
Resources for bug statistics

General statistics

Bug reports with high number of duplicates or subscribers




Bug stats and report feature requests

  • Please add stat or graph feature requests to this list, and file requests in Launchpad as appropriate.

  • Allow dynamic generation of graphs using custom input
    • this might be hard given the length of time it takes for queries to run
  • Use unique URLs that can be used in IRC and email discussions
    • each image is a unique url at this point in time
  • More sensible scaling - the line often goes to the very edge of the graph and on short time intervals you can be a big spike for little activity. A minimum of 10 bugs on the Y axis and a buffer of Y-range/20 would be good.

Implemented feature requests

  • DONE - Show graphs for more LP states (incl. Incomplete, Fix Released)
  • DONE - Show graphs filtered by LP importance
  • DONE - Not having 0 values when unable to connect to Launchpad
  • DONE - Moving all bug stat collection from Brian's computer to the data center
  • DONE - Being able to graph in the data center, requires gnuplot, instead of Brian's system

Bugs/Stats (last edited 2009-01-28 23:23:47 by c-24-21-50-133)