September Team Meeting - This meeting was on the 11th of September 2011 and attended by 8 team members
The team was updated on release parties happening throughout the country. JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) emailed the list about the Brisbane release party and jpickett (sagaci on IRC) emailed the mailing list about the Sydney release party.
jpickett (sagaci on IRC) updated the team on en-Au translations for Oneiric and called for anyone interested in helping out after the documentation freeze. jpickett (sagaci on IRC) also let everyone know that the en-AU Translation Jam on Saturday 3rd September went well. At least 3000 strings were translated!
Discussion continued on providing truly localized CD images to Australian Ubuntu users. A Launchpad blueprint has been created to facilitate this. It will be "real and in full flight by 12.04 LTS". A wiki page is to be set up with customisation thoughts for the local version.
The team is hoping we're approaching the final iteration of the the Ubuntu-Au Mission Statement soon.
JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) is to set up an Ubuntu-Au Youtube account for sharing videos useful to other Ubuntu users.
JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) updated the mailing list on the next Ubuntu User Days.
Last but most certainly not least: The Australian Ubuntu LoCo Team has gained re-approval! It's been great to see people putting in the effort and as just rewards we're an official LoCo again!
AustralianTeam/TeamReports/11/September (last edited 2011-09-26 15:47:01 by ppp29D1)