Log of meeting on 5/6/08





Find users to help update the Community wiki to be up to speed with Hardy Heron.


BT Tracker (like the UA Tracker) - a work in progress. Mention and discuss it.


Anybody interested in setting up and/or mentoring in #ubuntu-classroom?


Is there an interest in a Beginner Team Avatar, or group of avatars


May 06 19:04:48 <Rocket2DMn> bodhi_zazen, lets roll

May 06 19:04:54 <bodhi_zazen> OK , meeting started paultag


May 06 19:05:22 <bodhi_zazen> want to run through the teams / foxus groups ?

May 06 19:05:33 <bodhi_zazen> Forums :

May 06 19:06:01 <bodhi_zazen> Forums were updated , as you know

May 06 19:06:21 <bodhi_zazen> old features will be brought on line ASAP

May 06 19:06:22 <st33med> yes, as we know, jacob crashed the databases

May 06 19:06:25 <st33med> Wink ;)

May 06 19:06:26 <Bodsda> yeah, it caused havoc in #ubuntu

May 06 19:06:30 <bodhi_zazen> new features are available

May 06 19:06:45 <bodhi_zazen> ie social groups

May 06 19:06:56 <bodhi_zazen> Othewise forums have been brisk

May 06 19:07:15 <bodhi_zazen> I suggest a heron themed avatar for a month, copy mine if you like

May 06 19:07:27 <bodhi_zazen> theme for beginners team

May 06 19:07:36 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: +1, I like it

May 06 19:07:47 <bodhi_zazen> I have been impressed with the dedication of the team in general, keep up the good work

May 06 19:07:59 <Rocket2DMn> you guys can download and use this avatar:


May 06 19:08:11 <bodhi_zazen> thank you for bringing difficult threads here, and threads needing moderation

May 06 19:08:25 <tronyx> tronyx dominated that avatar

May 06 19:08:34 <Rocket2DMn> +1

May 06 19:08:38 <bodhi_zazen> thanks tronyx

May 06 19:08:58 <tronyx> lmao yw

May 06 19:09:04 <bodhi_zazen> focus group : IRC

May 06 19:09:16 <bodhi_zazen> any issues here ?

May 06 19:09:20 <Rocket2DMn> aj and joe aren't here

May 06 19:09:28 <bodhi_zazen> how is the ##beginners-help chanel working ?

May 06 19:09:42 <st33med> well

May 06 19:09:44 <st33med> swell

May 06 19:09:46 <bodhi_zazen> nice

May 06 19:09:48 <Bodsda> slow but alright st33med has been working his ass off lately

May 06 19:09:55 <st33med> you got that right

May 06 19:09:56 <bodhi_zazen> ping me there if needed

May 06 19:10:13 <bodhi_zazen> other irc issues ?

May 06 19:10:14 <Rocket2DMn> same here, i sit in there but dont check often enough to catch new users

May 06 19:10:21 <st33med> btw is it ok to install a canon printer driver that is RPM via alien?


May 06 19:10:34 <bodhi_zazen> Focus group : Wiki

May 06 19:10:40 <paultag> st33med: bring it to beginners

May 06 19:10:42 <bodhi_zazen> st33med, yes, as a last resort

May 06 19:10:48 <Rocket2DMn> yes wiki

May 06 19:10:49 <st33med> bodhi_zazen, there is no dev

May 06 19:10:55 <st33med> *.deb

May 06 19:11:00 <bodhi_zazen> comments Rocket2DMn re wiki ?

May 06 19:11:02 <Old_Soldier> what about source?

May 06 19:11:06 <Rocket2DMn> so if any of the Focus Groups want a wiki page, let me know, we now have one for the wiki team and security team

May 06 19:11:13 <Old_Soldier> id compile beofre i aliened tbh

May 06 19:11:15 <st33med> Old_Soldier, to ##beginners-help

May 06 19:11:28 <Rocket2DMn> on another wiki note:

May 06 19:12:00 <Rocket2DMn> the community documentation is now outdated because of hardy, so if there is something you are good at, it would be helpful to update community docs at help.ubuntu.com/community

May 06 19:12:06 <bodhi_zazen> OOps ...

