When? Where? What?
- When ? 26/09/2010
- Where ? 2845 Niel, Gemeentelijke basisschool, Veldstraat
What ? Nielse computerdag -
- nero
- ILUsion
- Hugo
- Gie (whole day)
SkyNETbbs (will be located next to the Ubuntu booth with his FON Wifi presentation (on an ubuntu laptop
- no
- IRC meeting for coordination: proposed ... at ...h.. on IRC #ubuntu-be
- Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and in the area of the fair ?
- Think about a good setup of the booth !
- Don't forget to add at the entrance of the fair posters inviting to the booth !
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team : (?)
- Posters
- "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" (?)
- "Free your PC" (?)
- "Linux-Tux": (?)
- Simple posters for the entrance of the event : (?)
- Flyers 2009 Ubuntu-be : (?)
- Flyer use of live-CD : (?)
- Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (?)
- Pen's : (?)
- Tablecloth : (?)
- 1 inflatable Tux :
- x figuurtjes Tux : (?)
- Contribution urn : (?)
- Duct tape and other buro material : (?)
- 1 long power extension cords : (?)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : (?)
- anti-theft cables for laptops : (?)
- CD's ( originals + copies + blanco) + paper bags: (?)
- boot-able USB sticks : (?)
- PC :
- laptops : Skynetbbs
- netbook : Gie (10.04 Netbook Remix installed)
- additional flat screen s: (?)
- eID card reader : (?)
- beamer + screen : (?)
- Audio set : (?)
- External cd writer : (?)
- ...
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp, how to install 10.04LTS : (see wiki))
- ISO's on an USB stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, netbook, etc..) : (?)
Possibility of WiFi connection : YES
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera : (SkyNETbbs)
- candies : (?)
- fresh drink : (?)
- Setup
- We had an L-shaped booth and another table both on the stage. Really a lot of space.
- Hardware
- 1 all-in-one pc and beamer running a continuous presentation
- 1 "old" (Pentium III) laptop
- 1 14" laptop
- 4 netbooks, one with external screen
- 1 recent 17" laptop with external TFT TV hooked up
- some networking hardware (switch, access points, ...)
- Software
- several versions (10.04, 10.10beta, UNR, ...)
- some demos of GCompris, video editing software, games (Frozen Bubble), ...
- continuous loop of Big Buck Bunny on the TV
- a lot of demonstrations of the Live CD and Live USB sticks
- Visitors
- Most people came in the morning or right after lunch. A significant amount of people were a little bit confused whether we sold hardware (which we didn't).
- We got some help from other Monitor Niel members in helping people with their Ubuntu needs
- Most volunteers spent time troubleshooting some problems visitors had with their Ubuntu systems
- Donations / CDs
to be completed
- Conclusion
to be completed
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Niel_2010-09-26 (last edited 2010-10-06 12:30:32 by 77)