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== Sunday, December 2nd, 2007, 7:00pm (1900) PDT == Sunday, December 2nd, 2007, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
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=== Agenda ===
== Summary ==
 1. [[CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale6x|SCaLE6x]]
   a. Booth application submitted. We'll probably get accepted.
   a. Canonical will probably have a booth. Flannel will email them to get "swag".
   a. Postpone specific plans (number of people at booth, etc.) until we get accepted.
 1. Launchpad Membership Timeouts
   a. Flannel set our Launchpad group to not expire members automatically. This was intended to be a temporary setting.
   a. Expiry is good because it gives us an idea of how many active/interested members we have. People would be emailed every so often asking if they want to stay in the group; if they don't reply, they get expired out of it.
   a. Discussion of how long between emails. No clear consensus, so the topic was moved to the mailing list.
 1. Installfest postmortem
   a. Case badges were a hit. We distributed a CD! Not much actual installing went on, though.
   a. nhaines presented on FOSS, instead of his original GPG plan.
   a. Pictures didn't come out well because of weird lighting.
 1. Release party
   a. The party at BarCamp LA was really cool! Next time, we should stay longer and do an Ubuntu presentation in the breakout room.
   a. Some people thought we were from Canonical (because of Ubuntu t-shirts and nametags?). The nametags were really cool, though.
 1. The-Kernel proposed that we package the Jabber server program "Openfire"
   a. Consider asking the creators, Jive Software, to do it for us
   a. Updates as The-Kernel researches it will be posted on the mailing list
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== Original Agenda ==
 1. [[CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale6x|SCaLE6x]]
 1. Launchpad Membership Timeouts
 1. Installfest postmortem
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=== Summary === == Log ==
19:16 < Flannel> So, our agenda for the evening: SCaLE, LP expiry, our gutsy-fest postmortem, and then The-Kernel and his shenanigans.
19:16 < nhaines> Sounds good.
19:16 < Flannel> Believe the SCaLE stuff is just a heads-up/progress report. I'll let Yasumoto begin, since I don't want to steal his fire.
19:17 < cactaur> Isn't he still eating?
19:17 < Yasumoto> haha, thanks Flannel
19:17 < cactaur> oh, never mind.
19:17 < Yasumoto> nope, I got back a bit ago :)
19:17 < Flannel> cactaur: He's getting his keyboard messy
19:17 < nhaines> Congrats. :)
19:17 < Yasumoto> well, we've submitted
19:17 < Flannel> (our application to have a boot)
19:17 < Flannel> booth)
19:17 < Yasumoto> so now we can just chill out a bit until we hear back
19:18 < Yasumoto> we should get in, so that's no biggie
19:18 < Yasumoto> supposedly canonical will have a presence, which would be sweet
19:18 < Yasumoto> otherwise, things are on track
19:18 < Flannel> And Ive got the email of the people at canonical we need to get a hold of for swag.
19:18 < Yasumoto> swag++
19:18 < Flannel> So, stuffs looking good in that department too.
19:18 < cactaur> swag? Pirates?
19:18 < Flannel> cactaur: Arrr.
19:19 < nhaines> How many do we need to man the booth?
19:19 < Yasumoto> other than that, it'd be good for people to think about their schedules
19:19 < Flannel> Oh, hey. SCaLE is Southern California Linux Expo. It's in February.
19:19 < Yasumoto> and if anyone wants to get a hotel room (together or separately)
19:20 < Yasumoto> /end update
19:20 < Yasumoto> questions/comments/opinions welcome
19:20 < Flannel> Its Fri/Sat/Sun I believe. And, no idea on people numbers yet. I imagine we'll know that once we're accepted.
19:20 * nhaines gives a sidelong glance at Gareth.
19:20 < nhaines> Okay.
19:21 < Flannel> Alright, so, next is the Launchpad thing. https://launchpad.net/~california.team/+members
19:22 < Flannel> You'll notice (or maybe only I see it, I dont know) that since I've taken the reigns, I haven't had any expiration date on membership
19:22 < Flannel> this was originally going to just be temporary, and it still is... just a long temporary thing.
19:22 * cactaur sees expiration dates.
19:22 < Flannel> The benefits of having an expiration date... oh, before benefits.