May 06 19:12:10 <Rocket2DMn> just take it slow and easy since we don't own that space

May 06 19:12:29 <bodhi_zazen> If you see something that should be added here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=773851

May 06 19:12:34 <bodhi_zazen> please let me know

May 06 19:12:44 <bodhi_zazen> My thoughts re: wiki

May 06 19:12:55 <bodhi_zazen> the wiki is a complex structure .. . May 06 19:13:11 <bodhi_zazen> One goal I had was to get BT memebers to wiki

May 06 19:13:38 <bodhi_zazen> My thought was to get experience writing FAQ or frequent forums answers to the BT wiki pages

May 06 19:14:05 <bodhi_zazen> If you want to work on the wiki in general :

May 06 19:14:18 <bodhi_zazen> 1. consider joining the wiki mailing team

May 06 19:14:40 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, can you add a link for that to our BT wiki focus group page ?

May 06 19:15:01 <bodhi_zazen> 2. Do not re-create the wheel. If a wiki page exists update / modify that

May 06 19:15:27 <bodhi_zazen> for example, search the wiki pages for encryption, I think there are 12 wiki pages on encryption.

May 06 19:15:46 <Rocket2DMn> bodhi_zazen, do you have the link to join the mailing group?

May 06 19:15:46 <bodhi_zazen> better consolidate them all into 1 or 2 more complete pages

May 06 19:15:59 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, yea, I can get it in a sec

May 06 19:16:14 <bodhi_zazen> 3. If you need help w/ wik ask

May 06 19:16:21 <Rocket2DMn> <--- ask

May 06 19:16:27 <bodhi_zazen> I am on the mailing team and there is also #ubutu-doc

May 06 19:17:14 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu

May 06 19:18:09 <Rocket2DMn> ok thank you

May 06 19:18:26 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, this is better : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/

May 06 19:18:52 <bodhi_zazen> Ah , here : https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc

May 06 19:18:54 <Rocket2DMn> do you want people to help on help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com

May 06 19:19:04 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, either

May 06 19:19:14 <bodhi_zazen> any other wiki info ?

May 06 19:19:29 <Rocket2DMn> nope


May 06 19:19:47 <bodhi_zazen> OK, security team ?

May 06 19:20:01 <Rocket2DMn> tronyx, ping

May 06 19:20:11 <bodhi_zazen> There is an influx of new users, make sure they understand security

May 06 19:20:13 <bodhi_zazen> lol

May 06 19:20:33 <tronyx> yo

May 06 19:20:37 <Old_Soldier> please oh please write up something about shileds up and "stealth"

May 06 19:20:47 <paultag> ahaha

May 06 19:20:48 <Bodsda> security is flogged off in #ubuntu -- people ask about and are told not to bother

May 06 19:20:48 <bodhi_zazen> Old_Soldier, good one

May 06 19:20:48 <Old_Soldier> i don't have the patience or niceness to handle that

May 06 19:20:50 <paultag> tronyx: give them a website

May 06 19:20:56 <tronyx> we need a wiki entry that says "if you ask about shields up you get stabbed like a mother fucker"

May 06 19:21:08 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, that is bad advice

May 06 19:21:18 <bodhi_zazen> at least link 'em to the security thread

May 06 19:21:19 <vor-ubuntu> tronyx: Haha

May 06 19:21:24 <bodhi_zazen> Linux severs can be hacked

May 06 19:21:36 <Bodsda> bodhi_zazen, not me giving it -- but i see it alot, and dont know enough about security to correct them

May 06 19:21:45 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, jsut post the link

May 06 19:21:49 <Bodsda> what link?

May 06 19:21:55 <tronyx> bodhi_zazen's security link is the best thing for beginners

May 06 19:22:04 <Bodsda> tronyx, link me plz

May 06 19:22:04 <bodhi_zazen> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812

May 06 19:22:06 <paultag> tronyx++;

May 06 19:22:06 <Bodsda> ty

May 06 19:22:12 <Bodsda> bookmarked

May 06 19:22:17 <tronyx> i have honestly though of, "how can i write a better guide" i cannot. it is simple, straight to the point and right there

May 06 19:22:39 <bodhi_zazen> That link was written by me and reviewed by the staff (mods & admins)

May 06 19:22:42 <bodhi_zazen> and tronx

May 06 19:22:49 <tronyx> people that post "how can i secure my system" in the security section, right below bodhi_zazen's sticky will most likely not properly secure their box

May 06 19:22:53 <Bodsda> il talk to #ubuntu-ops about getting a !security added with that link

May 06 19:23:11 <bodhi_zazen> thanks Bodsda


May 06 19:23:23 <bodhi_zazen> Launchpad team ?

