Sunday, December 5th, 2010, 7:00pm (1900) PST
Partimus Fundraiser Dec 15th. Helping put FOSS in Schools. Update on activities and upcoming plans.
Website progress update and DEMO!
- Photo sharing options
- Gallery2 on Linode
Flickr account of team - added benefit of being integrated with the LoCo directory, see example here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ie
If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent.
Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PST / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
1 19:00 < pleia2> ok, meeting time!
2 19:00 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10December05
3 19:00 < pleia2> we didn't put announcements on the agenda, but maybe that should be a standing first or last agenda item
4 19:00 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-ca: Total of 36 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 35 normal]
5 19:01 < jdeslip> First is as good a time as any
6 19:01 < pleia2> ok, announcements!
7 19:02 < grantbow> Alpha 1 is out
8 19:02 < grantbow> 11.04 Alpha 1
9 19:02 < pleia2> alpha 1 info: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-December/000793.html
10 19:03 * MarkDude is looking for a caterer in the Bay for CLSwest on Jan 15th- suggestions can be mailed to me mark@zareason.com
11 19:04 < pleia2> we have several upcoming ubuntu hours around the state, all listed at loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california
12 19:04 < MarkDude> I am the dinner coordinator for the event- We already have 2 people reserved for doing a Tea Ceremony
13 19:04 < pleia2> cool
14 19:04 < eps> What is CLSwest?
15 19:05 < pleia2> http://www.communityleadershipsummit.com/wiki/index.php/CLS_West
16 19:05 < akk> Also, time is running out for talk proposals for SCALE -- I think there's a week left, if anybody's thinking about speaking there.
17 19:05 < pleia2> in daly city
18 19:06 < jledbetter> Hope to attend SCALE for sure
19 19:06 < DarkwingDuck> Sorry I'm late
20 19:06 < MarkDude> Yay scale effin rocks
21 19:07 < pleia2> scale cfp is on socallinuxexpo.org
22 19:07 < pleia2> ok, any more announcements?
23 19:07 < MarkDude> Partimus Fundraiser Dec 15th also
24 19:08 < pleia2> MarkDude: yep, that's the first agenda item :)
25 19:08 < pleia2> we'll get to that once we finish announcements
26 19:08 < pleia2> which it seems like we've done
27 19:09 < pleia2> ok
28 19:09 < dragonoid> Please ping me if there's voting at any time.
29 19:09 < pleia2> Partimus Fundraiser Dec 15th. Helping put FOSS in Schools. Update on activities and upcoming plans.
30 19:09 < pleia2> MarkDude: I think this is your agenda item, the floor is yours :)
31 19:10 < MarkDude> 15th we will have a party at one of the schools that Christian helps
32 19:11 < MarkDude> They help provide computer labs to kids in SF and oakland
33 19:11 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Partimus is the team page about the project
34 19:11 < MarkDude> grantbow, can say something about all the good stuff the labs do
35 19:11 < MarkDude> If he would. He has been helping with it for a while
36 19:12 < grantbow> I look forward to seeing people there
37 19:12 < pleia2> this discusses the event itself and has registration info: http://partimus.org/fundraising_event_2010.php
38 19:13 < MarkDude> If you cant pay to get in- you are still invited
39 19:13 < pleia2> yeah, there is a free ticket option
40 19:13 < grantbow> right
41 19:14 < pleia2> anything else?
42 19:14 < MarkDude> And if you are elsewhere nd cant make it- you can donate
43 19:14 < MarkDude> too
44 19:14 < MarkDude> Yes, if you have any hardware that can be donated that works bring it
45 19:14 < grantbow> I think that's all, I'd be happy to answer question afterward
46 19:14 < MarkDude> let me know ahead of time
47 19:15 < pleia2> ah yes, the hardware reqs are here: http://partimus.org/donate.php
48 19:15 < pleia2> (scroll down a bit)
49 19:15 < MarkDude> If you just have parts- they can also be donated to GK
50 19:15 < MarkDude> Again- contact me- or Dangerous G
51 19:15 < MarkDude> Thats it :)
52 19:16 < pleia2> ok cool
53 19:16 < pleia2> Next agenda item: Website progress update and DEMO!