19:22 < Flannel> cactaur: Not on about half the people
19:22 < Flannel> right?
19:22 < cactaur> ah, ok
19:22 < Flannel> right.
19:23 < Flannel> When you expire, or a month before, or something (theres a grace period) you get sent an email and are offered to renew or not
19:23 < cactaur> sounds good.
19:23 < Flannel> this isn't designed to be a kick-out sort of thing, but what this will do, is allow us to have a more true feeling for how many people we have involved.
19:23 < nhaines> Quite prudent.
19:24 < Flannel> People who show up once, sign up, and then don't show up again, will be phased out after X amount of tim.
19:24 < Flannel> time.
19:25 < The-Kernel> I'm part of the team but I don't see myself in there.
19:25 < Flannel> The only question is how long should we have that time be? We ought to come up with a few schemes and then vote to decide.
19:25 < Flannel> The-Kernel: have you ever applied for LP membership?
19:25 < cactaur> The-Kernel: I see Thomas Crowe
19:25 < The-Kernel> OH, never mind
19:26 < nhaines> I vote for 3 days.
19:26 < nhaines> It's not every day, but it also invites active thought.
19:27 < cactaur> nhaines: Do you mean the grace period or the membership?
19:27 < nhaines> Membership.
19:27 < Flannel> We can get pretty creative too, if we want. Or simple. Either 1 year, 2 years, whatever. Or something more compicated like 2 months at first, then annual, bi-annual, whatever.
19:27 < cactaur> Eehhh, I wouldn't want to get an e-mail every three days. It'll get annoying after a while.
19:27 < nhaines> Oh, really? I think two months and then 8 (rest of the year) and yearly would be good.
19:27 < nhaines> Also pretend I said 10 instead of 8!
19:27 < Flannel> Heh.
19:28 < nhaines> Hi, harkonen.
19:28 < Flannel> Well, as we can see, this ought to be discussed and considered, so I motion it gets moved to the ML, with eventual voting on LP.
19:28 < nhaines> I second.
19:28 < harkonen> hey i know im'm missing the meeting
19:28 < The-Kernel> I third
19:29 < harkonen> I fourth
19:29 < Flannel> Hah.
19:29 < cactaur> I nth
19:29 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything to add at the moment?
19:29 < The-Kernel> Ithink we should just label them in active
19:29 < The-Kernel> inactive*
19:29 < The-Kernel> instead of kicking them
19:30 < nhaines> Are we really using Launchpad for more than a sort of approximate roll call?
19:31 < Flannel> The-Kernel: I dont know if we have that capability in LP. I do know it keeps people who have timed out in a second list (see the bottom here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+members )
19:31 < Flannel> nhaines: Its a rollsheet, and also where we're doing our voting.
19:31 < Flannel> For whatever we feel the need to vote about
19:31 < nhaines> Aha, didn't know we were going to use it for voting.
19:32 < nhaines> Looks like the old term was 2 years like Ubuntu memberships.
19:32 < Flannel> yeah, ubuntu membership is two years.
19:33 < Flannel> Anyway. Lets see. Next item?
19:33 < Flannel> Ah, right. Gutsy-fest stuff.
19:33 < nhaines> I was in the other room during the installfest. How'd it go?
19:34 < harkonen> I demo'd Ubuntu Studio to a professor.
19:34 < Yasumoto> harkonen: nice :)
19:34 < Flannel> I spoke with some guy who works at the school district about edubuntu/ubuntu/et al.
19:34 < cactaur> nhaines: Well, we got discussion, but not much installation.
19:34 < nhaines> Flannel: was that the guy with the press pass?
19:34 < Flannel> We didn't do an ounce of installation. But did hand out a CD.
19:34 < Flannel> nhaines: yeah
19:35 < harkonen> the case badges were a hit. a few people asked me for some.
19:35 < nhaines> I burned a CD for an old man who listened to my talk and wanted to wipe Windows from his laptop.
19:35 < cactaur> and made some money with the case badges.
19:35 < cactaur> yeah, harkonen beat me to it.
19:35 < Flannel> Case badges sold like hot potatoes, yeah.
19:35 < harkonen> nhaines: wow the success story of the fest
19:36 < Flannel> And nhaines had a wonderful ad-hoc presentation
19:36 < Flannel> on FOSS, because GPG failed him.