May 06 19:23:32 <bodhi_zazen> I am not that active on launchpad

May 06 19:23:47 <Rocket2DMn> toxicity isn't here

May 06 19:23:49 * Bodsda damn launchpad havent even replied to my bug report

May 06 19:23:54 <bodhi_zazen> Am I forgetting any focus group ?

May 06 19:24:01 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, be patient

May 06 19:24:05 <Old_Soldier> bug reports take time Bodsa

May 06 19:24:08 * Bodsda i know -- lol

May 06 19:24:17 <bodhi_zazen> they fixed my bug, and I got an e-mail Smile :)

May 06 19:24:24 <Bodsda> lucky you -- ;~)

May 06 19:24:30 <bodhi_zazen> yes, twas nice

May 06 19:24:33 <bodhi_zazen> took a year

May 06 19:24:34 <Old_Soldier> : )

May 06 19:24:36 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: well ar'nt you special

May 06 19:24:36 <Bodsda> hahaha

May 06 19:25:23 <bodhi_zazen> OK next to the agenda then

May 06 19:25:32 <bodhi_zazen> I think we covered #1

May 06 19:25:39 <bodhi_zazen> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BTMeetings

Beginners Team Tracker

May 06 19:25:53 <bodhi_zazen> #2 BT tracker

May 06 19:26:03 <Rocket2DMn> yes, the tracker, a work in progress

May 06 19:26:13 <bodhi_zazen> the tracker for UA was down after forums upgrade

May 06 19:26:14 <Old_Soldier> if you guys wanna launchpad thats a good candidate

May 06 19:26:22 <bodhi_zazen> BT tracker in progress

May 06 19:26:24 <Rocket2DMn> the Unanswered Posts team has an simple online tracker with a FF plugin

May 06 19:26:37 <Rocket2DMn> I got my hands on the code and modified it to our purposes, but it's still not complete

May 06 19:26:48 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, need help ?

May 06 19:26:53 <Rocket2DMn> Kidders, the guy who wrote the UA tracker code suggested we might modify it to work for both teams on the same site

May 06 19:26:57 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: I will donate some of my server, and time to get it working

May 06 19:26:58 <Old_Soldier> Rocket2DMn: change the icon please

May 06 19:27:08 <Rocket2DMn> he's hard to get ahold of, but that might be a more interesting path to take

May 06 19:27:08 <Old_Soldier> for those of us on both teams...

May 06 19:27:25 <Rocket2DMn> we already have serverspace on codechunk.net

May 06 19:27:33 <bodhi_zazen> I encourage team members to join UA

May 06 19:27:38 <Rocket2DMn> http://bt.codechunk.net/

May 06 19:27:38 <paultag> ok, Rocket2DMn: I have a godaddy server, if we need it

May 06 19:27:41 <paultag> ok

May 06 19:27:42 <paultag> cool then

May 06 19:27:46 <bodhi_zazen> OK, I am going to skip to #4

May 06 19:27:52 <Bodsda> whats #4?

May 06 19:27:56 <Bodsda> what happened to #3?

May 06 19:27:58 <Rocket2DMn> i wont be able to get to work on it for another month or so though, so it's on hold

BT Title/Avatar

May 06 19:28:12 <bodhi_zazen> #4 is an offshoot of the idea of a BT title / avatar on the fourms

May 06 19:28:17 <Bodsda> ok

May 06 19:28:20 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BTMeetings

May 06 19:28:30 <Bodsda> aaahhh,., got ya

May 06 19:28:33 <Rocket2DMn> I just want to use the tracker for posts that you need help with

May 06 19:28:51 <bodhi_zazen> We can not do custom titles, but we could do a team avatar or avatar themes

May 06 19:28:54 <Rocket2DMn> some people use the UA tracker for all posts, i think that is overkill and floods with useless links to posts

May 06 19:29:02 <bodhi_zazen> Is there any interest ?

May 06 19:29:12 <bodhi_zazen> Interest in "senior" memvers only ?

May 06 19:29:15 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I'll follow it

May 06 19:29:15 <Old_Soldier> Rocket2DMn: thats what aj wanted

May 06 19:29:15 <Bodsda> i can do a few nifty things in gimp

May 06 19:29:17 <bodhi_zazen> *members

May 06 19:29:31 <overdrank> sounds good bodhi_zazen

May 06 19:29:42 <Rocket2DMn> i'm down, already got my hardy avatar

May 06 19:29:46 <y_lee> i agree sounds good

May 06 19:29:57 <Old_Soldier> yep got the bird going here too

May 06 19:30:01 <bodhi_zazen> Same avatar for everyone , or themes ?

