General Agenda Items and Proposals


This means:

  1. If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda.
  2. Besides voting on new members, there will be no voting at these meetings. The Beginners Team Council will review all discussions and will vote on issues once they are ready to be voted on.




DevFG A new look to the Dev Focus Group


Ubuntu Youth announcment

Agenda discussion


Toggle line numbers
   1 Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
   2 [00:00] <Silver_Fox_> 23:00 UTC
   3 [00:01] <duanedesign> woot
   4 [00:01] <DiegoTc> lets begin
   5 [00:01] <Silver_Fox_> Who is chairing the beginners team meeting today ?
   6 [00:01] <Silver_Fox_> Ping cprofitt , nhandler
   7 [00:01] <smeag0l> i was just about drop out
   8 [00:01] <smeag0l> *to
   9 [00:02] <DiegoTc> pautag is not coming today
  10 [00:02] <Silver_Fox_> No worries smeag0l .  Good to see you about
  11 [00:02] <smeag0l> :)
  12 [00:02] <duanedesign> ok and nhandler will be late
  13 [00:02] <Silver_Fox_> I do not mind chairing it if nobody objects
  14 [00:03] <wojox> no objections here
  15 [00:03] <duanedesign> yep, i dont know
  16 [00:03] <DiegoTc> np
  17 [00:03] <duanedesign> the bot commands
  18 [00:03]  * zkriesse chairs...hehehe
  19 [00:03] <Silver_Fox_> Hmm,  I had them written down ;)
  20 [00:03] <zkriesse> startmeeting with []
  21 [00:04] <duanedesign> thats ok Silver_Fox_  dont worry :)
  22 [00:04] <Silver_Fox_> I have them now duanedesign
  23 [00:05] <Silver_Fox_> Just out of interest,  how many are here for the meeting?
  24 [00:05] <Silver_Fox_> o/
  25 [00:05]  * zkriesse is here
  26 [00:05] <pedro3005> o/
  27 [00:05] <phillw> listening
  28 [00:05]  * kvarley is here
  29 [00:05] <duanedesign> o/
  30 [00:05] <DiegoTc> here
  31 [00:05]  * kermiac waves
  32 [00:05] <wojox> here
  33 [00:05]  * smeag0l is here 
  34 [00:05] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,  a fair few ;)
  35 [00:05] <Silver_Fox_> #startmeeting
  36 [00:05] <zkriesse> At least we got enough BT members to vote
  37 [00:05] <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:05. The chair is Silver_Fox_.
  38 [00:05] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
  39 [00:05] <duanedesign> \0/
  40 [00:06] <smeag0l> confused
  41 [00:06] <smeag0l> :)
  42 [00:06] <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] Beginners Team Meeting
  43 [00:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  Beginners Team Meeting
  44 [00:06] <Silver_Fox_> [LINK]
  45 [00:06] <MootBot> LINK received:
  46 [00:07] <smeag0l> if i may i maybe have a security issue ?
  47 [00:07] <Silver_Fox_> [IDEA] DevFG A new look to the Dev Focus Group
  48 [00:07] <MootBot> IDEA received:  DevFG A new look to the Dev Focus Group
  49 [00:07] <Silver_Fox_> DiegoTc,  Its you :)
  50 [00:07] <DiegoTc> yeap
  51 [00:08] <DiegoTc> I was talking with duanedesign about creating a programming academy for the devFG
  52 [00:08] <wojox> That sounds like fun
  53 [00:09] <zkriesse> Guys sorry I didn't add it to the agenda (just got it figured out here today) but I'll have a topic after everyone else is done if that's ok
  54 [00:09] <zkriesse> DiegoTc: Ok, to what goal?