19:36 < nhaines> It was nice. He came up to me as I was coming down the stage and asked how he could get one of those discs I was talking about.
19:36 < nhaines> haha, because the wifi failed me, too!
19:36 < The-Kernel> Flannel ping me when you're ready
19:36 < The-Kernel> I have to get back to doing homework
19:36 < nhaines> But I hope to polish some stuff up and get something or other on YouTube.
19:36 < cactaur> oh yeah, nhaines, how did those pictures turn out?
19:37 < harkonen> nhaines: yeah put it up on youtube and let me know
19:37 < nhaines> cactaur: not well, but one or two were not too horrible!
19:37 < cactaur> *sigh* yeah. The lighting was really weird.
19:37 < nhaines> cactaur: It's almost impossible to get good shots in the dark without a tripod on a tiny camera like that. :)
19:38 < Flannel> Oh, for those of you who don't know. We had our gutsy party at BarCamp LA. After much tribulation about the location.
19:38 < cactaur> heh
19:38 < harkonen> Barcamp was so friggin cool. well worth the anxiety of the location.
19:39 < cactaur> yep!
19:39 < Flannel> Anything else?
19:40 < nhaines> I think next time we're at Barcamp, we should just do a single presentation in the breakout room or whatever similar, and just do a "come around and check out Ubuntu" type of deal.
19:40 < cactaur> yeah
19:40 < harkonen> yes that;s a good idea
19:40 < cactaur> And the next time we're at Barcamp, we'll make arrangements to stay LONGER.
19:40 < nhaines> It'll be more suited for the venue and we can prepare a tour of Ubuntu sort of deal.
19:40 < Flannel> I agree. We weren't adequately situated for the venue.
19:41 < nhaines> I think we proved our think-on-our-feets skills. :)
19:41 < cactaur> We're Californians! Of course we can think on our feet!
19:41 * harkonen pretends he's not from NYC
19:42 < nhaines> But let's do 8.04 installfest not at a barcamp. :)
19:42 < Flannel> Definately not with Hardy.
19:42 < cactaur> Maybe we can alternate.
19:42 < Flannel> But, we'll also be fresh off SCaLE for Hardy release. So, we might not wait so long to begin planning.
19:42 < nhaines> I think we should do Barcamps in the future, but let's do installfests elsewhere.
19:43 < harkonen> Doesn't have to be just one installfest. i think it's great to reprazent at Barcamp.
19:43 < Flannel> I agree. They really serve two purposes. one is installation, the other is more education.
19:43 < Flannel> Or at least, hype.
19:43 < harkonen> to a lot of those people we WERE ubuntu. it was kinda weird.
19:44 < Flannel> harkonen: Howso?
19:44 < nhaines> Yeah, I don't think my Ubuntu shirt helped. :)
19:44 < cactaur> But the badges did.
19:44 < nhaines> I was asked many times if I was *from* Canonical.
19:44 < harkonen> yeah the ubuntu sweater really gave the iimpression i think that we were, like, paid ubuntu people or something
19:44 < cactaur> and the cool name tags.
19:44 < nhaines> Oh yeah, everybody loved the badges.
19:44 < Flannel> Ah right. Definate props to nhaines for the tags.
19:44 < harkonen> nhaines: yeah they asked me that a lot too.
19:45 < nhaines> Thanks. :) I was worried that they might not be appropriate for barcamp but I just wore both of mine and only got compliments.
19:45 < Yasumoto> nhaines: yeah, they were way sick :)
19:45 < Flannel> They'll be more visible at SCaLE too, since there'll be real lighting.
19:45 < cactaur> hahaha
19:46 < nhaines> Thanks to Scunizi for the excellent bear addition to the logo.
19:46 < nhaines> It *really* seals the logo, I think.
19:46 < harkonen> yeah i like our logo. it's cool.
19:46 < Flannel> So, moving on to our last thing of the evening. The-Kernel has a project proposition I believe.
19:47 < cactaur> Let's ALL ping The-Kernel!
19:47 < Yasumoto> The-Kernel: ping
19:47 < cactaur> The-Kernel: ping
19:48 < Flannel> While we're waiting, anyone else have anything for the evening?