May 06 19:30:03 <paultag> I got the bird

May 06 19:30:10 <vor-ubuntu> I'd be up for it

May 06 19:30:18 <Rocket2DMn> bodhi_zazen, what do you mean by themes

May 06 19:30:18 <overdrank> same avatar

May 06 19:30:30 <bodhi_zazen> We can pick a theme like sex gods

May 06 19:30:36 <paultag> ahahahahahaha

May 06 19:30:38 <paultag> lets do it

May 06 19:30:44 <Old_Soldier> who was it that had the hot lesbian cousin for wallpapaer...

May 06 19:30:47 <bodhi_zazen> and everyone may choose their own sex-god avatar

May 06 19:30:52 <tronyx> y_lee i think

May 06 19:30:53 <Old_Soldier> i want that as our avatar...

May 06 19:30:54 <Rocket2DMn> that's hot

May 06 19:30:57 <vor-ubuntu> Haha

May 06 19:31:01 <overdrank> lol I like better

May 06 19:31:09 <overdrank> do you approve them bodhi_zazen

May 06 19:31:10 <paultag> ill get a pic of myself

May 06 19:31:14 <y_lee> cousin pic was me

May 06 19:31:22 <bodhi_zazen> Same avatar has the advantage in that it identifies the team

May 06 19:31:23 <Rocket2DMn> paultag, that would need some major photoshopping buddy

May 06 19:31:25 <Bodsda> well everyones blaitantly gonna post a pic of themselves

May 06 19:31:29 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: haha

May 06 19:31:33 <Bodsda> lol

May 06 19:31:38 <bodhi_zazen> in which case, for sex god you get compiledkernel link

May 06 19:31:52 <paultag> hey, who wants a free iPod

May 06 19:31:58 <bodhi_zazen> lol

May 06 19:32:10 <Old_Soldier> compiled is gonna be giving away free sparc10s soon lol

May 06 19:32:15 <paultag> lol

May 06 19:32:26 <Bodsda> there was a troll in #ubuntu the other day using ck links so i !copyright 'ed him

May 06 19:32:39 <bodhi_zazen> If we use a tem avatar, I suggest a "core" image and people can add to that image w/ the gimp

May 06 19:32:46 <paultag> ahaha, Bodsda: CompildedKernel

May 06 19:32:46 <tronyx> afk for dinner guys, i hope someone taking minutes

May 06 19:32:57 <tronyx> i'll catch up on them once they are uploaded and if need be, get back to the appropriate people asap

May 06 19:33:04 <bodhi_zazen> Like for example, start w/ bird , add/subtract, etc

May 06 19:33:10 <Bodsda> bye

May 06 19:33:16 <Rocket2DMn> thats a lot of work

May 06 19:33:16 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I like it

May 06 19:33:21 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: nah

May 06 19:33:26 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: one time for a sweet team theme

May 06 19:33:46 <Bodsda> the core pic would have to stand out so the avatars can be noticely grouped

May 06 19:33:46 <bodhi_zazen> sex god :

  • http://www.3pointd.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/rocky1.jpg

May 06 19:33:59 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: hahaha

May 06 19:34:02 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, yea

May 06 19:34:14 <overdrank> na not that bodhi_zazen

May 06 19:34:19 <overdrank> Sad :(

May 06 19:34:22 <paultag> what about the hardy, and just add shit that we think is cool?

May 06 19:34:28 <Bodsda> il av a bit of that -- oh fuck me ,, my dreams come true

May 06 19:34:49 <bodhi_zazen> paultag, that works

May 06 19:34:58 <bodhi_zazen> paultag, you mean the current bitd ?

May 06 19:35:01 <paultag> yeah

May 06 19:35:02 <bodhi_zazen> or something else

May 06 19:35:10 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I have it in GIMP now, I can clear out the ubu logo, and we can add stuff

May 06 19:35:23 * Joeb454 (n=Joe@unaffiliated/joeb454) has joined #ubuntuforums-beginners

May 06 19:35:23 * ChanServ gives voice to Joeb454

May 06 19:35:31 <Bodsda> paultag, can u link me to the raw bird imagge plz

May 06 19:35:39 <paultag> ill post in a sec

May 06 19:35:42 <paultag> as an idea

May 06 19:35:42 <bodhi_zazen> OK, wiki page for avatar ideas, we can review them and update the wiki ?

