- Domain Name
Propose we use ubuntu-au.org as our domain (ie. when directing people to our site). This is the one made available to LoCo Teams (see the "Web Sites" section of the LoCoTeams page). -- DavidSymons (bimberi)
Propose that other domains available to us (such as ubuntu.com.au) redirect after briefly showing a redirection page - again to project that ubuntu-au.org (or whatever we decide) is the team's domain. -- DavidSymons (bimberi)
- Case Studies
I am keen to hear from anyone who has any relevent Australian case studies of the use of Ubuntu in a Not-for-profit, Non-government or Community Organisation. For a list of possible topics see PaulSchulz/NotForProfitDocumentation. I would appriciate 5 minutes to gather suggestions -- PaulSchulz (pschulz01)
On the same direction I would also appreciate any information on instanced of Ubuntu the education system. I already have a few leads on some projects, but the more the merrier. - AndrewSwinn (Phlosten)
AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006May16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:59 by localhost)