19:48 < The-Kernel> ok
19:48 < cactaur> IRC Christmas party?
19:48 < The-Kernel> I'm here
19:48 < nhaines> Welcome back. :)
19:48 < The-Kernel> sorry, it was an awesome word problem
19:48 < The-Kernel> anyways
19:48 < cactaur> hahha, no problem, The-Kernel.
19:48 < The-Kernel> I propose a project that we should do.
19:49 < The-Kernel> It is taking the Jabber Server program "Openfire" and converting it to a .deb
19:49 < harkonen> Cool
19:50 < nhaines> Oh yeah. Are you thinking about maintaining it for universe?
19:50 < The-Kernel> Openfire is an extremely popular Jabber Server Deamon, but it has never been ported to .deb because it depends on JAva
19:50 < cactaur> Oooohhhhh
19:50 < nhaines> We can just do a dependency on one of the Java packages.
19:51 < The-Kernel> Yes, we can
19:51 < harkonen> Can java stuff not be included in a .deb?
19:51 < nhaines> harkonen: not a virtual machine, it wouldn't be proper.
19:52 < The-Kernel> It would take someone to actually cross it over to a .deb, and then as many as the teams members as possible to test it.
19:52 < The-Kernel> Sorry if I'm slow, my ping is 12 seconds
19:52 < Flannel> harkonen: java is in multiverse now
19:53 < Flannel> harkonen: or rather, sun java is in multiverse now
19:53 < Flannel> blackdown has been in universe(?) since forever.
19:53 < cactaur> The-Kernel: Would that be a simple checkinstall thing?
19:53 < Yasumoto> The-Kernel: that's a great idea
19:53 < Flannel> erm, main. I suppose
19:53 < The-Kernel> cactaur yes, just install it, and report whatever bugs and problems
19:54 < cactaur> And who will fix them?
19:54 < The-Kernel> now that java is in the more accessible repo's this is possible.
19:54 < Flannel> cactaur: Checkinstall isn't designed for proper distributed debs. But packaging isn't too terribly complicated.
19:54 < nhaines> And who will maintain the deb? How often does Openfire update?
19:54 < cactaur> Flannel: Ah, ok.
19:54 < The-Kernel> I guess I would, as best as I could, openfire is a very active project right now.
19:55 < cactaur> Will we have the title: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!?
19:55 < Flannel> The-Kernel: As for hosting the deb, you probably ought to look into PPA
19:55 < The-Kernel> will do
19:56 < Flannel> It'll allow you to do it properly until you can get it included whereever.
19:56 < Flannel> multiverse probably.
19:56 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Does openfires license permit redistribution?
19:56 < nhaines> Flannel: it's GPL dual licensed.
19:56 < nhaines> The-Kernel: could Jive Software be persuaded to produce their own deb?
19:57 < The-Kernel> Flannel yes it does, it is a dual-license product under both commercial and opensource, we of course will use the opensource version
19:58 < The-Kernel> Right now it's just a proposition, They are having a live chat thing with the developers in thee days, in which I'll get more info.
19:58 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Sounds good then. I agree with nhaines, you might want to ask Jive abotu getting an official deb from them.
19:59 < Flannel> Sounds good
19:59 < harkonen> The-Kernel: where can we get updates on this as you learn more about it?
19:59 < The-Kernel> Most defiantly, if they can produce a deb, why not make them do it!
19:59 < The-Kernel> You mean get updates from me personally?
20:00 < The-Kernel> well, I would post it in my blog, but it's down at the moment until I can get it fixed.
20:01 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Write up something all encompassing once you get answers to whatever and send it to the mailing list.
20:01 < Flannel> all encompassing for those of us who aren't here tonight and such.
20:01 < The-Kernel> Will do Flannel!
20:02 < Flannel> Alright, so, I think that about wraps that up. Anything else anyone would like to bring up or discuss?
20:03 < Flannel> With that, I think we'll go ahead and adjourn. Next meeting is in two weeks as always. December 16, 1900PST.
20:03 < Flannel> Thank you all for coming. Refreshments will be served in the back.
20:03 < harkonen> mmm! wait a minute....