  55 [00:09] <DiegoTc> zkriesse: I wrote them on the wiki
  56 [00:09] <DiegoTc> # Help new users to learn a new programming language # When there is a group with a better knowledge, the dev focus group can work on developing application (Small or Big Projects) that can benefit Ubuntu
  57 [00:10] <DiegoTc> Others (Still Thinking)
  58 [00:10] <pedro3005> zkriesse, what nobler goal if not the publicizing and distribution of knowledge? :)
  59 [00:10] <nhandler> o/
  60 [00:10] <zkriesse> very good response pedro3005
  61 [00:10] <Silver_Fox_> nhandler,  Go
  62 [00:10] <Silver_Fox_> :)
  63 [00:11] <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: I just got here, nothing to say right now (still reading scrollback)
  64 [00:11] <DiegoTc> So thats the idea for the dev FG
  65 [00:11] <Silver_Fox_> Ah righto :)  Well we decided to crack on nhandler
  66 [00:11] <duanedesign> o/
  67 [00:11] <Silver_Fox_> Go duanedesign
  68 [00:12] <duanedesign> the council has been discussing lately the 'mission' of each FG and the setting of goals by each group/
  69 [00:12] <duanedesign> I like diegos idea
  70 [00:12] <zkriesse> Ok
  71 [00:13] <duanedesign> i think the teaching of classes is something we could couple with the eduFG
  72 [00:13] <duanedesign> if we could have classses in #ubuntu-classroom
  73 [00:13] <cprofitt> duanedesign: the edu had worked with classroom -- but the focus was on off-line self-paced courses
  74 [00:14] <cprofitt> we had a Moodle server that leveraged wiki docs and forum posts
  75 [00:15] <duanedesign> i think in addition to what DiegoTc said the DevFG should start working towards getting its members to be MOTU's
  76 [00:15]  * DiegoTc there is expectation on the channel :p
  77 [00:15] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,  so do we have an item to vote on or not? :)
  78 [00:16] <Silver_Fox_> Was it an announcement DiegoTc ?  Or are you seeking support for it ?
  79 [00:16] <DiegoTc> option b
  80 [00:16] <nhandler> Nothing really to vote on. It is really up to the FG lead
  81 [00:16] <DiegoTc> nhandler: I never get collinp on irc :S
  82 [00:16] <Silver_Fox_> Yes,  I thought it would have been in the FG meeting, not the team meeting
  83 [00:17] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,  moving on...
  84 [00:17] <nhandler> DiegoTc: You can use email / MemoServ ;)
  85 [00:17] <Silver_Fox_> Unless anyone has anything to add
  86 [00:17] <collinp> Wow. Forgot meeting was going on.
  87 [00:17] <duanedesign> ha
  88 [00:17] <DiegoTc> thanks I always wonder how i do that
  89 [00:17] <duanedesign> :)
  90 [00:17] <zkriesse> For shame collinp!
  91 [00:17] <DiegoTc> Guys I am leving I had clases righ now :S
  92 [00:18] <Silver_Fox_> [IDEA] Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor.
  93 [00:18] <zkriesse> bye DiegoTc
  94 [00:18] <MootBot> IDEA received:  Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor.
  95 [00:18] <collinp> And I'm handling an issue somewhere else.
  96 [00:18] <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: Why are you using IDEAS instead of TOPICS ?
  97 [00:18] <zkriesse> I'm willing to take on nUboon2Age and or MichealH
  98 [00:19] <Silver_Fox_> Gah,  you are quite correct nhandler ,  lol
  99 [00:19] <Silver_Fox_> We have 5 on the list
 100 [00:19] <Silver_Fox_> [LINK]
 101 [00:19] <MootBot> LINK received:
 102 [00:19] <duanedesign> km0r3
 103 [00:19] <km0r3> hey all
 104 [00:19] <duanedesign> needs a dev related mentor
 105 [00:20] <km0r3> yes, that would be great.
 106 [00:20] <duanedesign> he has already shown good commitment to the group
 107 [00:20] <duanedesign> (s)he, I souldnt assume
 108 [00:20] <duanedesign> :)
 109 [00:21] <duanedesign> nUboon2Age is the only other one on the list i have seen around
 110 [00:21] <duanedesign> anyone know anything about the other 3
 111 [00:21] <wojox> What happened to lequont and why is my name gone?
 112 [00:21]  * zkriesse knows of MichealH
 113 [00:21] <Silver_Fox_> Very little duanedesign
 114 [00:21] <duanedesign> oh and wojox
 115 [00:22] <duanedesign> i noticed leoquant was gone today, that was wojoxs mentor
 116 [00:23] <duanedesign> wojox is a good fprum contributor so any forum minded mentor woould be good. is that fair wojox?
 117 [00:23] <duanedesign> forum*
 118 [00:23] <wojox> Sounds good
 119 [00:23] <smeag0l> afk
 120 [00:24] <duanedesign> Also if anyone is on the list of mentors please check and make sure your info is current
 121 [00:24] <Silver_Fox_> Okay, only km0r3 seems to be on the list who is here
 122 [00:24] <zkriesse> Yes
 123 [00:24] <zkriesse> MichealH is in the UK so it's after midnight for him
 124 [00:25] <Silver_Fox_> So..  can somebody take km0r3 ?  A volunteer would be nice :)
 125 [00:25] <Silver_Fox_> It is after midnight in the UK zkriesse .