May 06 19:35:43 <Bodsda> ty

May 06 19:37:02 <paultag> http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2371/avatar3102323zt5.png

May 06 19:37:04 <paultag> my idea

May 06 19:37:20 <spiderbatdad> stoned bird?

May 06 19:37:28 <paultag> then do something sweet, like I am sure bodhi_zazen would add a ying yang or something :P

May 06 19:37:34 <paultag> spiderbatdad: hell yeah

May 06 19:37:52 <Rocket2DMn> yes we can bodhi_zazen

May 06 19:38:11 <bodhi_zazen> Smile :)

May 06 19:38:28 <bodhi_zazen> OK, lets work on some ideas then, over the next few days / weeks

May 06 19:39:05 <bodhi_zazen> paultag, I would likely do something along the line of my user bar

May 06 19:39:33 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: ok, cool -- I was just throwing ideas around, I like the idea of keeping a team theme going

May 06 19:39:35 <bodhi_zazen> Made w/ gimp and adding some interesting features, using a piece of the bird, like head ?

May 06 19:39:52 <bodhi_zazen> OK, last #3

Ubuntu-classroom Mentoring

May 06 19:39:52 <Bodsda> ubuntu-ops dont want forum links in factoids,.,. but think we should link the wiki already mentioned in !security to the forum

May 06 19:40:10 <bodhi_zazen> LOL Bodsda

May 06 19:40:13 <Bodsda> me

May 06 19:40:20 <Bodsda> yeah i read the site this time

May 06 19:40:56 <bodhi_zazen> I was considering the possibility or running some king of teaching session, either here or in #ubuntu-classroom

May 06 19:41:09 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I support it

May 06 19:41:12 <bodhi_zazen> were we could cover specific topics in detail / education

May 06 19:41:14 <spiderbatdad> I want to be king

May 06 19:41:15 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I will donate time if you need me

May 06 19:41:20 <Bodsda> i would like to be a part of this if allowed

May 06 19:41:38 <bodhi_zazen> Most of the more experienced members are willing to teach

May 06 19:42:04 <bodhi_zazen> Team members are responsible for determining topics they want covered

May 06 19:42:17 <bodhi_zazen> and we / I will see who will contribute

May 06 19:42:29 <bodhi_zazen> We need to set a time / location

May 06 19:42:32 <bodhi_zazen> ##beginners-help ?

May 06 19:42:36 <bodhi_zazen> Once a month ?

May 06 19:42:37 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: humm

May 06 19:42:41 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I like classroom

May 06 19:42:52 <bodhi_zazen> classroom would be my #1

May 06 19:42:53 <paultag> beginners help, we might be actually helping someone

May 06 19:43:09 <paultag> I think we should make this in a seperate room

May 06 19:43:11 <bodhi_zazen> is it hard to get time on classroom ?

May 06 19:43:15 <Rocket2DMn> yeah, i think it should be either here or in another channel

May 06 19:43:22 <Rocket2DMn> not ##beginners-help

May 06 19:43:29 <bodhi_zazen> OK

May 06 19:43:33 <bodhi_zazen> classroom = #1

May 06 19:43:37 <Old_Soldier> i like classroom tbh

May 06 19:43:38 <bodhi_zazen> here = #2

May 06 19:43:41 <Old_Soldier> makes sense

May 06 19:43:44 <paultag> +1

May 06 19:43:53 <bodhi_zazen> #beginner-classroom = #3

May 06 19:44:02 <paultag> beginners-help?

May 06 19:44:07 <Joeb454> what's this going on? then

May 06 19:44:30 <paultag> Joeb454: teaching sessions

May 06 19:44:35 <bodhi_zazen> dare I say, should we make a wiki page for team education ?

