
  1. Mailing List - The list is now active. We need to ensure that members take the time to join the list.
  2. Meeting Times - No other suggestions have been put forward, so the new proposal has been accepted.
  3. Focus Groups - There are still open spaces with other focus group areas.
  4. Recruitment - Active and passive recruitment ideas, along with welcoming users to the IRC Channel.

Meeting Minutes

Mailing List

Meeting Times

  • Given that there were no more ideas for meeting times, the Thursday/Saturday alternation has been changed to Fridays alternating with Saturdays, GMT time. Keep an eye on the Beginners Team sub-forum for any meeting changes and upcoming times.

Focus Groups

  • Forum - activity has increased among the Team Members. Thank you for the extra effort and making us more visible to the people.
  • IRC - still has spots open for people to take part, though the responsibilities and ideas still need to be discussed.
  • Wiki - Additional members are needed here as well, there has been a task list sent out through the mailing list, please check in if you would like to add ideas to it, or begin to work on those ideas which need to be completed.
  • Launchpad - Current posts are being caught up, though there still is a backlog that needs to be taken care of. Please consider lending a hand here as well.
  • Hardware - Hardware seems to have been merged with the Beginners Team, so we will be looking for those to take part with this area.


  • IRC Welcoming needs to try to increase, occasionally users slip past while we are AFK or other issues, and we could be missing potential recruits in that respect.
  • For those that might be good to join the team, perhaps consider sending them a PM regarding the team and what we do and where we need help.

Next Meeting Time @ 03:00 GMT June 24th 2007.


BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20070614 (last edited 2008-09-13 18:13:33 by c-69-253-233-196)