 126 [00:25] <duanedesign> i can 0\
 127 [00:25] <zkriesse> I've offered to take km0r3 on even though I don't code (yet)
 128 [00:26] <Silver_Fox_> km0r3,  Who would you prefer? duanedesign or zkriesse  )or neither ;)
 129 [00:26]  * nhandler has a mentee
 130 [00:26] <nhandler> Or send another email to the ML
 131 [00:26] <km0r3> I think duanedesign would be great. I feel honored!
 132 [00:26] <Silver_Fox_> Okay great :)
 133 [00:26]  * phillw waves to nhandler
 134 [00:26] <km0r3> zkriesse: I already thanked you for you kindness
 135 [00:26] <km0r3> >/(
 136 [00:26] <km0r3> :-) I mean
 137 [00:27] <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] duanedesign  to mentor km0r3
 138 [00:27] <MootBot> AGREED received:  duanedesign  to mentor km0r3
 139 [00:27] <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] Request Status Update From All Mentors
 140 [00:27] <MootBot> New Topic:  Request Status Update From All Mentors
 141 [00:27]  * zkriesse will update the mentor list if no one has any objections
 142 [00:28] <duanedesign> o/
 143 [00:28] <smeag0l> b
 144 [00:28] <Silver_Fox_> I shall start,  mine is still in contact with me.  He is in the middle of some real life issues at the minute.  Looking to step it up once they are sorted.
 145 [00:28] <Silver_Fox_> go duanedesign
 146 [00:29] <duanedesign> good you could make it to meeting smeag0l
 147 [00:29] <duanedesign> malev is doing great
 148 [00:29] <smeag0l> thank you duanedesign :)
 149 [00:29] <duanedesign> he has been coding on a lot of projects
 150 [00:29] <Silver_Fox_> Oh hey smeag0l ,  thought you had gone to bed :)
 151 [00:29] <duanedesign> nd helping out in -dev
 152 [00:29] <smeag0l> no
 153 [00:30] <smeag0l> ;)
 154 [00:30] <duanedesign> shredder12 is also doing well.
 155 [00:30] <nhandler> My mentee is doing well also. He is doing a great job both in the BT as well as with getting involved in the greater community.
 156 [00:30] <duanedesign> and kermiac hopefully wont be my mentee for much longer, not htat i have not enjoyed it
 157 [00:31] <duanedesign> nhandler: i agree his participation in #ubuntu-beginners is great
 158 [00:31] <Silver_Fox_> +1
 159 [00:31] <zkriesse> I've nominated mohi for membership although he's not here for some reason
 160 [00:31] <zkriesse> phillw: has done great
 161 [00:31] <zkriesse> Especially with wiki, he's been making excellent progress with that
 162 [00:32]  * nhandler -> dinner
 163 === bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
 164 [00:32] <Silver_Fox_> Nobody else has an update ?
 165 [00:33] <Silver_Fox_> Guess not. :)
 166 [00:34] <Silver_Fox_> Okay  moving on...
 167 [00:34] <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] kermiac to join the team
 168 [00:34] <MootBot> New Topic:  kermiac to join the team
 169 [00:34] <Silver_Fox_> Please introduce yourself kermiac
 170 [00:35] <Silver_Fox_> Or let duanedesign do it ;)
 171 [00:35] <duanedesign> kermiac:
 172 [00:35]  * Vantrax is having RMB flashbacks
 173 [00:35] <zkriesse> same here vanhoof
 174 [00:35] <zkriesse> I mean Vantrax
 175 [00:35] <km0r3> \o
 176 [00:35] <duanedesign> kermiac has been with us for almost 3 months now
 177 [00:35]  * zkriesse hates tabfail
 178 [00:36] <duanedesign> he is a bug triaging machine :)
 179 [00:36] <zkriesse> Just so ya'll know, kermiac has been making excellent progress in -wiki as well when he can
 180 [00:36] <duanedesign> nis 5 a day stats are impressive
 181 [00:36] <duanedesign> his*
 182 [00:36] <Silver_Fox_> I had a look at those duanedesign ,  very impressive
 183 [00:36] <duanedesign> and he has also done apport hooks, wiki work, etc
 184 [00:37] <duanedesign> i think he will be a great addition to the team. He is highly motivated, friendly , and ready to help when he can
 185 [00:37] <duanedesign> all the things that make a grat BT member
 186 [00:37] <duanedesign> great*
 187 [00:37] <zkriesse> +1 duanedesign
 188 [00:37] <Silver_Fox_> Great.