20:03 < nhaines> Thanks, everyone. :)

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007, 7:00pm (1900) PDT


  1. SCaLE6x

    1. Booth application submitted. We'll probably get accepted.
    2. Canonical will probably have a booth. Flannel will email them to get "swag".
    3. Postpone specific plans (number of people at booth, etc.) until we get accepted.
  2. Launchpad Membership Timeouts
    1. Flannel set our Launchpad group to not expire members automatically. This was intended to be a temporary setting.
    2. Expiry is good because it gives us an idea of how many active/interested members we have. People would be emailed every so often asking if they want to stay in the group; if they don't reply, they get expired out of it.
    3. Discussion of how long between emails. No clear consensus, so the topic was moved to the mailing list.
  3. Installfest postmortem
    1. Case badges were a hit. We distributed a CD! Not much actual installing went on, though.
    2. nhaines presented on FOSS, instead of his original GPG plan.
    3. Pictures didn't come out well because of weird lighting.
  4. Release party
    1. The party at BarCamp LA was really cool! Next time, we should stay longer and do an Ubuntu presentation in the breakout room.

    2. Some people thought we were from Canonical (because of Ubuntu t-shirts and nametags?). The nametags were really cool, though.
  5. The-Kernel proposed that we package the Jabber server program "Openfire"
    1. Consider asking the creators, Jive Software, to do it for us
    2. Updates as The-Kernel researches it will be posted on the mailing list

Original Agenda

  1. SCaLE6x

  2. Launchpad Membership Timeouts
  3. Installfest postmortem


19:16 < Flannel> So, our agenda for the evening: SCaLE, LP expiry, our gutsy-fest postmortem, and then The-Kernel and his shenanigans.
19:16 < nhaines> Sounds good.
19:16 < Flannel> Believe the SCaLE stuff is just a heads-up/progress report.  I'll let Yasumoto begin, since I don't want to steal his fire.
19:17 < cactaur> Isn't he still eating?
19:17 < Yasumoto> haha, thanks Flannel
19:17 < cactaur> oh, never mind.
19:17 < Yasumoto> nope, I got back a bit ago :)
19:17 < Flannel> cactaur: He's getting his keyboard messy
19:17 < nhaines> Congrats.  :)
19:17 < Yasumoto> well, we've submitted
19:17 < Flannel> (our application to have a boot)
19:17 < Flannel> booth)
19:17 < Yasumoto> so now we can just chill out a bit until we hear back
19:18 < Yasumoto> we should get in, so that's no biggie
19:18 < Yasumoto> supposedly canonical will have a presence, which would be sweet
19:18 < Yasumoto> otherwise, things are on track
19:18 < Flannel> And Ive got the email of the people at canonical we need to get a hold of for swag.
19:18 < Yasumoto> swag++
19:18 < Flannel> So, stuffs looking good in that department too.
19:18 < cactaur> swag? Pirates?
19:18 < Flannel> cactaur: Arrr.
19:19 < nhaines> How many do we need to man the booth?
19:19 < Yasumoto> other than that, it'd be good for people to think about their schedules
19:19 < Flannel> Oh, hey.  SCaLE is Southern California Linux Expo.  It's in February.
19:19 < Yasumoto> and if anyone wants to get a hotel room (together or separately)
19:20 < Yasumoto>  /end update
19:20 < Yasumoto> questions/comments/opinions welcome
19:20 < Flannel> Its Fri/Sat/Sun I believe.  And, no idea on people numbers yet.  I imagine we'll know that once we're accepted.
19:20  * nhaines gives a sidelong glance at Gareth.
19:20 < nhaines> Okay.
19:21 < Flannel> Alright, so, next is the Launchpad thing.  https://launchpad.net/~california.team/+members
19:22 < Flannel> You'll notice (or maybe only I see it, I dont know) that since I've taken the reigns, I haven't had any expiration date on membership
19:22 < Flannel> this was originally going to just be temporary, and it still is... just a long temporary thing.
19:22  * cactaur sees expiration dates.
19:22 < Flannel> The benefits of having an expiration date... oh, before benefits.
19:22 < Flannel> cactaur: Not on about half the people
19:22 < Flannel> right?
19:22 < cactaur> ah, ok
19:22 < Flannel> right.
