When? Where?
- Namur, 17 december 2006 Namur-Expo
CedricJanssens => Has to cancel (thanks boss)
- Adrien Rami
- YOU ??
- 19 or 38€ (following numbers of participants : a large stand is useless if we are only two there)
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
- 500 leaflets: what is ubuntu? what is Who?
- Banners for table decoration.
Live-cd's Dapper Drake LTS: CedricJanssens
newsletter & volunteer lists: Who?
tape, scissors, thin rope: FrancoisSchoubben
Allonge électrique (I don't know in english
): FrancoisSchoubben
- glass bottle for collecting contributions: who?
What else?
- presentation/installation machine + TFT monitor: Who?
Notebook: 2 for CedricJanssens (one normal, one "muscled" configuration), 1 for Adrien Rami, 2 for FrancoisSchoubben (edgy) + PIII 500, 128Mo Ram with Xubuntu (good idea or not ? it's quite fluent), 1 for BenoitPlunus.
personal camera: CedricJanssens (Olympus 10 megapixels), FrancoisSchoubben (5MegaPixel), you ?
What else?
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Namur (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:04 by localhost)