
attendees: Bart, Stephan, Francois, ChristopheVandeplas

What is PR for

  • All communications to outside the organisation
  • 'Public look' (nl: Huisstijl)
  • What, when to communicate

What is our public

- Internal or external? External (internally we use launchpad bugtracking for internal communication)

  • - Users (experiences and inexperienced) - Potential users

PR content includes

===Information we could use/maintain ===

  • - emails collected during fairs, ... => These need to be collected (discussed in 'ubuntu-be coor. internally) - Do we want to take into account to use emails of persons who agreed that they want to receive info?

Press spotting

- Do we need to keep sight of all web-publications about Ubuntu? Could be good to actively read and necessarilly *react* on these articles? - Do we need to collect these: we already do so (, maybe not aways active enough...

General remarks

* is an important site which creates first-impression of us as user-group. Should be reviewed:

  • - more clear - clearer structure (see: website-session)

* Who's-who page: do we need this? We have this (on the wiki, not in * Could be good to have a (wiki)page to have info about general goals of ubuntu-be * Sell promotional material 'to support ubuntu-be' (ref: promotional material-session, the gadget-part) * Do we need a task force? Not necessarilly, rely more on spontaeous moments... Ubuntu-be is 'not yet big enough' to have a specific PR-responsible or something like that. Better would be: work as much as possible distributed...

BelgianTeam/2008kickoff/PR_in_general (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:38 by localhost)