When? Where? What?
- When ? Dipro Computer Fair
- Where ? Brabanthal Leuven (Brabantlaan 1 )
What ? .: Dipro Micro Mega Market - Computerbeurs
- Wouter V. (woutervddn)
- Steven V.
- Thijs D.L. (hfsdo)
- Raymundo (rayvr)
- Toni W.
- Rudy G.
- Frank V.D. (coordinator)
- Marc N. (ubuntu user/promotor)
- ?
- 38,5 euros (Dipro fees)
- IRC meeting for coordination: proposed ... at ...h.. on IRC #ubuntu-be
- Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and in the area of the fair ?
- Think about a good set-up of the booth, for example in U-form !
- Don't forget to add at the entrance of the fair posters inviting to the booth !
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
- Event box Mechelen, Noël Rogghe. Frank has picked the stuff up in Hever.
- Flyers A6 "Ubuntu Eenvoudig, Veilig en Gratis":
- Flyers 2009 Ubuntu-be : Not sure if these are actually the "ubuntu eenvoudig..." ones.
- witte borden om posters te plakken
- Contribution urn (at least I think it's the regular one?)
- a few posters "ontketen je PC".
- Posters
- "ubuntu highway to freedom is now open": Mark VDB Leuven. Frank (who lives in Leuven) will make an appointment to pick them up.
Banner Belgian LoCo Team : (?)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : Frank will bring 3: 4, 5, 8 sockets (personal stuff)
Not there yet
- x figuurtjes Tux : marked in spreadsheet as "Guy (Duportail) - Gavere". That's close ti Ghent. I guess there is no one coming from that direction?
- 1 long power extension cords :
- Posters
- "Free your PC" (?)
- "Linux-Tux": (?)
- Simple posters for the entrance of the event : (?)
- Flyer use of live-CD : (?)
Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (?) what is this? see wiki
- Pen's : (?)
- Tablecloth : (?)
- 1 inflatable Tux :
- Duct tape and other buro material : (?)
- anti-theft cables for laptops : (?)
- CD's: event box Mechelen
- 10.10: 20x Desktop Ubuntu
- 3x Desktop Kubuntu
- 2x Server Ubuntu
- 10.04 LTS: 18x Desktop Ubuntu
- stand-alone PC with presentation
- laptops : thijs (1x) rudy (1x) (personal stuff)
- netbook : rudy (1x) (personal stuff)
- LCD monitor 15": event box Mechelen
- PC : Frank has a spare pc - there is a problem with it however, booting often fails (hardware problem) but it has multiple cd burners for burning extra CD's
- ISO's on an USB stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, netbook, etc..) : I'll see what I can do. I have an 8 GB usb stick and a nice collection of iso's. (Frank).
- External cd writer : Frank brings one (personal stuff)
- Keyboards and mice? Is there a set with the stand-alone PC? - yes, Frank will also bring one set.
Not there yet
- CD's ( originals + copies + blanco) + paper bags: (?)
- boot-able USB sticks : (?)
- additional flat screen s: (?)
- eID card reader : (?)rudy
- beamer + screen : (?)
- Audio set : (?)
- ...
continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp, how to install : (see wiki and installaties 10.04LTS and 10.10)
Possibility of WiFi connection : ?
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera : cell phone Frank. works pretty well indoors.
- fresh drink : Frank will bring a few bottles of water.
- stickers "Powered by Ubuntu" (JanC)
- candies : (?)
We haven't had logistical difficulties, the booth looked quite OK. We've had a few questions from people, mostly about installation or hardware support, and talked to some people who know Linux (at least by name) but wanted to try an up to date distribution.
Generally we didn't attract a big crowd; I think we gave away about 30 of 35 cdroms including self-burned ones, which is not a lot. The fair itself is well-attended, but not a big success anymore (I went to my first dipro fair about ten years ago and I recall it to be bigger, eg generally not sharing a space with a record or photography fair). We also overheard someone from the Dipro organization saying that "it will be a while before there will be another fair in Leuven".
As for gifts, we were almost break even with the booth fees (short of a few cents).
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Leuven_2011-01-16 (last edited 2011-01-18 20:45:50 by 80)