03:04] <Phlosten> crackle, crackle, crackle............
[11:03:12] * Fujitsu hits stop :P
[11:03:16] * Fujitsu hits play again.
[11:03:16] <pschulz01> Connecting Up 06 - A conferance to progress ICT strategies by
[11:03:21] <pschulz01> Not-for-profit and community organisation.
[11:03:26] <pschulz01> Ran a booth for Linux Australia, and gave away Ubuntu CD's.
[11:03:30] <pschulz01> Ordered 300 Ubuntu 5.10 CD's, 200 left.
[11:03:30] <pschulz01> I will see if I can sent them to 'LinuxAustralia' for CeBIT.
[11:03:35] <Fujitsu> Hmm.
[11:03:35] <pschulz01> Some interesting points:
[11:03:41] <Fujitsu> Only 100, but not too bad.
[11:03:42] <pschulz01> Had a couple of questions about running Ubuntu on new intel Macs
[11:03:44] <pschulz01> (anyone know?), including live CD.
[11:03:44] <pschulz01> I guess I can just as on #ubuntu+1
[11:03:55] <pschulz01> (The biggie...)
[11:03:59] <pschulz01> The crowd was very MS centric, with the dinner speaker saying things
[11:03:59] <pschulz01> like 'open source is OK, nut not yet ready for the main stream'
[11:03:59] <pschulz01> (www.getmega.com). Microsoft are pushing their 'Unlimited Potential'
[11:03:59] <pschulz01> program. This allows PC refervishers to put Win2000 or NT on older
[11:03:59] <pschulz01> PC's at little or no cost for supply to not-for-profit and healthcare
[11:04:01] <pschulz01> card holders etc. There were three groups at the conference which are
[11:04:01] <Fujitsu> pschulz01, best to check on #ubuntu+1.
[11:04:03] <pschulz01> doing this.. one of these groups is using Open Office.
[11:04:18] <Fujitsu> Good.
[11:04:18] <pschulz01> (pause)
[11:04:31] <Fujitsu> Although it'd be nice if they all did.
[11:04:37] <pschulz01> The good news, of the people that came to visit the stall, over half
[11:04:37] <pschulz01> said they were using Open Office already.
[11:04:42] <Fujitsu> Nice!
[11:04:47] <pschulz01> Druple got a really good rap at the the Linux Australia presentation.
[11:04:49] <Fujitsu> So further conversion should be easier.
[11:04:54] <Fujitsu> Drupal, you mean?
[11:04:54] <Phlosten> excellent
[11:05:05] <horsey> great news
[11:05:23] <pschulz01> Sorry , yes.. a member of the audience (a manager) said that
[11:05:39] <pschulz01> their developer had 3 days save by someone else fixing the bug.
[11:05:44] <Fujitsu> Heh
[11:05:48] <pschulz01> s/save/saved/
[11:06:02] <pschulz01> or adding the feature...
[11:06:23] <pschulz01> Pictures: http://www.mawsonlakes.org/media/misc/cu06
[11:06:29] <pschulz01> (off you all go..)
[11:06:52] <pschulz01> 00004 - things that went into the stall..
[11:07:12] <bustacap> just a question pschulz01 - you said there were 3 groups at the conf - who were the other 2??
[11:07:17] <pschulz01> 00011 - The final panel on using ICT on not-for-profit groups
[11:07:24] <pschulz01> 00012 - The stall
[11:08:12] <pschulz01> 'smith family', 'work ventres' and (lookingit up..)
[11:08:17] <Fujitsu> OK.
[11:08:36] <Fujitsu> Is that it?
[11:08:45] <pschulz01> almost
[11:08:53] <pschulz01> .. sorry can't find it.
[11:09:01] <pschulz01> Some ideas...
[11:09:02] <bustacap> that's alright..
[11:09:06] <Fujitsu> OK.
[11:09:28] <Phlosten> pschulz01, good work *big pat on the back*
[11:09:31] <pschulz01> Contact PCAuthority and get Ubuntu 6.06 released with the Magazine
[11:09:33] <horsey> well done
[11:09:44] <horsey> great idea
[11:09:46] <Fujitsu> A good idea, pschulz01.
[11:09:46] <pschulz01> I don't see how else we can get 6.06 out fast enough.
[11:09:47] <Phlosten> awesome idea
[11:09:56] <Fujitsu> I might contact APC and do the same, as I subscribe.
[11:09:56] <pschulz01> They have done it before
[11:10:08] <horsey> we should do that guys
[11:10:08] <pschulz01> with ubuntu.
