When? Where? What?
- 29/11/2009
Antwerp Expo
Dipro Micro Mega Market Computerbeurs
- Thijs (hfsdo)
- Bram (coordination)
- Jan
- Willem
- Koen (TBC)
- Siegie (TBC)
- Jurgen (16h-cleanup)
- Frank (will be a bit later)
- ?
- 38 ? € in fees paid by: public gifts
- IRC meeting for coordination:
- Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and outside:
Stuff needed (1) = Event-box Antwerp
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team: Bram
- Posters
- "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" : Bram
- "Free your PC" : Bram
- "Linux-Tux":
- Flyers Ubuntu 2009 : Bram
- Flyer A4 use of live-cd : Bram
- Sheet A4 Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : Bram
- Pen's : Bram
- Tablecloths : Bram
- 1 inflatable Tux :
- x figuurtjes Tux :
- Contribution urn : Bram
- Duct tape and other buro material : Bram
- 1 or 2 long power extension cords : Bram
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum): Bram
- anti-theft cables for laptops :
- ...
- cd's (originals, blanco) + paper bags: 50+ original Ubuntu 9.10 desktop CD's
- PC:
- laptops: Bram: Acer Travelmate 6000, Acer Aspire 17"
- netbook:
- additional flat screens: Bram: 19" HP
- eID card reader: Bram
- beamer + screen:
- Audio set:
- External cd writer: no
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp:
- iso's on a stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, etc..):
Possibility of WiFi connection: Bram: AVM Fritz! box 3G
What else?
- Digital camera: Bram
Team : Bram (coordination), Thijs (hfsdo), Jan Bongaerts, Willem, Koen, Siegie, Frank, Jurgen (16h-cleanup).
The fair was a fairly good event. The booth was central located and attractive to visitors.
Not enough hardware (2 laptops)due to last minute cancellations : minimum should include 1 PC (with big screen) for presentations and 3 PC (desktop or laptop) for demos and explanation.
Some questions were about video software : some demonstrations with Kino, Avidemux, Kdenlive, Pitivi and/or Cinelerra could be usefull.
We distributed approximately 150 CD's. It is necessary to prepare a consequent stock of CD's before the beginning of the fair as we could spend more time with the people (and thus receive more donations).
For this purpose we should buy additional blanco CD's + CD sleeves (500) available for the organizing team before the fair. : according to the size of the fair, we should include burning 50 to 100 CD's and printing 50 to 100 CD-sleeves in the preparation process of the booth.
Finance :
- total of public gifts = 166 euros,
- charges : booth-fee (53,40 euros), blanco CD's (25 euros), CD sleeves (3,50 euros),
- benefit : 84,10 euros for Ubuntu-be.
Summary : a successful event, but we could improve our preparation with demos of video-softwares and a stock of self-burned CD's + CD sleeves.
coming soon
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Antwerpen_2009-11-29 (last edited 2010-03-19 15:01:59 by 109)