When? Where? What?
- When ? 21/11/2010
- Where ? Limburghal Genk (Jaarbeurslaan 6)
What ? Dipro Micro Mega Market Computerbeurs
- Claudio
- Massimiliano
- Hans
- 38€
- IRC meeting for coordination: proposed 16 november 2010 at 21h00 on IRC #ubuntu-be
- Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and locally ?
- Think about a good setup of the booth ! Setup of the boot in a U-design
- Don't forget to add at the entrance of the fair posters inviting to the booth ! A4 or A3 posters @ the entrance of the fair and maybe handing out flyers(edition 2008)
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team : 2x big banner of 1,2m plastified .
- Posters
- o "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" (5x eventboxx) o "Free your PC" (5x eventbox) o "Linux-Tux": (3x eventbox) o Simple posters for the entrance of the event : (2x made by Massimiliano)
- Flyers 2009 Ubuntu-be : (210+ eventbox)
- Flyer use of live-CD : (30+ eventbox)
- Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (eventbox)
- Pen's : (2x eventbox)
- Tablecloth : (1x eventbox)
- 1 inflatable Tux : 0
- x figuurtjes Tux : (3)
- Contribution urn : (1x eventbox)
- Duct tape and other buro material : (1x eventbox)
- 1 long power extension cords : (3x eventbox)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : (2x Claudio)
- anti-theft cables for laptops : (1xClaudio, 1xMassimiliano)
- CD's, 10x originals 10.04LTS, 28x copies 10.04LTS, 20x 10.10
- boot-able USB sticks : (2x Claudio, 1x Massimiliano)
- 1 PC + flatScreen 19"WS: (1x Ubuntu) Eventbox
- 1 PC + flatScreen 17": (1x KUbuntu)Eventbox
- 1 PC + flatscreen 17": (1x Ubuntu) Eventbox
- 1 PC : (Demo games on linux) (1x Massimiliano)
- laptops : (1x Claudio ubuntu, 1x Thijs ubuntu,...)
- netbook : (1x Claudio ubuntu, 1x Massimiliano Ubuntu+UNR,...)
- additional flat screen's: 19" touchscreen (1x Eventbox)
- eID card reader : (?)
- beamer + screen : (?)
- Audio set : (1x Claudio)
- External cd writer : (1x Claudio)
UPS 350VA for use with beamer & GamePC
- ...
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp, how to install 10.10 : (see wiki))
- ISO's on an USB stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, netbook, etc..) : (1x ubuntu, 1x UNR Claudio)
Possibility of WiFi connection : Claudio via Hotspot shared over switch or server
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera : (Claudio)
- candies : (Massimiliano)
- fresh drink : (Claudio)
Report on ubuntu-diprofair-Genk 21/11/2001 :
Claudio Massimiliano Hans
We have done a new setup. 4x new black tablecloths, courtesy of Massimiliano Stand with places for our logo, monitor (s), netbook (s) and CDs Same monitors 2x 19 "Widescreen GamePC with 22 "monitor
We also have 2x PC's serving as internet PC's for the visitors so they could go free on the Internet for comparisation of prices or just to surf the net ,.... This of course made the visitors come in contact with Ubuntu. Because in the beginning we were only 2 volunteers, this was a very good solution.
On the middle monitor ther was playing a video (consisting of 4 downloaded videos from Youtube interspersed with our logo) for about 4 minutes in a loop. We also received many compliments about our booth, some even said it was the best booth of the fair.
Between 10h and 13h was crowded, we where at the end of the fair, the people passed drop by drop our booth, so they have a lot of time en there was enough space. Most visitors were very interested in ubuntu and had many questions. Those who had problems with ubuntu on their machines, we have given them the best help for finding the solution..
The CDs went good, remarkably 10.04LTS. 20x 10.10 Orig Ubuntu 6x Orig. Ubuntu 4.10 5x Orig. Kubuntu 10.10 4x Orig. 10.10 Server 3X Orig. 10.04 Server 20x copy Ubuntu 10.04 10x copy Ubuntu 10.10 1x Xubuntu 4.10
- So as usual, about 70 CDs.
+54€ from the last fair -8€ for sent package from Jean7491 -25€ for the black tablecloths -10€ for the second hand video card -10€ cd's 50x -2€ for the CD sleeves -38€ dipro
At the end of the fair we had about € 73.
After the next fair we can see how much money we will deposit @ ubuntu-be, so we can be sure that we do not have to pay anything out of our pocket to attend a fair.
1. It is worth to invest in your booth, the 4 tablecloths made sure that it is more professional. 2. Quite a few new faces at this show. 3. GamePC and movies make people stop and ask questions.
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Genk_2010-11-21 (last edited 2010-11-25 11:23:32 by 82)