[11:10:11] <horsey> would be great
[11:10:13] <Fujitsu> They have a Linux distro on each month, but Breezy was only there a couple of months later.
[11:10:21] <Phlosten> is there still an Australian Linux magazine?
[11:10:23] <bimberi> i think they will be interested as it will help their sales
[11:10:24] <bustacap> haha - I think your Linux Australia stall was a bit one-sided to Ubuntu (not that there's anything wrong with that..)
[11:10:51] <pschulz01> Oh well..
[11:10:59] <pschulz01> That is all.. questions?
[11:11:11] <Fujitsu> It'll mean that we can get 6.06 out to a large number of people within a couple of weeks of release...
[11:11:13] <horsey> nope none from me
[11:11:32] <Phlosten> pschulz01, is there anything you felt you could have done better should you do it again? lessons learned?
[11:11:35] <pschulz01> Note the dodgy monitor stand :-)
[11:11:37] <horsey> as long as our web site is used as well
[11:11:50] <bimberi> i'm sure shipit will be overwhelmed and anyone on dialup will jump at the chance
[11:11:55] <pschulz01> I neaded a Linux Australia banner, but it wasn;t able to make it.
[11:12:15] <Fujitsu> So, any other ideas for magazines to ask?
[11:12:25] <bustacap> bimberi, is shipit offering some Dapperage yet?
[11:12:26] <horsey> fujitsu will think about it
[11:12:29] <pschulz01> Having ubunut cd's (with Windows software) to give away is awesom
[11:12:34] <Fujitsu> bustacap, not yet.
[11:12:36] <Phlosten> i suppose New Idea is out of the question?
[11:12:41] <bustacap> +1 pschulz01
[11:12:43] <Fujitsu> Preorder will be available shortly, I believe.
[11:12:45] <Fujitsu> Yes, Phlosten :)
[11:12:47] <Phlosten> sorry...bad joke :)
[11:12:47] <horsey> was thinking one of the australian business mags might be an idea
[11:13:01] <pschulz01> Don't get upset by the MS hype...
[11:13:02] <bustacap> Phlosten, Dapper and a free sachet of Oil of Ulay
[11:13:06] <Phlosten> who else sticks cd's to the front of their mags?
[11:13:07] <Fujitsu> Haahhahaha
[11:13:16] <horsey> BRW has twice
[11:13:20] <bimberi> horsey: absolutely - is there an Australian CIO mag?
[11:13:23] <Phlosten> with the Windows install cd face cream applicator
[11:13:28] <bustacap> haha
[11:13:30] <Phlosten> its all it is good for
[11:13:41] <maskd> could try all the pc mags in australia, there are a few
[11:13:43] <horsey> bimberi not sure will check
[11:13:48] <maskd> oh woops nevermind that
[11:13:48] <pschulz01> The PC industry is full of it (it is the only thing they understand). Their cunstomers are starting to know different.
[11:13:58] <bustacap> I got a Windows Vista Beta coaster with the 6 pack of Boags I bought last week..
[11:14:09] <bimberi> horsey: no I will - you're doing enough :)
[11:14:11] <Phlosten> bustacap, really?
[11:14:16] <horsey> bustacap thats the marketing we need
[11:14:26] <Phlosten> i would have thought that would devalue the boags?
[11:14:26] <horsey> bimberi used to it thanks
[11:14:34] <bustacap> what - sarcastic marketing :)
[11:14:56] <horsey> bustacap no something like some advertising on a V8 supercar...
[11:15:00] <Phlosten> i should set up a display in the local shopping mall...
[11:15:03] <bustacap> cunstomers - now that's a Freudian slip if I have ever seen one :D
[11:15:12] <Phlosten> after our local LUG is formed
[11:15:20] <bimberi> http://www.cio.com.au/
[11:15:25] <Phlosten> there will soon be a DLUG
[11:15:31] <pschulz01> Can't think of anything else... just finished today. Thanks (out)
[11:15:39] <Fujitsu> Thanks, pschulz01!
[11:15:44] <Phlosten> pschulz01, excellent
[11:15:46] <bustacap> cheers
[11:15:55] <horsey> well done a round of applause
[11:16:06] <pschulz01> Thunk ya!
[11:16:21] <horsey> are we done ?
[11:16:29] <Phlosten> i'd say we are done
[11:16:33] <pschulz01> Thanks to Linux Australia for sponsorship.
[11:16:35] <Phlosten> a very good meeting indeed
[11:16:40] <horsey> a huge one
[11:16:41] <Fujitsu> Well, that's it.
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