May 06 19:44:40 <Joeb454> for who, and on what

May 06 19:44:48 <paultag> Joeb454: anyone, whatever

May 06 19:44:52 <bodhi_zazen> where we can co-ordinate topics / gurus

May 06 19:44:56 <Bodsda> yes

May 06 19:44:57 <paultag> ^ that

May 06 19:45:33 <Joeb454> fair enough

May 06 19:45:36 <bodhi_zazen> If we do this, I also suggest the session be logged

May 06 19:45:45 * Joeb454 is a little sleepy, but I'll try and follow Wink ;)

May 06 19:45:45 <paultag> bodhi_zazen++;

May 06 19:45:49 <bodhi_zazen> Joeb454, we are finishing the meeting

May 06 19:45:53 <bodhi_zazen> I am on item #4

May 06 19:45:59 <Bodsda> no ur on #3

May 06 19:46:03 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: we should post it. just in case its usefull

May 06 19:46:05 <Bodsda> we did #4 already

May 06 19:46:15 <Joeb454> crap I forgot the meeting was tonight, sorry

May 06 19:46:23 <bodhi_zazen> 4 ...

May 06 19:46:25 <bodhi_zazen> no 3

May 06 19:46:26 <spiderbatdad> a week early

May 06 19:46:28 <bodhi_zazen> ahhhhhh ....

May 06 19:46:30 <Bodsda> lol

May 06 19:47:07 <bodhi_zazen> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BTMeetings

May 06 19:47:23 <Rocket2DMn> who is doing the minutes for this meeting?

May 06 19:47:25 <spiderbatdad> thought we voted on second Tuesdays

May 06 19:47:28 <bodhi_zazen> Who is doing minutes of today's meeting ?

May 06 19:47:41 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: chanlog.... oh wait

May 06 19:47:42 <bodhi_zazen> spiderbatdad, we gots confused

May 06 19:47:52 <spiderbatdad> I'm back-up minutes

May 06 19:48:04 <Bodsda> i can dig out the log i think (if im loging this)

May 06 19:48:04 * Bodsda wont bother then

May 06 19:48:06 <paultag> ok -- back to #3

May 06 19:48:14 <paultag> have we decided anything?

May 06 19:48:19 <bodhi_zazen> we posted a new meeting time

May 06 19:48:25 <bodhi_zazen> here , on this channel

May 06 19:48:29 <bodhi_zazen> and here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BTMeetings

May 06 19:48:35 <spiderbatdad> you're fine

May 06 19:48:38 <bodhi_zazen> paultag, ??

May 06 19:48:39 <spiderbatdad> mis

May 06 19:48:42 <bodhi_zazen> not yet

May 06 19:48:44 <bodhi_zazen> vote ?

May 06 19:48:54 <Bodsda> communist

May 06 19:48:59 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: I think a vote is in order

May 06 19:49:07 <bodhi_zazen> all in favor of educational sessions ?

May 06 19:49:08 <overdrank> classroom +1

May 06 19:49:11 <paultag> o/

May 06 19:49:11 <Bodsda> +2

May 06 19:49:16 <overdrank> I will try and help

May 06 19:49:21 <vor-ubuntu> I'm in favor

May 06 19:49:23 <Rocket2DMn> i'm indifferent

May 06 19:49:32 <Bodsda> Rocket2DMn, no your different

May 06 19:49:34 <Bodsda> ;~)

May 06 19:49:35 <bodhi_zazen> all opposed ?

May 06 19:49:45 <y_lee> classroom +1

May 06 19:50:06 <Joeb454> I'm not fussed, I'll try and attend and help as well if we do it Smile :)

May 06 19:50:12 <Bodsda> will the classroom be set timetable of lessons or a drop in clinic?

May 06 19:50:14 <bodhi_zazen> Who is interested in "attending" (if you feel you are less experienced, now is your chance)

May 06 19:50:21 <spiderbatdad> o/

May 06 19:50:23 <Bodsda> me me me

May 06 19:50:25 <y_lee> i wanna attend

May 06 19:50:25 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, seheduled

May 06 19:50:28 <Old_Soldier> o/

May 06 19:50:29 <Bodsda> woot!!!!!

May 06 19:50:31 <Old_Soldier> lol

May 06 19:50:38 <Rocket2DMn> depends on the topic of discussion

May 06 19:50:38 <paultag> ill sit in

May 06 19:50:47 <bodhi_zazen> ##beginners-help is our "drop in clinic"

May 06 19:50:48 <Rocket2DMn> i would probably sit in if i was available

May 06 19:50:50 <overdrank> I will attend I can always learn something

May 06 19:50:51 <vor-ubuntu> I would sit in too

May 06 19:51:01 * Bodsda thinks 'less experienced' is a long way of saying 'your shit'

May 06 19:51:05 <bodhi_zazen> OK, lest see what we can put together

May 06 19:51:17 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, would you be so kind as to add a wiki page ?