19:23 < Flannel> When you expire, or a month before, or something (theres a grace period) you get sent an email and are offered to renew or not
19:23 < cactaur> sounds good.
19:23 < Flannel> this isn't designed to be a kick-out sort of thing, but what this will do, is allow us to have a more true feeling for how many people we have involved.
19:23 < nhaines> Quite prudent.
19:24 < Flannel> People who show up once, sign up, and then don't show up again, will be phased out after X amount of tim.
19:24 < Flannel> time.
19:25 < The-Kernel> I'm part of the team but I don't see myself in there.
19:25 < Flannel> The only question is how long should we have that time be?  We ought to come up with a few schemes and then vote to decide.
19:25 < Flannel> The-Kernel: have you ever applied for LP membership?
19:25 < cactaur> The-Kernel: I see Thomas Crowe
19:25 < The-Kernel> OH, never mind
19:26 < nhaines> I vote for 3 days.
19:26 < nhaines> It's not every day, but it also invites active thought.
19:27 < cactaur> nhaines: Do you mean the grace period or the membership?
19:27 < nhaines> Membership.
19:27 < Flannel> We can get pretty creative too, if we want.  Or simple.  Either 1 year, 2 years, whatever.  Or something more compicated like 2 months at first, then annual, bi-annual, whatever.
19:27 < cactaur> Eehhh, I wouldn't want to get an e-mail every three days. It'll get annoying after a while.
19:27 < nhaines> Oh, really?  I think two months and then 8 (rest of the year) and yearly would be good.
19:27 < nhaines> Also pretend I said 10 instead of 8!
19:27 < Flannel> Heh.
19:28 < nhaines> Hi, harkonen.
19:28 < Flannel> Well, as we can see, this ought to be discussed and considered, so I motion it gets moved to the ML, with eventual voting on LP.
19:28 < nhaines> I second.
19:28 < harkonen> hey i know im'm missing the meeting
19:28 < The-Kernel> I third
19:29 < harkonen> I fourth
19:29 < Flannel> Hah.
19:29 < cactaur> I nth
19:29 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything to add at the moment?
19:29 < The-Kernel>  Ithink we should just label them in active
19:29 < The-Kernel> inactive*
19:29 < The-Kernel> instead of kicking them
19:30 < nhaines> Are we really using Launchpad for more than a sort of approximate roll call?
19:31 < Flannel> The-Kernel: I dont know if we have that capability in LP.  I do know it keeps people who have timed out in a second list (see the bottom here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+members )
19:31 < Flannel> nhaines: Its a rollsheet, and also where we're doing our voting.
19:31 < Flannel> For whatever we feel the need to vote about
19:31 < nhaines> Aha, didn't know we were going to use it for voting.
19:32 < nhaines> Looks like the old term was 2 years like Ubuntu memberships.
19:32 < Flannel> yeah, ubuntu membership is two years.
19:33 < Flannel> Anyway.  Lets see.  Next item?
19:33 < Flannel> Ah, right.  Gutsy-fest stuff.
19:33 < nhaines> I was in the other room during the installfest.  How'd it go?
19:34 < harkonen> I demo'd Ubuntu Studio to a professor.
19:34 < Yasumoto> harkonen: nice :)
19:34 < Flannel> I spoke with some guy who works at the school district about edubuntu/ubuntu/et al.
19:34 < cactaur> nhaines: Well, we got discussion, but not much installation.
19:34 < nhaines> Flannel: was that the guy with the press pass?
19:34 < Flannel> We didn't do an ounce of installation.  But did hand out a CD.
19:34 < Flannel> nhaines: yeah
19:35 < harkonen> the case badges were a hit.  a few people asked me for some.
19:35 < nhaines> I burned a CD for an old man who listened to my talk and wanted to wipe Windows from his laptop.
19:35 < cactaur> and made some money with the case badges.
19:35 < cactaur> yeah, harkonen beat me to it.
19:35 < Flannel> Case badges sold like hot potatoes, yeah.
19:35 < harkonen> nhaines: wow the success story of the fest
19:36 < Flannel> And nhaines had a wonderful ad-hoc presentation
19:36 < Flannel> on FOSS, because GPG failed him.
19:36 < nhaines> It was nice.  He came up to me as I was coming down the stage and asked how he could get one of those discs I was talking about.
