
Revision 13 as of 2005-12-10 19:20:08

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Hi !

Contact Me

Full Name : J. Brian Shumate
E-Mail    : bshumate at NOSPAM, bshumate at NOSPAM
IRC Nick  : bshumate @ : #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-meeting
GPG Key   : 0x441E06C0
LaunchPad :

About Me

I am just a not-so-average curmudgeon of the compuverse. I started noodling with computers twenty years ago with an Apple IIe in elementary school. Today, I still use an Apple machine, but I have many more machines which are running freely available operating systems, and software at my evil genius lab located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, USA where I currently reside with my wonderful wife, and two young children.

Using Ubuntu for a while on a desktop, and now more intensively on an IBM ThinkPad has convinced me to begin repaying my debts of kindness to the free, and open source software communities. To that end, I am now trying to work at providing some of my professional capacity as a Technical Writer to the Ubuntu Documentation Team. So far, I seem to be doing well enough, and the folks who make up he Documenation Team, are like any of those associated with Ubuntu-- wonderful fellow Human beings! Cheers to the kind people of Ubuntu for giving me the inspiration to help out!

If you've survived this long-winded passage so far, there is more detail on how I am contributing below. Thanks for checking out my page, and if I can help you in any way, feel free to contact me using any of the means hilighted at the top of the page.

My Contributions to Ubuntu

I am trying to contribute to Ubuntu as much as possible in several ways. I am currently advocating, and evangelizing the merits of Ubuntu in peer-groups, and professionally, working to help the Documentation Team, helping others in IRC, pitching in a little on the Wiki, and working on an Ubuntu-related book.


I am active on IRC in #ubuntu some days, trying to help others out, and learning in the process myself! Wink ;-)

DocTeam Patches

Below are the patches related to my DocTeam work:

Assisted Material

These patches represent modifications to existing material I have suggested:

[ Server Guide - Installation Section]

[ Server Guide - Network Applications]

Original Material

These patches represent original material I have contributed:

[ Server Guide - OpenSSH Introduction]

[ Server Guide - OpenSSH Section]

[ Server Guide - Windows Networking Section]

Wiki Pages

Below are Wiki Pages I've authored:

[ Strong Passwords]