Who is Bodsda
My name is Craig Soutar. I am a computer enthusiast from the UK. I first started using Ubuntu in December of 2007, this was also my first Linux OS. I have since taught myself; with the help of the community documentation, IRC and forums, how to cope with everyday life on Ubuntu. I have also switched from GNOME to Fluxbox just for fun and am enjoying it so much I don't think I'm going to go back. Since migrating to Ubuntu I have started to learn Python and C++ programming languages and have released the cheatsheet project.
Contributions to the communtiy
During my transition from Windows to Ubuntu I religiously lived in #ubuntu learning things all the time and after a month or two started helping others. I now idle in #ubuntu-beginners and spend at least an hour a day helping people in #ubuntu.
* Forums
I try to help on the Absolute Beginners Forum whenever I can and I also participate in discussions in the Programming Talk section of the forums. I have also written a howto; custom usplash art which got Tutorial of The Week (Thanks K.Mandla)
I have recently revived the Beginner Programming Challenges on the forums with great success, we are on the 5th challenge as of 4/6/09 and are looking forward to continuing the challenges for a long long time.
* Ubuntu Beginners Team
I have been a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team (Formerly 'Ubuntuforums Beginners Team') for a few years now. I also help with the development and IRC focus groups. I have, with the help of Paultag (development focus group lead) got the focus group to sponsor the Beginner Programming challenges and are helping people with programming in general but specifically the challenges.
I have recently applied for mentorship in the MOTU project. I am currently waiting for a mentor but during that period I am going to be studying the packaging guide and reading logs to get me kick started in this area of the community
* Ubuntu Membership
In November of 2009 I was honoured to be accepted as an Ubuntu Member
I have worked with Bodsda since his introduction into the Ubuntu Beginners Team. His work is exemplary, and has shown constant and nonstop effort in every aspect of the team administration and work. He joined the Development subteam early on, and has a real passion for coding. He has recently taken the lead of integrating the Beginners Development Team into the Forums, hosting coding competitions and working out current member involvement. His efforts with this team alone are worth a special mention as being first class. Please consider his application in a favorable light.
- Paultag
forestpiskie - Bodsda was hanging about and a member of the UBT when I first went there on irc - his welcoming and helpful attitude was apparent there from the start and he's the same way on the forums. This is borne out, in my opinion, by his resurrection of the challenges in the Programming Talk sub forum for others to be able to learn and further their knowledge.
His enthusiasm for Ubuntu is contagious and his knowledge grows in leaps and bounds, I have been honoured to count him as a colleague and continue to do so.
Bodsda is well deserving of Ubuntu membership and I feel sure that he will bring to it as much as he has to the forums. I wholeheartedly support his application for membership and wish him every success in it.
I have known and worked with Bodsda since he first joined the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team, and I can say that he has made a excellent addition to our community. He is very active, helpful, and overall a joy to work with. I support his application for Ubuntu Membership. - Collin Pruitt
Bodsda is a helpful and well respected member of the Beginners Team. I have always found him to be enthusiastic about supporting Ubuntu and open source. He is an excellent model for younger members of our community to emulate as they seek to become more involved. Charles Profitt
Bodsda (last edited 2013-02-12 19:52:28 by cpc3-ando6-2-0-cust80)