19:36 < nhaines> haha, because the wifi failed me, too!
19:36 < The-Kernel> Flannel ping me when you're ready
19:36 < The-Kernel> I have to get back to doing homework
19:36 < nhaines> But I hope to polish some stuff up and get something or other on YouTube.
19:36 < cactaur> oh yeah, nhaines, how did those pictures turn out?
19:37 < harkonen> nhaines: yeah put it up on youtube and let me know
19:37 < nhaines> cactaur: not well, but one or two were not too horrible!
19:37 < cactaur> *sigh* yeah. The lighting was really weird.
19:37 < nhaines> cactaur: It's almost impossible to get good shots in the dark without a tripod on a tiny camera like that.  :)
19:38 < Flannel> Oh, for those of you who don't know.  We had our gutsy party at BarCamp LA.  After much tribulation about the location.
19:38 < cactaur> heh
19:38 < harkonen> Barcamp was so friggin cool.  well worth the anxiety of the location.
19:39 < cactaur> yep!
19:39 < Flannel> Anything else?
19:40 < nhaines> I think next time we're at Barcamp, we should just do a single presentation in the breakout room or whatever similar, and just do a "come around and check out Ubuntu" type of deal.
19:40 < cactaur> yeah
19:40 < harkonen> yes that;s a good idea
19:40 < cactaur> And the next time we're at Barcamp, we'll make arrangements to stay LONGER.
19:40 < nhaines> It'll be more suited for the venue and we can prepare a tour of Ubuntu sort of deal.
19:40 < Flannel> I agree.  We weren't adequately situated for the venue.
19:41 < nhaines> I think we proved our think-on-our-feets skills.  :)
19:41 < cactaur> We're Californians! Of course we can think on our feet!
19:41  * harkonen pretends he's not from NYC
19:42 < nhaines> But let's do 8.04 installfest not at a barcamp.  :)
19:42 < Flannel> Definately not with Hardy.
19:42 < cactaur> Maybe we can alternate.
19:42 < Flannel> But, we'll also be fresh off SCaLE for Hardy release.  So, we might not wait so long to begin planning.
19:42 < nhaines> I think we should do Barcamps in the future, but let's do installfests elsewhere.
19:43 < harkonen> Doesn't have to be just one installfest.  i think it's great to reprazent at Barcamp.
19:43 < Flannel> I agree.  They really serve two purposes.  one is installation, the other is more education.
19:43 < Flannel> Or at least, hype.
19:43 < harkonen> to a lot of those people we WERE ubuntu.  it was kinda weird.
19:44 < Flannel> harkonen: Howso?
19:44 < nhaines> Yeah, I don't think my Ubuntu shirt helped.  :)
19:44 < cactaur> But the badges did.
19:44 < nhaines> I was asked many times if I was *from* Canonical.
19:44 < harkonen> yeah the ubuntu sweater really gave the iimpression i think that we were, like, paid ubuntu people or something
19:44 < cactaur> and the cool name tags.
19:44 < nhaines> Oh yeah, everybody loved the badges.
19:44 < Flannel> Ah right.  Definate props to nhaines for the tags.
19:44 < harkonen> nhaines: yeah they asked me that a lot too.
19:45 < nhaines> Thanks.  :)  I was worried that they might not be appropriate for barcamp but I just wore both of mine and only got compliments.
19:45 < Yasumoto> nhaines: yeah, they were way sick :)
19:45 < Flannel> They'll be more visible at SCaLE too, since there'll be real lighting.
19:45 < cactaur> hahaha
19:46 < nhaines> Thanks to Scunizi for the excellent bear addition to the logo.
19:46 < nhaines> It *really* seals the logo, I think.
19:46 < harkonen> yeah i like our logo.  it's cool.
19:46 < Flannel> So, moving on to our last thing of the evening.  The-Kernel has a project proposition I believe.
19:47 < cactaur> Let's ALL ping The-Kernel!
19:47 < Yasumoto> The-Kernel: ping
19:47 < cactaur> The-Kernel: ping
19:48 < Flannel> While we're waiting, anyone else have anything for the evening?
19:48 < The-Kernel> ok
19:48 < cactaur> IRC Christmas party?
