When? Where? What?
- When ? 09/10/2011 (09.00 - 13.00 hr)
- Where ? Seraing
- What ? Brocante informatique
- jean7491
- Gregory D.
- Yves M.
- Stephane V.
- no
- Think about a good set-up of the booth, for example in U-form ! Set-up start at 08.00 hr.
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team : (?)
- Posters
- "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" (1 A3 in french)
- "Free your PC" french (jean7491 - 2 ex.)
- "Linux-Tux": (jean7491)
- Simple posters for the entrance of the event : (?)
- Flyers : french (80 ex. jean7491)
- Flyer use of live-CD : french (?)
- Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (to be printed)(jean7491)
- Pen's : (?)
- Tablecloth : (jean7491)
- 1 inflatable Tux :
- x figuurtjes Tux : (?)
- Contribution urn : (jean7491)
- Duct tape and other buro material : (jean7491)
- 1 long power extension cords : (jean7491)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : (jean7491)
- anti-theft cables for laptops : (jean7491 - 1 ex.)
- CD's (11.04 originals (45) + copies (5)+ blanco (100 available on place) + paper bags: (11.04 (DIY) jean7491)
- boot-able USB sticks : (?)
- PC :
- laptops : 2 laptops IBM and 1 laptop HP (jean7491)
- netbook :
- additional flat screen : 1
- eID card reader (eventually) : (no)
- beamer + screen : (no)
- Audio set : (no)
- External cd writer : (no)
- ...
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp, how to install : (see wiki))
- ISO's on an USB stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, netbook, etc..) : (jean7491)
Possibility of WiFi connection : Yes, but very slow
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera : (jean7491)
The team was reinforced with 2 volunteers from the LUG-LiHuy. The fair (brocante) was the first organized by this school. A fairly limited public showed up, with some interested people asking for more explanation. When possible, people were oriented to local LUGs for more personalized support in the installation procedure. Approximately 35 CD's 11.04 were distributed. Cooperation with volunteers from LUG was excellent.
BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Seraing_2011-10-09 (last edited 2011-10-14 20:53:40 by 109)