Lekker SA style Braai for Ubunteros on 16 July 2011
The Idea
- The freshly founded ubuntu council sent out a mail/invitation to members, suggesting, among other things, to organise some social meetings.
- Janb offered to organise a barbecue.
The Venue
- Janb used his own flat in Antwerp for this event. This limited participation to about 10 people. Accessibility to the venue is easy from anywhere in the country.
- A limited amount of overnighters can be accommodated.
The Date
- A doodle was started for people to enter their availability,and stayed open for about two weeks.
- 5 people responded, and a final date of 16 July was chosen
The Event
- Janb decided to make it a braai, South African style.
- The emphasis was put on being casual, and anyone was welcome.
- 5 people confirmed their attendance: Pieter Vande Wyngaerde, Ward De Ridder, Wouter Vandenneucker, Jan Claeys, and Pierre Buyle. Pierre excused himself for personal reasons.
- In the end, we were 8. Janb and his wife, June, the 4 aforementioned ubunteros, **********, a friend of June, and Erik Van Ranst, a friend/collegue of Janb who came later.
- Most people arrived between 5 and 6 pm, and drinks and appetisers were served.
- Murphy was among us too. The rain was at it worst between 6 and 9pm.
- Janb started a fire at around 6.30pm. He relentlessly attempted to prepare some food later, but unfortunately the rain was getting too bad, and we had to braai our food inside.
- All in all, good fun was had by all. The people that wanted to catch the train, did so without problem.
- Wouter and Erik decided to miss their tram/train, and spent the night. We all went to bed at around 2am.
- Judging by the late hour, and the mess that was left in the kitchen, it was a great success.
- Attached photo's summarise it quite well.
- This is definitely something we should do more often.
BelgianTeam/SocialEvents/Braai (last edited 2018-03-16 11:48:53 by moon127)