19:48 < The-Kernel> I'm here
19:48 < nhaines> Welcome back.  :)
19:48 < The-Kernel> sorry, it was an awesome word problem
19:48 < The-Kernel> anyways
19:48 < cactaur> hahha, no problem, The-Kernel.
19:48 < The-Kernel> I propose a project that we should do.
19:49 < The-Kernel> It is taking the Jabber Server program "Openfire" and converting it to a .deb
19:49 < harkonen> Cool
19:50 < nhaines> Oh yeah.  Are you thinking about maintaining it for universe?
19:50 < The-Kernel> Openfire is an extremely popular Jabber Server Deamon, but it has never been ported to .deb because it depends on JAva
19:50 < cactaur> Oooohhhhh
19:50 < nhaines> We can just do a dependency on one of the Java packages.
19:51 < The-Kernel> Yes, we can
19:51 < harkonen> Can java stuff not be included in a .deb?
19:51 < nhaines> harkonen: not a virtual machine, it wouldn't be proper.
19:52 < The-Kernel> It would take someone to actually cross it over to a .deb, and then as many as the teams members as possible to test it.
19:52 < The-Kernel> Sorry if I'm slow, my ping is 12 seconds
19:52 < Flannel> harkonen: java is in multiverse now
19:53 < Flannel> harkonen: or rather, sun java is in multiverse now
19:53 < Flannel> blackdown has been in universe(?) since forever.
19:53 < cactaur> The-Kernel: Would that be a simple checkinstall thing?
19:53 < Yasumoto> The-Kernel: that's a great idea
19:53 < Flannel> erm, main.  I suppose
19:53 < The-Kernel> cactaur yes, just install it, and report whatever bugs and problems
19:54 < cactaur> And who will fix them?
19:54 < The-Kernel> now that java is in the more accessible repo's this is possible.
19:54 < Flannel> cactaur: Checkinstall isn't designed for proper distributed debs.  But packaging isn't too terribly complicated.
19:54 < nhaines> And who will maintain the deb?  How often does Openfire update?
19:54 < cactaur> Flannel: Ah, ok.
19:54 < The-Kernel> I guess I would, as best as I could, openfire is a very active project right now.
19:55 < cactaur> Will we have the title: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!?
19:55 < Flannel> The-Kernel: As for hosting the deb, you probably ought to look into PPA
19:55 < The-Kernel> will do
19:56 < Flannel> It'll allow you to do it properly until you can get it included whereever.
19:56 < Flannel> multiverse probably.
19:56 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Does openfires license permit redistribution?
19:56 < nhaines> Flannel: it's GPL dual licensed.
19:56 < nhaines> The-Kernel: could Jive Software be persuaded to produce their own deb?
19:57 < The-Kernel> Flannel yes it does, it is a dual-license product under both commercial and opensource, we of course will use the opensource version
19:58 < The-Kernel> Right now it's just a proposition, They are having a live chat thing with the developers in thee days, in which I'll get more info.
19:58 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Sounds good then.  I agree with nhaines, you might want to ask Jive abotu getting an official deb from them.
19:59 < Flannel> Sounds good
19:59 < harkonen> The-Kernel: where can we get updates on this as you learn more about it?
19:59 < The-Kernel> Most defiantly, if they can produce a deb, why not make them do it!
19:59 < The-Kernel> You mean get updates from me personally?
20:00 < The-Kernel> well, I would post it in my blog, but it's down at the moment until I can get it fixed.
20:01 < Flannel> The-Kernel: Write up something all encompassing once you get answers to whatever and send it to the mailing list.
20:01 < Flannel> all encompassing for those of us who aren't here tonight and such.
20:01 < The-Kernel> Will do Flannel!
20:02 < Flannel> Alright, so, I think that about wraps that up.  Anything else anyone would like to bring up or discuss?
20:03 < Flannel> With that, I think we'll go ahead and adjourn.  Next meeting is in two weeks as always.  December 16, 1900PST.
20:03 < Flannel> Thank you all for coming.  Refreshments will be served in the back.
20:03 < harkonen> mmm!  wait a minute....
20:03 < nhaines> Thanks, everyone.  :)

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/07December02 (last edited 2009-03-26 05:19:08 by adsl-68-127-174-112)