First contact
The following text could be used by the mentor when first contacting a newly assigned student. Mentors are free to use their own texts or adapt the mail provided, but by using the stock mail you can be sure all necessary information is included.
Hello <<StudentName>>, A while ago you requested a mentor to introduce you to bug triaging. Your request has been processed by the administrators of the mentorship program and I'm happy to tell you that I will be your mentor. First let me introduce myself. I'm <<MentorName>>, known on IRC as <<MentorIRCNick>>, and on Launchpad as <<MentorLPProfileLink>>. During your mentorship period I will introduce you to the process of triaging bugs and make you familiar with the way we do things in the Bug Squad. The most important communication channel we use is IRC. If you're not already in the #ubuntu-bugs IRC channel on Freenode, please join. It is also advised to join the 'ubuntu-bugsquad' mailing list[1]. All processes of the Bug Squad are documented at the wiki. Make sure to take a look at <>. The wiki page <> is a good resource for getting to know the different things you need to do with bugs. You also want to read <> and <>; those two pages explain the meanings of the statuses and the priority levels we use for bug reports. In order to get familiar with the tags we use to distinguish different bug reports please read <> as well. I will contact you on IRC soon so we can start with the mentorship. Meanwhile, feel free to try triaging a few simple bugs already so you can see how it goes. If you've got a question, please don't hesitate to mail me. [1] Kind regards, <<MentorName>>
Student assignment
This email could be used by the mentorship team admins to notify mentors they've been assigned a new student.
Hello <<MentorName>>, We've assigned you a student and added [him|her] to your list of students at <>. The name of the student is <<StudentName>>, [his|her] Launchpad profile is <<StudentLPProfileLink>>, [his|her] IRC nick is <<StudentIRCNick>> and you can find more information about the student on [his|her] wiki page, at <<StudentWikiPageLink>>. Please contact the student at the earliest convenience to introduce yourself. A stock mail to do so can be found at <>. You're asked to report once a month on your students in Bug Squad meetings that take place on IRC, or — if you're not able to make it to one of the meetings — on the mailing list of Bug Control. The original request of the student contains some more information. "<<RequestMailFromStudent>>" Kind regards, <<AdminName>> Mentors Team Admin
Student Approval response
This response could be used by the Admins of mentorship team while approving student's membership.
Hi <<StudentName>> , You have been assigned <<MentorName>> as a mentor <<MentorLPProfileLink>> , [He|She] will be contacting you shortly. In the mean time, you can ask questions anytime on #ubuntu-bugs. Thanks for helping with bugs. Kind regards, <<AdminName>> Mentors Team Admin
Student Rejection response
This response could be used by the Admins of mentorship team while declining a student's membership.
Hi <<StudentName>> , You had applied for Bugsquad Mentorship , while reviewing your launchpad profile and wiki page we noticed the details were incomplete. Kindly read the wiki for the requirements : . Since your [launchpad|wiki] page does not have all the information required for assigning a mentor, we are declining your application for now. Kindly update your wiki page with all the required information , link your wiki page to your launchpad profile and re-apply. Thanks for your interest in bugsquad Kind regards, <<AdminName>> Mentors Team Admin
Student De-activating response
This response could be used by the Admins of mentorship team while de-activating an inactive student's membership.
Hi <<Student Name>>, You had applied for BugSquad Mentoring and had been assigned a mentor, <<mentor-name>>. However, the mentor has informed us that [he|she] has had no contacts from you for some weeks. Since we are trying to maintain a team members list with currently active members only, we are deactivating your membership for now. Kindly re-apply for Bugsquad mentorship when you have time for BugSquad and bug triage. Thanks for your interest in BugSquad Kind regards, <Admin name> Mentors Admin
Adding a new Student to Team X
Hello <<Student Name>>, We are in the process of improving the mentorship program -- trying to make it more flexible and make sure you graduate to Bug Control with a good mentoring experience. As such, I've included you to the launchpad team [1]. This team will have around 10 mentees and four mentors assigned; the idea is to: (1) have a mailing list that does not go beyond the mentee-mentor relationship. This ML should be used for any email contact. (Usually the doubts of one mentee are common to others.) (2) get a better ratio mentor/mentee. (3) provide a better assurance that a mentee question will be timely addressed. The list of things you need to follow: - Make sure you read the 'How to Triage' wiki [2] pages well before starting to work on bugs! - You should subscribe to group's Mailing List. - Any doubts or questions you have, you should send email to the group's Mailing List, not directly to mentors. - You should use IRC whenever possible: a direct contact is better for interaction than email exchange. - On IRC *any* of us on #ubuntu-bugs can help. You can query either one of the mentors, or anyone in the channel. Querying the channel usually provides a better response (what 1 mentor does not know, another mentor will probably know). Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any doubts or questions. [1] [2]
BugSquad/Mentors/Stock (last edited 2010-12-15 14:56:24 by pc-39-14-161-190)