When? Where? What?
- 19-20/09/2009
- Flanders Expo Ghent
Internationale Jaarbeurs Accenta 2009 (
- 19/09
- Jean7491 (coordination),
- Pieter Vande Wyngaerde (not in the first hours),
- Matthew
- Matthew
- Luc (till 15.00 h.)
- 20/09
- Pieter Vande Wyngaerde (coordination),
- Gh0sty,
- Jean Claeys
- no
- IRC meetings for coordination: 17/09/2009 at 21.00 h. on #ubuntu-be
- Set-up of the booth on 19/09/2009 starting at 09.30 h., 20/09 starting at 10.00 h.
- Security of the booth: exposant-badges from Digipolis on request on arrival
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team: (jean7491)
- Posters "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open", "Free your PC", "Linux-Tux": (jean7491)
- Flyers ubuntu: (jean7491)
- Flyer use of live-cd: (jean7491)
- Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (jean7491)
- Pen's: a few (jean7491), janC ?
- Tablecloth: event-box Ghent ? or (jean7491)
- 1 inflatable Tux: no
- small pics Tux: (jean7491)
- Contribution urn: (jean7491)
- Duct tape, transparent tape, scissors and other desk material: (jean7491)
- 1 or 2 long power extension cords: (jean7491)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum): (jean7491)
- Anti-theft cables for laptops: no
- cd's (originals, blanco) + paper bags: (jean7491)
- PC: 1 Slim-PC (All-in-screen)(jean7491), 1 desktop ASUS (without screen) for presentation (jean7491)
- laptops: 1 laptop Acer (event-box Ghent), 1 HP (jean7491, only 19/09), 1 Dell (Luc only 19/09 till 15.00h)
- netbook:
- additional flat screens: 1x24" lcd acer (from Guy Duportail via Kenneth)
- eID card reader: (Luc)
- beamer + screen: no
- Audio set:
- External cd writer: eventually
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp: (jean7491)
- continuous slideshow for general presentation Linux: (jean7491)
- iso's on a stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, etc..): (jean7491)(Luc Ubuntu 9.04 i386)
Possibility of WiFi connection: no
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera: (jean7491, only 19/09)
- Video Camera: ?
Thanks to Digipolis Ghent (, Ubuntu-be was present at the yearly fair Accenta 2009 on 19 and 20/09/2009 in Ghent - Flanders Expo. This commercial fair and its public was very different from our usual Dipro environment.
Nevertheless, and despite an unfavourable location, the team succeeded to present a very positive image of Ubuntu. The afflux of visitors was regular and our volunteers nearly permanently busy with explanations and demonstrations. Most of people did not know about the existence of Ubuntu.
For several reasons, the Ubuntu personal was at a minimum level (4(-) on Saturday and 3 on Sunday).
The space, furniture and material including 1 beamer, 1 screen and 4 laptops (running on live-cd's), and decoration, all from Digipolis at our disposal, was excellent. The new flyers were attractive and easily distributed. Approximately 100 CD's were delivered.
A short presentation in 5 slides (screenshots) "how to use a live-CD" has been used as support for basic explanation. We still need a presentation (not a video) with simple screenshots of the steps "how to install Ubuntu in dual-boot on a generic PC". Existing videos are good for home use, but not adequate for fair public (too long and detailed).
Our home-made promotion material (banner, support for the posters, ...) is well adapted for Dipro fairs, but when used in more important events, like Accenta, it seems ridiculous compared with the surrounding booths and their decoration. The cost of the booth presentation is naturally different.
For this kind of particular events, we should have at disposal some professional decoration material, like deployable (roll-up or pop-up?) posters and logos. Perhaps is this kind of material available by Canonical, or we could ask tips from appropriate people and sponsors for help?
Finances: 11,25 euro of public donations, transferred to Ubuntu-be bank-account.
It was a very successful event for Ubuntu promotion in a more commercial environment.
Our booth brought once again the image of Ubuntu in the daily life in Ghent area.
BelgianTeam/Accenta_2009 (last edited 2009-09-24 19:41:16 by 213)