
MP Touch Device Testing

The CI infrastructure on s-jenkins uses lp:~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/mp-testing to provision a device and execute tests. Developers can utilize the build artifacts created by jenkins to run and debug tests locally.

Find the Jenkins Artifacts

The jenkins artifacts can be referenced from the jenkins build which created them. For example, the artifacts for the job:


can be found here:


Note: the archive files provided by the public jenkins service ( do not unzip in a usable format. This is being investigated.

Provision the Device

The device can be provisioned by providing the URL of the jenkins build artifacts and information about what to install depending on if this is a click or debian package.

Click Packages

 scripts/mp_provision [-s ANDROID_SERIAL] -n network.conf --source-branch bzr_source_branch \
     [--target-branch bzr_target_branch] -u jenkins_artifact_url


The network configuration file suitable for phablet-network.
A bzr branch (local or on launchpad) that matches the click package that was built.
A bzr branch (local or on launchpad) of the project trunk branch.
The URL of the jenkins artifacts (see above).

Note: Jenkins does a merge of the source branch into the target branch when the click package is generated.

Debian Packages

 scripts/mp_provision [-s ANDROID_SERIAL] -n network.conf -p package1 [-p package2] [-p packageN]... \
     -u jenkins_artifact_url


The network configuration file suitable for phablet-network.
package1, package2, packageN
The set of packages that need to be installed prior to testing. The packages from the jenkins_artifact_url will be used as a local archive and added to the set of apt sources to provide these packages.
The URL of the jenkins artifacts (see above).

Run the tests

 scripts/run-smoke [-s $ANDROID_SERIAL] -n -a test_suite_name


The name of the autopilot test suite

CI/MpTouchDeviceTesting (last edited 2014-03-31 13:06:34 by fginther)