
Ubuntu-be One Day Drupal Sprint

A one day workshop to finally get a new website (based on Drupal).


Just to point out, I already made a setup of a website, with translation module running, a planet module, openid, and a complete ported skin to drupal 6. I can give the password to the ftp is someone is interested. I think most work should go into (a) Content, (b) content,, (c) content, (d) content, (e) translation, (f) the support maps, (g) minor drupal tweaks. the url is still: --francois cauwe

  • Francois, which module did you use ? Can you publish the skins files ? --Pierre Buyle
    • I used only default modules, I think drupal 6 has everything we need. These are the modules I enabled extra: aggregator for the planet, content translator, and openid. The theme needs still some tuning but can be downloaded from -- francois


  • Pierre Buyle: PHP & Javascript development, stunt coordinator.

  • Sander Van der Maelen: Familiar with Drupal, copy/paste content from current website and/or
  • Bruno De Bondt: Can help with the set up, config and theming of Drupal.
  • Pierre Vorhagen: Would be pleased to help, in particular for the german part but also for anything else.
  • you ?

The following skills are needed (and required for the day to be successful), register here and/or on the Doodle and/or on the Ubuntu-be mailing list.

  • Drupal module and customization
  • Content writing


  • 2008/07/19


  • office (Bruxelles)

BelgianTeam/2008/OneDayDrupalSprint (last edited 2009-04-15 19:18:04 by ip-83-134-209-30)