54 19:16 < pleia2> ok, this is the fun part :)
55 19:16 < pleia2> jtatum and I worked these past couple weeks to get a demo main site up on the linode
56 19:17 < DarkwingDuck> +1
57 19:17 < pleia2> we haven't updated DNS yet, we wanted to come to a meeting and see what people thought, so to view it you can edit: /etc/hosts
58 19:17 < pleia2> and add this line:
59 19:17 < pleia2> ubuntu-california.org
60 19:18 * MarkDude wants it ALL in Flash, with an intro that takes a few minutes to upload, can I add that to the potential list ? :D
61 19:18 < jdeslip> nano /etc/hosts
62 19:18 < pleia2> you'll have to use sudo
63 19:18 < jdeslip> ... wrong window
64 19:18 < jtatum> sudo nano :)
65 19:18 < jdeslip> (and yes missing the sudo)
66 19:18 < crashsystems> "The home page would go here. Yes, indeedy."
67 19:18 < pleia2> crashsystems: woo!
68 19:18 < AndIrc_> I can't edit etc hosts on my phone :(
69 19:18 < pleia2> yeah, so once you have that done, navigate to ubuntu-california.org in your web browser
70 19:19 < jledbetter> nice home page text :D
71 19:19 < pleia2> I also took a screenshot: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/ubuntu-california-website-120510.png
72 19:19 < pleia2> AndIrc_: it's large, sorry :(
73 19:19 < pleia2> we installed wordpress and then used the community developed wordpress theme
74 19:19 < jtatum> i wrote the home page text. pleia2 did the heavy lifting
75 19:20 < jdeslip> Very pretty
76 19:20 < pleia2> hey, you got the theme installed :)
77 19:20 < jledbetter> jtatum, I shoulda guessed ;)
78 19:20 < DarkwingDuck> pretty
79 19:20 < jdeslip> (one nitpic - add more space after team before the orange ends)
80 19:20 < crashsystems> orange > brown
81 19:20 < pleia2> maybe just drop "Team"?
82 19:21 < grantbow> Team is important
83 19:21 < pleia2> ok
84 19:21 < eps> Or a non-breaking space between California and Team
85 19:21 < grantbow> as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams
86 19:21 < akk> Wrapping "Team" does look strange, though.
87 19:21 * MarkDude hopes the lack of penguins is just an oversight
88 19:21 < AndIrc_> No need to repeat "ubuntu" twice before"california team" (logo)
89 19:21 < eps> Maybe just delete the second Ubuntu
90 19:22 < pleia2> "California Team"
91 19:22 < akk> Good point, the second Ubuntu doesn't need to be there
92 19:22 < jledbetter> can just move it to the left and span with white space of none
93 19:22 < MarkDude> +1 getting rid of 2nd ubuntu
94 19:22 < akk> assuming that the ubuntu logo above it has alt text of "Ubuntu" for accessibility
95 19:22 < pleia2> jtatum: I am not sure where that text is in the theme, wanna update it?
96 19:22 < jledbetter> But css design by committee is crazy :)
97 19:22 < jtatum> updated
98 19:22 < AndIrc_> Ah, I am erichammond in disguise.
99 19:22 < grantbow> lol
100 19:22 < pleia2> oh, hi erichammond :)
101 19:23 < jdeslip> Hurray another android user
102 19:23 < pleia2> ok, how does that look?
103 19:23 < pleia2> (thanks jtatum!)
104 19:23 < jdeslip> beautiful!
105 19:23 < pleia2> we probably want our cute bear logo down in the body text somewhere
106 19:23 < jdeslip> This is officially the most productive meeting ever ;)
107 19:24 < pleia2> we have an "about" page but we might get rid of the "about" page and move the text to the main page
108 19:24 < pleia2> or change the main page to the "blog" but we haven't decided whether we actually want a blog
109 19:24 < pleia2> (one more place to update, ugh!)
110 19:25 < jledbetter> Might want to beware of everything having its own tab. Very tight. Maybe lump up stuff more?
111 19:25 < jdeslip> It seems like the planet would mostly supplaint that
112 19:25 < jledbetter> jdeslip, +1
113 19:25 < pleia2> yeah and we've discussed some options for planet too, we think in the long run we want an app engine thing, but we're not sure how quickly we can get that going
114 19:25 < pleia2> so we might go with venus for now, still talking with dragon about it
115 19:25 < DarkwingDuck> Why not use the app engine that planet.ubuntu uses?
116 19:26 < grantbow> is the source available for app engine?
117 19:26 < jtatum> planet.ubuntu doesn't use app engine
118 19:26 < pleia2> planet.ubuntu uses planet planet
119 19:26 < pleia2> venus is a better version of planet planet
120 19:26 < pleia2> (kinda)
121 19:26 < DarkwingDuck> https://github.com/rubys/venus/
122 19:27 < DarkwingDuck> It's not that bad and it's in Ruby... bonus for that.
