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This is the home page for the Australian Ubuntu Local Community Team. We also exist on [ Launchpad].BRThe Australian team focuses on distributing, advertising and demonstrating Ubuntu within Australia. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, business and home users. ([:AustralianTeam/Old:more...]) |
IRC: #ubuntu-au on[ Via Shoutbox in your browser] BR[ Ubuntu-au mailing list] |
Meetings: held fortnightly on MondaysBRNext Meeting: [ 02 October, 1000UTC] in #ubuntu-au.BRSee [:AustralianTeam/Meetings] for more info |
Team Contact: MelissaDraper |
Members: BR See the [wiki:AustralianTeam/Members/NewMembers New Members] page if you are interested in joining. BR [:AustralianTeam/Members:Members List]BR[ Frappr! Group Map] | NEW!! [ Flickr Ubuntu-Au group!] |
Projects: BR See [wiki:AustralianTeam/Projects Projects page] BR For: [:AustralianTeam/Projects#head-f1172a37c1d8bb9c320355c1b17000c2ec66e3ad:Home] | [:AustralianTeam/Projects#head-081bdace2055181a453fea1712d91e67f6c9e5d1:Schools] | [:AustralianTeam/Projects#head-051a9d2deb6d8bfcdb50aa5671c060c69ffead0c:Businesses] | [:AustralianTeam/Projects#head-38f2b7da2162914f0d4606c98286af634f45f112:Not-for-Profit] BR Other: [:AustralianTranslationTeam:Localisation] | [wiki:AustralianTeam/Projects/UbuntuFriendlyNotebooks Ubuntu Friendly Notebooks] |
Ubuntu in Australia: BR See [ Customisation] to customise Ubuntu for Australia |
Quick Links: [:AustralianTeam/Talks:Talks] | [:AustralianTeam/LocalCDDistribution:Local CD Distribution] | [:AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Sep18:Previous Meeting] |
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This new page for the AustralianTeam has replaced the old page at [:AustralianTeam/Old] . Please send comments/feedback to MatthewVermeulen. BR This message will be removed within a few weeks. |
AustralianTeam (last edited 2021-06-19 02:37:09 by guiverc)