May 06 19:51:27 <bodhi_zazen> so people can submit topics

May 06 19:51:29 <Old_Soldier> yep vor-ubuntu you never know what else other people may know that you dont

May 06 19:51:30 <Rocket2DMn> sure, what do you want to call it

May 06 19:51:33 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: do you need me as a "mentor" or whatever

May 06 19:51:48 <Rocket2DMn> this isnt a focus group is it?

May 06 19:51:51 <vor-ubuntu> Old_Soldier: Probably a lot

May 06 19:52:19 <bodhi_zazen> Once people submit topics I can ask for volunters to mentor sessions, then time will be set by mentor

May 06 19:52:35 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, no, yes

May 06 19:52:41 <bodhi_zazen> educational focus

May 06 19:53:06 <Rocket2DMn> ok, so Educational focus group

May 06 19:53:13 <spiderbatdad> how does one find the wiki?

May 06 19:53:24 <bodhi_zazen> anyone willing to server as a mentor, list yourself on the educational focus group

May 06 19:53:24 <Rocket2DMn> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners

May 06 19:53:36 <bodhi_zazen> anyone want to head up the education focus group ?

May 06 19:53:40 <Rocket2DMn> i'll setup the page in a few minutes guys, dont touch it

May 06 19:53:44 <paultag> o/

May 06 19:53:48 <bodhi_zazen> Thanks Rocket2DMn

May 06 19:53:55 <bodhi_zazen> thanks paultag

May 06 19:54:04 <bodhi_zazen> any other volunteers ?

May 06 19:54:19 <Bodsda> bodhi_zazen, ican manage it but dont think i have the experience to 'head it up'

May 06 19:54:26 <bodhi_zazen> OK, general plan ...

May 06 19:54:33 <Joeb454> as for attending I'll be there when I can

May 06 19:54:40 <bodhi_zazen> 1. identify topics and mentors on the wiki page

May 06 19:54:48 <bodhi_zazen> 2. Connect topic to mentor

May 06 19:54:49 <Joeb454> and mentoring...well I don't know what I can do on that front Smile :)

May 06 19:54:55 <bodhi_zazen> 3. Mentor so set time

May 06 19:55:15 <Rocket2DMn> bodhi_zazen, you want only mentors on the focus group?

May 06 19:55:25 <bodhi_zazen> 4. Place - Classroom if available

May 06 19:55:51 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, if we can list paultag as leader of the focus group

May 06 19:56:01 <bodhi_zazen> and have a section for

May 06 19:56:05 <vor-ubuntu> bodhi_zazen: I would mentor on topics I know well

May 06 19:56:09 <bodhi_zazen> topic ..... mentor ..... time

May 06 19:56:21 <bodhi_zazen> then a list of possible mentors ...

May 06 19:56:35 <Joeb454> bodhi_zazen, how will we know if the classroom is available

May 06 19:56:36 <overdrank> sounds good put me down

May 06 19:56:38 <bodhi_zazen> Thanks Rocket2DMn

May 06 19:56:45 <Rocket2DMn> I'm going to create a Focus Group page for Education

May 06 19:56:53 <bodhi_zazen> and thanks to everyone willing to participate

May 06 19:56:58 <Rocket2DMn> still need to know how to structure the primary FocusGroups page though

May 06 19:57:21 <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, I can help w/ that , later thougj

May 06 19:57:34 <bodhi_zazen> Any other team issues ?

May 06 19:57:50 <bodhi_zazen> OH, I forgot

May 06 19:58:04 <bodhi_zazen> nominations for *NEW* team members ?

May 06 19:58:16 * Bodsda +1

May 06 19:58:40 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: in what respect, people or the process

May 06 19:58:51 <bodhi_zazen> either paultag

May 06 19:58:55 <Old_Soldier> bodhi_sasen but he needs to be watched carefully

May 06 19:59:05 <paultag> Old_Soldier++;

May 06 19:59:06 * Old_Soldier ducks

May 06 19:59:10 <bodhi_zazen> lmao

May 06 19:59:22 <bodhi_zazen> In general I think the process is working well

May 06 19:59:25 <Joeb454> lol

May 06 19:59:27 <bodhi_zazen> open to modifications

May 06 19:59:31 <paultag> I think so

May 06 19:59:38 <paultag> the quiz is good, the whole team gets to take shots

May 06 19:59:42 <Joeb454> yeah

May 06 19:59:54 <bodhi_zazen> I like that team members are a part of the community, not just a "title" on the forms

May 06 20:00:10 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: for sure

May 06 20:00:16 <bodhi_zazen> anyone want to suggest quiz questions ?

