
Revision 34 as of 2006-01-09 07:00:13

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Full Name : J. Brian Shumate
E-Mail    : bshumate at NOSPAM, bshumate at NOSPAM
IRC Nick  : bshumate @ : #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-meeting
GPG Key   : 0x441E06C0
LaunchPad :


I am just a spring chicken of the compuverse, having only started noodling on computers about twenty years ago with an Apple IIe in elementary school. Today, I still use an Apple machine to stay in touch with my inner cultist, but I have far more machines which are running free, and open source operating systems, and software at my evil genius lab located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, USA where I currently reside with my wonderful wife, and two young children. I have an acrid, and dangerous sense of humor, on loan from an extra-terrestrial being until the year 2020.

I have used, and administered GNU/Linux operating systems for some twelve (12) years now, but have used Ubuntu for only a few months, on an IBM ThinkPad. The quality of the Ubuntu distribution, and its lofty goals has convinced me to begin repaying my debts of kindness to the free, and open source software communities. To that end, I am now trying to work at providing some halfway-decent wordage to the Ubuntu Documentation Team effort. So far, I seem to be doing a fair shade better than a rabid Apple zealot ;-).

Fortunately, the folks who make up he Documentation Team, are like any of those associated with Ubuntu-- tolerant, and kind Human beings Wink ;-) Cheers to the kind people of Ubuntu for giving me the inspiration to help out!

Ubuntu Contributions

I help out as I can, when I can, but have certainly given far more to Ubuntu than I have any other free, or open source project to date, and I am happy to do so! In the future, I'd like to contribute more documentation efforts on the Wiki, possibly in the format of simple, step-by-step how-to guides, and finish my book, which has grown to be somewhat Ubuntu-specific at this point. In the more immediate future, I am launching an Art Project based on Ubuntu. Stay tuned!


I am active on IRC in #ubuntu most days, trying to help others out, and learning in the process myself! Wink ;-)

Documentation Team Patches

Below are the patches related to my DocumentationTeam work:

Assisted Material

These patches represent modifications to existing material I have suggested:

[ About Ubuntu]

[ Server Guide - Installation Section]

[ Server Guide - Network Applications]

Original Material

These patches represent original material I have contributed:

[ Server Guide - OpenSSH Introduction]

[ Server Guide - OpenSSH Section]

[ Server Guide - Windows Networking Section]

[ Server Guide - Network Applications - TCP/IP]

[ Server Guide - Network Applications - TCP/IP]

Wiki Pages

Below are Wiki Pages I've authored:

[ Advanced OpenSSH Configuration for Enhanced Security]

[ Bastille Linux]

[ File Integrity Monitoring and Verification with AIDE]

[ Strong Passwords]

[ The OpenSSL implementation of Secure Sockets Layer]
