MarkVanDenBorre: iBook G4, 40 pressed 6.06 LTS cd's, camera
- Jeroen Wouters: laptop Toshiba Satellite A60, edgy
- Yves Jans: laptop with live CD, TFT screen, car, ?camera?
- Adriaan Leijnse: cross cable, mass storage music player (iAudio X5L)
Annelies Bollen: laptop Asus A6JC, edgy, no xgl, camera
FrancoisCauwe: laptop Dell D600, edgy, aiglx, 5 pressed 6.06 LTS cd's, camera!
ChristopheVandeplas: laptop IBM T43, 1GB ram, LiveCD
- YOU?
- 38 € in fees paid by: Adrien Verlee
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
500 leaflets: what is ubuntu? what is ubuntu-be.org?: MarkVandenBorre
3 A0 posters: MarkVandenBorre
newsletter & volunteer lists: MarkVandenBorre
- tape, scissors, thin rope: who?
- glass bottle for collecting contributions: who?
- presentation machine + TFT monitor: Yves Jans
- demo desktop machine + TFT monitor: borrow/buy locally
Intel >=256 Mb
>=PIII (FrancoisCauwe: I can take my laptop with me?)
- demo server machine headless: borrow/buy locally
- 256 Mb
- installation demo machine + : borrow/buy locally
cross cable for link demo desktop <-> demo server (Annelies Bollen => it's only 3 metres,... is that okay?)
- personal camera: all of us! we need pics!
- electricity box (or how do you call such a thing?)
? compatible scanner: MarkVandenBorre (HP Scanjet 2200C)
compatible printer: borrow/buy PostScript thing locally
mass storage music player: FrancoisCauwe: I have a Zolid(aldi) Mp3 player, but it's not really nice)
- mass storage camera: who? (+ cable!)
Print Documents
the leaflet: flyer.zip
Lists for new users: ubuntu-lijsten-nl.odt
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Leuven_2006-10-15 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:06 by localhost)