Announcing... the Badger Badger Badger Tour! JeffWaugh will be travelling for a month and a half, criss-crossing the northern hemisphere, to bring the world of Ubuntu to your doorstep. Expect badgers, mushrooms, schnaaaaaakes, an awful lot of Ubuntu CDs, and a healthy dose of madcap hijinks. If you'd like to catch up with Jeff during the tour, add your details to this page or send him an email!
Each section includes a list of people or groups I'll be catching up with. I will try to include contact details where possible, so anyone checking out this page can join in. Please email me if you would like contact details for a particular item.
Boston, USA: October 7th - 11th
Hanging out with all the GNOMErs at the Boston Summit, 8th - 10th
Keeping up appearances at the only place to be seen this year, the Acetarium.
London, UK: October 12th - 15th
Visiting the South London office
12th: Cambridge debian-uk mafia and 'formal hall' with MatthewGarrett (arranging), RobertMcQueen, ColinWatson, etc.
14th: GLLUG, organising with DeanWilson
15th: Wolves LUG meeting in Wolverhampton, catch up with StuartLangridge and LugRadio folks?
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: October 17th - 20th
18th: MartijnVanDeStreek's birthday (some Lugradio people are coming as well)
19th: Talk to compsci students and beer with the DutchTeam!
Milan, Italy: October 22nd - 23rd
Presenting two talks at Smau e-Academy
22nd: SebastianoMestre and other Italian Ubuntites. Please see Ubuntu Dinner
Mérida, Extremadura, Spain: October 24th - 25th
Presenting at the Open Source World Conference
Montreal, Canada: October 26th - November 6th
Action and adventure at UbuntuBelowZero!
Major Cities Tour
The following groups around the USA (and Canada!) have managed to rearrange my schedule through petition power! I'll be visiting all of them on my way from Canada to Mexico. Come along if you're nearby!
Toronto, Canada: November 7th
Toronto Ubuntu lovers, including TLUG and Ubuntu Toronto LoCo team!
Washington DC, November 8th
NoVALUG in Washington DC and Northern Virginia
Princeton, November 9th
LUG/IP and other groups in New Jersey!
Raleigh/Durham, November 10th
TriLUG and nearby groups in North Carolina... at their meeting location: Red Hat World Headquarters!
Portland OR, USA: November 29
The Last Badger at Portland State University with PLUG (see announcement for details)
BadgerBadgerBadgerTour (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:17 by localhost)