Hello I am FreddyMartinez and I try to help out with the bugs in Ubuntu as much as possible. I started this Diary to help others learn where to begin helping on Bugs and hope everyone enjoys the ride. Please feel free to contact me at anytime with questions about bug work, I will try to help as much as possible.
Sometimes a bug will come along like Bug 51643 which developers can not use. Rather, it makes sense but the package it was filed under is wrong. So I saw this bug and realized that it may be related to Firefox because of a networking issue. However, this would not be a bug report against Firefox but rather the network settings or something similar to that. I noticed David had requested more information from the initial reporter, which he did not get. Two months later, John asked for more relevant information; what is important is his second comment. Since this was after Edgy was released (and possibly fixed in Firefox 2.0), John said "Is this still an issue for you?" At this point, the bug had gone four days with no response, which is a fairly large deal. Typically, we can close bug reports after thirty days which have requests for more information not meet. Another request is not meet two day later. Finally, I see it today and realize our initial reporter probably won't respond to us and go ahead and close it. I do so by clicking Firefox above Bug Description and below Affects. There is a drop down menu and I change status to Rejected. At the same time, I leave a comment that explains the status change then click the Save Changes button.
I work on documentation a bit and look for small bug fixes I can make. The Documentation Team works on any and all kinds of documentation that is available for Ubuntu. They also maintain their documentation in a repository which is available for viewing and editing. It is handled via Subversion (SVN), a content management system. To get the repository on my local machine, I ran sudo apt-get install subversion to grab subversion from Ubuntu's repositories.Note: This work is all command line, I will update with a GUI version people request. Next I changed directory to where I wanted my documentation and typed: svn checkout ubuntu-doc. You will get a prompt about your HTTP connection, I usually type t and hit Enter. The first checkout will take a while.
So back to bugs, I came across Bug 110553 in my email. Since it was a small one I thought it would be useful to use for this guide. I changed directories to where I had kubuntu documents (~/ubuntu-doc/kubuntu/network/C) (Your computer may be different). Now I am in the correct directory but I may be editing a file which is older than the repository; the repository may have updated since my last update. Therefore, I run svn up to grab the latest updates. Then I used nano network.xmland Ctrl + W to look for the exact phrases mentioned in the bug report. I found them and corrected the problems and saved with Ctrl + O. Now I want to create a patch against the last update of the repository I have, so I type svn diff > network2.patch. (I used network2.patch as I already had a network.patch in that directory). Now I can attach it to the bug report and mark it as a patch. I will wait for someone to commit it to the repository.
Also, more information can be found at the Documentation Team 's Repository page.
Please feel free to leave me comments (contact information at the top of the page) with feedback, I need it to make sure I am doing a good job. Thank you for reading.
BugSquad/Diaries/fmartinez (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:57 by localhost)