Notebooks With A Different Distro
See also: AustralianTeam/Projects/UbuntuFriendlyNotebooks
Some vendors do support Linux on their systems, but not specifically Ubuntu. This normally implies a high degree of Linux compatibility, and there's usually a good chance that they can be made to work well with Ubuntu. However, compatibility might be problematic if binary drivers are required.
Retailers Who Will Supply Notebooks With A Different Distribution of Linux
The ASUS Eee PC arrives pre-installed with Xandros Linux. Xandros is Debian-based, not unlike Ubuntu. This laptop is known to work with Ubuntu.
AustralianTeam/Projects/HardwareDocumentation/NotebooksWithADifferentDistro (last edited 2011-02-27 00:37:29 by CPE-58-174-73-150)