May 06 20:00:20 <Joeb454> we only need bodhi_zazen here to give people voice in IRC

May 06 20:00:31 <Joeb454> sudo -i or sudo -s Big Grin :)

May 06 20:00:39 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: humm. do we have a list of current questions?

May 06 20:00:48 <bodhi_zazen> I do Smile :)

May 06 20:00:51 <Bodsda> what information should be submitted with a bug report?

May 06 20:01:07 <spiderbatdad> Bodsda thats a good one

May 06 20:01:11 <bodhi_zazen> Bodsda, I like to keep the question geared to beginners

May 06 20:01:23 <paultag> mm, I agree

May 06 20:01:29 <bodhi_zazen> I will add that one to the list though

May 06 20:01:42 <bodhi_zazen> How to file a bug report and what information should be included ?

May 06 20:01:44 <Bodsda> my question is more beginner'ish then some of the questions you asked me

May 06 20:01:52 <paultag> heh

May 06 20:01:53 <Bodsda> yay

May 06 20:01:56 <bodhi_zazen> lol Bodsda

May 06 20:01:56 <Joeb454> lol

May 06 20:02:07 <Old_Soldier> explain how to chain load using grub config files

May 06 20:02:11 <Joeb454> Bodsda, we need to know that team members can help a wide range of beginners

May 06 20:02:11 <paultag> I think BT new member process is pretty good right now, anyone else?

May 06 20:02:12 <bodhi_zazen> we need a few questions for the advanced beginners

May 06 20:02:13 <paultag> Old_Soldier: hahaha right

May 06 20:02:34 <paultag> bodhi_zazen: heh, I allways ask about how to check what files are being read and written

May 06 20:03:02 <bodhi_zazen> you mean lsof ?

May 06 20:03:07 <paultag> yeah

May 06 20:03:17 <bodhi_zazen> that is a *little* esoteric

May 06 20:03:23 <bodhi_zazen> but cool

May 06 20:03:26 <paultag> for the ones who seem like they know a lot

May 06 20:03:31 * Bodsda runs off to google dictionary again

May 06 20:03:34 <paultag> I dont throw it at the power users who want to help

May 06 20:03:53 <y_lee> how about a question about changing something or fixing something using gconf-edit, I see that sometimes in the forums

May 06 20:04:01 <bodhi_zazen> Old_Soldier, I see you like chainloading

May 06 20:04:06 <bodhi_zazen> It is very handy

May 06 20:04:10 <Old_Soldier> thats good stuff y_lee

May 06 20:04:12 <paultag> y_lee: humm, I like it

May 06 20:04:26 <st33med> What is chainloading?

May 06 20:04:41 <spiderbatdad> y_lee like home folder icon on desktop?

May 06 20:04:44 <Rocket2DMn> paultag, are you heading up the Education focus group?

May 06 20:04:46 <paultag> st33med: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/Chainloading_in_Linux May 06 20:04:47 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: yes

May 06 20:04:48 <Old_Soldier> bodhi_zazen: ive installed debian 3 times puppy once and dsl twice in the last 36 hours

May 06 20:04:53 <Rocket2DMn> paultag, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Team/FocusGroups/Education

May 06 20:04:59 <Rocket2DMn> it's all yours buddy

May 06 20:05:06 <paultag> Rocket2DMn: thanks dude

May 06 20:05:08 <bodhi_zazen> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=724817

May 06 20:05:17 <bodhi_zazen> st33med, ^

May 06 20:05:18 <Rocket2DMn> is this meeting official ended or are we still going?

May 06 20:05:22 <bodhi_zazen> that link is for you

May 06 20:05:25 <paultag> yeah

May 06 20:05:27 <paultag> ignore mine :P

May 06 20:05:37 <bodhi_zazen> I think meeting ended

May 06 20:05:48 <bodhi_zazen> I need to go, 6 PM and all ...

May 06 20:05:52 <spiderbatdad> ******END MEETING**********


BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20080506 (last edited 2008-09-13 18:23:59 by c-69-253-233-196)