When? Where? What?


  • jean7491
  • 12 - 13 h. : Jan V. (De Hahn) en Pieter VdW
  • 19 - 20 h. : Marc P. (Bredene) en Guy (Oostende)


  • no


  • Ubuntu: een gratis besturingssysteem - een team van vrijwilligers geeft een woordje uitleg 12u-13u 19u-20u

  • IRC meeting for coordination: proposed ... at ...h.. on IRC #ubuntu-be
  • Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and outside ?

Stuff needed

paper, attachments, various

  • Banner Belgian LoCo Team : (jean7491)

  • Posters
    • "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" (jean7491)
    • "Free your PC" (jean7491)
    • "Linux-Tux": (jean7491)
  • Flyers 2009 Ubuntu-be : (jean7491)
  • Flyer use of live-cd : (jean7491)
  • Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (jean7491)
  • Pen's : (nno)
  • Tablecloth : (not necessary)
  • 1 inflatable Tux : no
  • x figuurtjes Tux : (jean7491)
  • Contribution urn : (not necessary)
  • Duct tape and other buro material : (jean7491)
  • 1 long power extension cords : (not necessary)
  • 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : (not necessary)
  • anti-theft cables for laptops : (not necessary)


  • cd's ( 10 originals + 10 home-branded + paper bags: (jean7491)
  • PC : 1 Asus (jean7491) ((in fact was not necessary!)
  • laptops : 1 (jean7491), 1 (Marc P. (19-20 h.)) and 12 laptops from Zandletters (with live-cd slow but enough for a general presentation)

  • netbook : (no)
  • additional flat screen s: (no)
  • eID card reader : (no)
  • beamer + screen : hardware Bib available in the room
  • Audio set : (no)
  • ...
  • continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp and 4 ad-hoc presentations more adapted to the public : (pdf version)
  • iso's on a stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, etc..) : (jean7491)
  • Possibility of WiFi connection : ethernet connection is available

  • ...

What else?

  • Digital camera : (jean7491)
  • candies : (no)
  • fresh drink : (no)


  • Each session comprises 4 presentations (1. General presentation, 2. Description of the Ubuntu deskscreen, 3. Use of Live-CD, 4. Dual-boot (see .pdf above)) and a questions-time.
  • Good composition of the team : 1 speaker and 2 volunteers within the public, to help people (and the speaker with more experience).
  • Presentation at 12 hr. : 25 participants, very interested, but 1 hour was too short to answer all questions and for demonstrations.
  • Presentation at 19 hr. : 12 participants, really interested, a lot of questions and good contacts for future activities in Oostende, followed by an informal discussion (45 min).


  • First session

BelgianTeam/DigitalWeek/2010 (last edited 2011-02-16 15:34:03 by 109)