123 19:27 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Planet has some ideas that people have already put up
124 19:27 < jtatum> it's in php :)
125 19:27 < DarkwingDuck> and py
126 19:27 < jtatum> sorry python
127 19:28 < AndIrc_> For a community site, I recommend using the most common, simple technologies available, so maintenance can easily be picked up by others as necessary.
128 19:28 < pleia2> jledbetter: regarding lumping stuff up more, I'm not sure what you mean, drop some of the links, or..?
129 19:28 * eps wants you to make sure the site is viewable on a Netbook without horizontal scrolling
130 19:28 < pleia2> looks fine on my netbook
131 19:28 < grantbow> mobile +1
132 19:29 < jledbetter> pleia2, Combine to larger categories maybe. One of the drawbacks to horizontal tab navigation with each being so specific.
133 19:29 < pleia2> unfortunately if it doesn't work we'll have to scrap the community theme altogether and restart from scratch
134 19:29 < pleia2> or we could offer an alternate mobile version
135 19:29 < eps> Your screenshot was 1366x768. Most Netbooks are more like 1024x600.
136 19:30 < jledbetter> Hm
137 19:30 < pleia2> eps: the screenshot has my whole desktop, it looks fine on my 1024 netbook :)
138 19:30 < DarkwingDuck> works in my netbook
139 19:30 < pleia2> and that screenshot is a different computer
140 19:30 < jdeslip> By the way, I just got done implementing some mobile (Android/iOS) wordpress themes/plugins that look good.
141 19:30 < jledbetter> 980px fixed is what it looks like
142 19:30 < akk> Ideally it should work even on narrower screens, like 800
143 19:31 < pleia2> jdeslip: ooh, cool
144 19:31 < grantbow> can we do an email thread for reporting how the site looks on different browsers and platforms?
145 19:31 < pleia2> akk: it's fixed width, it won't shrink :(
146 19:31 < jledbetter> 800? oy :)
147 19:31 < jtatum> the ubuntu theme is open source. patches welcome :) lp:ubuntu-website
148 19:31 < jdeslip> Not sure if we want mobile edition. But check out www.berkeleylug.com on you phone if want to see what is possible.
149 19:31 < pleia2> jdeslip: cool
150 19:31 < grantbow> jtatum: cool
151 19:31 < jledbetter> jtatum, The new design is fixed. Do they really welcome liquid/fluid?
152 19:31 < pleia2> based on ubuntu-website discussions they don't want non-fixed width
153 19:32 < jledbetter> That's what I heard too. Just checking.
154 19:32 < grantbow> fixed with browser detection maybe?
155 19:32 < eps> please don't go there
156 19:32 < jledbetter> lol
157 19:32 < pleia2> grantbow: that gets very complicated
158 19:32 < grantbow> I am not sure what's possible in the theme
159 19:33 < DarkwingDuck> :)
160 19:33 < grantbow> yeah
161 19:33 < DarkwingDuck> If it looks good in netbook then have a mobile theme I don't think we will have an issue
162 19:33 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: +1
163 19:34 < jledbetter> What would the mobile theme do? Be one column?
164 19:34 < pleia2> I think we'd ask jdeslip to do some magic :)
165 19:34 < DarkwingDuck> Just an optimised theme for looking at wordpress in mobile browsers
166 19:34 < crashsystems> Does everyone know if the wordpress extension for presenting alternate themes when a mobile user agent is provided?
167 19:34 < crashsystems> of*
168 19:35 < pleia2> jdeslip: ah, berkeleylug.org mobile is very different from the other site! (I like it)
169 19:35 < grantbow> we should test on all platforms too, unfortunately :)
170 19:35 < eps> Does wordpress preclude the use of CSS @media rules?
171 19:35 < grantbow> ie, safari on various hardware, etc.
172 19:36 < jtatum> the wordpress theme in use is open source :)
173 19:36 < pleia2> yeah, now that you know how to update the hosts file, please do testing!
174 19:36 < jtatum> you guys have a lot of great ideas and should hook up with that project
175 19:36 < DarkwingDuck> If we are using the community theme there should already be a test platform.
176 19:36 < pleia2> it's already been vetted by the community (several locos use it) but it doesn't hurt
177 19:36 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: yeah
178 19:36 < DarkwingDuck> (knowing how Ubuntu devs do things)
179 19:36 < jdeslip> Ya, mobile is generally one column. It would be easy to mode a mobile theme for our new page I think.