 189 [00:37] <kermiac> hi, sorry. I was called away from my desk. Thanks duanedesign
 190 [00:37] <Silver_Fox_> Lets vote
 191 [00:38] <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] kermiac to join the team
 192 [00:38] <MootBot> Please vote on:  kermiac to join the team.
 193 [00:38] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot
 194 [00:38] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
 195 [00:38] <duanedesign> +1
 196 [00:38] <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1
 197 [00:38] <zkriesse> +1
 198 [00:38] <MootBot> +1 received from zkriesse. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2
 199 [00:38] <Silver_Fox_> +1
 200 [00:38] <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3
 201 [00:38] <Vantrax> +1
 202 [00:38] <MootBot> +1 received from Vantrax. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4
 203 [00:39] <Silver_Fox_> Nobody else? :)
 204 [00:39] <pleia2> +1
 205 [00:39] <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5
 206 [00:39] <Silver_Fox_> ping cprofitt
 207 [00:40] <Silver_Fox_> Thanks pleia2
 208 [00:40] <cprofitt> Silver_Fox_: ?
 209 [00:40] <cprofitt> 0
 210 [00:40] <zkriesse> cprofitt: cast your vote
 211 [00:40] <cprofitt> +0
 212 [00:40] <MootBot> Abstention received from cprofitt. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5
 213 [00:40] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,  I think thats everyone who is here
 214 [00:41] <cprofitt> sorry -- other meeting got a bit 'hot'
 215 [00:41] <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE]
 216 [00:41] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 5
 217 [00:41] <zkriesse> Congrats kermiac!!!!
 218 [00:41] <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] kermiac to join the team.
 219 [00:41] <MootBot> AGREED received:  kermiac to join the team.
 220 [00:41] <smeag0l> congratulation kermiac
 221 [00:41] <cprofitt> congrats!
 222 [00:41] <kermiac> Thanks :)
 223 [00:41] <Silver_Fox_> Well done
 224 [00:41] <km0r3> Congrats kermiac :-)
 225 [00:42] <duanedesign> who can do the ceremonial kick from the channel :)
 226 [00:42] <zkriesse> I will!
 227 [00:43] <Silver_Fox_> I do not believe you can zkriesse ,  no ops
 228 [00:43] <duanedesign> i think mohi can be voted in absentia?
 229 [00:43] <Silver_Fox_> duanedesign,  I don't think I can voice anyone in the team channels.
 230 [00:43] <zkriesse> Silver_Fox_: I was joking...i've already got him voiced in -wiki
 231 [00:43] <duanedesign> well do it later then :)
 232 [00:43] <Silver_Fox_> duanedesign,  A break in tradition?
 233 [00:43] <smeag0l> ;)
 234 [00:44] <smeag0l> hehe
 235 [00:44] <collinp> I can give voice, but I can't set autovoice.
 236 [00:45] <collinp> I'll just do it and leave a note for bodhi to set auto-voice.
 237 [00:45] <duanedesign> thanks collinp
 238 [00:45] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,  I am going to put me head on the block so to speak.. going to proxy mohi
 239 [00:45] <Vantrax> how is that putting your head on the block...
 240 [00:45] <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE]  mohi1 to join the team
 241 [00:45] <MootBot> Please vote on:   mohi1 to join the team.
 242 [00:45] <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot
 243 [00:45] <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting
 244 [00:45] <zkriesse> he's my paddy
 245 [00:45] <Silver_Fox_> +1
 246 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1
 247 [00:45] <zkriesse> +1
 248 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from zkriesse. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2
 249 [00:45] <collinp> +1
 250 [00:45] <Vantrax> +1
 251 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from collinp. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3
 252 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from Vantrax. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4
 253 [00:45] <pedro3005> +1
 254 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from pedro3005. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5
 255 [00:45] <pleia2> +1
 256 [00:45] <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6
 257 [00:46] <Silver_Fox_> Vantrax,  Normally they have to be around.  I think he had been on the list for maybe 6 months
 258 [00:46] <duanedesign> +1
 259 [00:46] <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE]
 260 [00:46] <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7
 261 [00:46] <MootBot> Final result is 7 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 7
 262 [00:46] <zkriesse> cool
 263 [00:47] <collinp> I'll notify bodhi that mohi1 needs +VA as well.
 264 [00:47] <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED]  mohi1 to join the team.
 265 [00:47] <MootBot> AGREED received:   mohi1 to join the team.
 266 [00:47] <Vantrax> i think we said they didnt have to be, I know I had 2 paddys added while they were absent
 267 [00:47] <duanedesign> ahhh
 268 [00:48] <duanedesign> thanks Vantrax
 269 [00:48] <zkriesse> Silver_Fox_: I had a topic if i may?
 270 [00:48] <Silver_Fox_> Well I had a view to resting (coming up to 1AM)
 271 [00:48] <Silver_Fox_> But sure
 272 [00:48] <Silver_Fox_> Go zkriesse
 273 [00:49] <zkriesse> Ok, some of you know I've recently starting leading the Ubuntu Youth group
 274 [00:49] <zkriesse> Just wanted to know if any of you would like to help get this group going and alive again
 275 [00:49] <zkriesse> Especially you younger folks
 276 [00:50] <duanedesign> oh to be young again :)
 277 [00:50] <pleia2> hehe
 278 [00:50] <zkriesse> If any of you wish to help the channel is #ubuntu-youth on freenode and the wiki is
 279 [00:50] <zkriesse> That's all Silver_Fox_
 280 [00:50] <Vantrax> I would encourage people to be involved
 281 [00:50] <pleia2> hooray Ubuntu Youth!
 282 [00:50] <zkriesse> haha pleia2
 283 [00:50] <Silver_Fox_> Can we be young at heart?
 284 [00:50] <Silver_Fox_> :)
 285 [00:50] <smeag0l> :)
 286 [00:51] <duanedesign> and on a final note the council will be sending out an email covering the plans to encourage more activity in the team
 287 [00:51] <zkriesse> Yes Silver_Fox_ you may
 288 [00:52] <Silver_Fox_> When can we expect such an email duanedesign ? I shall make a point to open it
 289 [00:52] <duanedesign> we have sent out emails to the broader community
 290 [00:52] <pleia2> instead of just trashing it like other duanedesign emails :O
 291 [00:52] <duanedesign> we are awaiting some feedbac
 292 [00:52] <duanedesign> lol
 293 [00:52] <duanedesign> so this week, early next week at latest
 294 [00:53] <Silver_Fox_> I look forward to reading it duanedesign
 295 [00:53] <zkriesse> +1 Silver_Fox_
 296 [00:53] <duanedesign> i think everyone will like it. We want to really unlock the teams potentil
 297 [00:53] <smeag0l> sorry zkriesse i will have to get my life straightent out first :/
 298 [00:53] <duanedesign> everyone is so talented here on the team
 299 [00:54] <duanedesign> thanks Silver_Fox_ for chairing the meeting
 300 [00:54] <zkriesse> Oh and just so ya'll know there will be a Ubuntu Youth meeting in #ubuntu-youth on Friday at 20:00 UTC and a -wiki meeting in #ubuntu-beginners-wiki on saturday at 21:00 UTC
 301 [00:54] <pleia2> thanks Silver_Fox_!
 302 [00:54] <zkriesse> good job Silver_Fox_
 303 [00:54] <Silver_Fox_> Okay,   thinking about calling it in.  Very early here,  hope the meeting went smooth enough. Wasn't planning to chair so sorry if out of the norm.
 304 [00:54] <Silver_Fox_> #endmeeting
 305 [00:54] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 18:54.
 306 [00:54] <zkriesse> very nice
 307 [00:54] <Silver_Fox_> Oh,  I still don't like mootbot ;)
 308 [00:55]  * phillw makes the horlicks for us 'oldies' in the UK ;-)
 309 [00:55] <zkriesse> AlanBell is making a new Mootbot-UK
 310 [00:55] <zkriesse> it's called meetingology now
 311 [00:55] <zkriesse> I've got it in -wiki and #ubuntu-youth
 312 [00:55] <Silver_Fox_> zkriesse,  A job for you i have..,,
 313 [00:55] <zkriesse> Silver_Fox_: oh?
 314 [00:55] <Silver_Fox_> zkriesse, <- Meeting logs. Please if you could sort would be grand
 315 [00:56] <zkriesse> Oh dear
 316 [00:56] <zkriesse> OK sure I'll grab that
 317 [00:56] <zkriesse> Only if you gimme a donut
 318 [00:56] <Silver_Fox_> What sort? The kind with a hole in the middle or the one with a jam centre ?
 319 [00:57] <zkriesse> there's no log of our meeting
 320 [00:57] <smeag0l> this edubuntu takes forever to boot gonna try and se if i can get ubuntu to run on this troublesome Nvidia 6200 or 6600
 321 [00:58] <smeag0l> cyal
 322 [00:58] <Silver_Fox_> BYe smeag0l
 323 [00:58] <smeag0l> thank you Silver_Fox_


BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20100713 (last edited 2010-07-14 02:02:14 by ip72-213-131-215)