180 19:37 < DarkwingDuck> So, we would not need to retest everything that has already been tested.
181 19:37 < grantbow> DarkwingDuck: good point
182 19:38 < pleia2> anyway, I don't want to take up much more meeting time with this, we'll be working on this in the coming weeks, and you can nudge jtatum and I any time to discuss and we'll talk about stuff in channel
183 19:38 < pleia2> and if anyone else wants to be on the website team with jtatum, dragon and myself, you're welcome (jdeslip?)
184 19:39 < grantbow> I would
185 19:39 < DarkwingDuck> I would if I wasn't redoing kubuntu.org this cycle
186 19:39 < pleia2> grantbow: ok cool
187 19:39 < DarkwingDuck> But, I'm good for questions...
188 19:39 < pleia2> grantbow: we'll talk later, I can hook you up with a wordpress login and all :)
189 19:39 < grantbow> kk
190 19:39 < dragonoid> That'd help too, DarkwingDuck
191 19:39 < pleia2> ok, next agenda item - somewhat related
192 19:39 < pleia2> Photo sharing options
193 19:40 < pleia2> Gallery2 on Linode
194 19:40 < pleia2> Flickr account of team - added benefit of being integrated with the LoCo directory, see example here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ie
195 19:40 < pleia2> currently, those are our two main options
196 19:40 < DarkwingDuck> +1 Flickr account
197 19:40 < jdeslip> Is there an app-engine option?
198 19:40 < pleia2> I like the flickr account too, but it's not open source :\
199 19:41 < pleia2> jdeslip: we need to talk to dragon about that more, I am not sure how easy it would be
200 19:41 < pleia2> mostly I just wanted to toss this topic out there to see what we thought about it, no decision is required tonight
201 19:41 < jdeslip> (Also, I would personally prefer Picasa over Flickr because that is what I and friends use...)
202 19:41 < DarkwingDuck> ... But then we wouldn't be responsible for the space for pictures.
203 19:41 < pleia2> unfortunately picasca doesn't have loco directory support
204 19:41 < dragonoid> Picasa++
205 19:41 < pleia2> err, other way around
206 19:42 < DarkwingDuck> http://www.plogger.org/
207 19:42 < pleia2> I can file a feature request bug for it though and see how it goes
208 19:42 < dragonoid> We can build a frontend for picasa using AppEngine.
209 19:42 < grantbow> is the picasa source available? lol
210 19:43 < jdeslip> pleia2: ya that would be great for them to implement regardless of what we choose.
211 19:43 < dragonoid> I'll be up for discussion about this later
212 19:43 < grantbow> oh, it is
213 19:43 < pleia2> oh wait
214 19:43 < grantbow> http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html
215 19:43 < pleia2> picasca is supported by the loco directory!
216 19:43 < grantbow> oh, that's client
217 19:43 < pleia2> grantbow: that's the client, not picascaweb
218 19:44 < pleia2> dragonoid: maybe you are right, can you look into app engine options?
219 19:44 < jdeslip> Ya, I don't think Picasa or Flickr or open-source (on the web at least). (I just prefer picasa better because it is what i already use)
220 19:44 < dragonoid> pleia2: yes
221 19:44 < pleia2> so app engine, gallery2 (open source), picasa (closed), flickr (close)
222 19:44 < pleia2> +d
223 19:45 < pleia2> ok cool, dragonoid will look into app engine stuff, and we'll revisit this :)
224 19:45 < pleia2> any other things before we wrap up the meeting?
225 19:45 < DarkwingDuck> I'd like to send out an update really quick
226 19:46 < jledbetter> good job getting the site going :)
227 19:46 < DarkwingDuck> Update on the robots.txt for the indexing of the IRC logs... The IRCC has the bug and they are talking with Canonical IS people seeing if this is something that can/will be done for the ubuntu-us-ca team
228 19:46 < jdeslip> jledbetter +1
229 19:46 < grantbow> agreed. great work on the site
230 19:47 < DarkwingDuck> They are working on it and as soon as I find anything out I will bounce it off the ML
231 19:47 < pleia2> thanks DarkwingDuck :)
232 19:48 < grantbow> great, thanks
233 19:48 < DarkwingDuck> Next meeting on the 19th of December... It will be the last meeting of 2010
234 19:49 < pleia2> ok, thanks for coming everyone!
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10December05 (last edited 2010-12-06 04:15:40 by c-67-161-72-208)