Sunday, October 17th, 2010, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
Original Agenda
- Eastbay Maker Faire Booth in conjunction with BerkeleyLUG. Planning.
Upcoming Leadership Election. Review of the of brief LoCo proposed structure.
- Recaps of Launch parties.
If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent.
Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PDT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
19:04 < jdeslip> Welcome to the Oct. 17th meeting of Ubuntu-California. There are three items on the agenda: 19:04 < jdeslip> 1. Eastbay Maker Faire Booth in conjunction with BerkeleyLUG. Planning. 2.Upcoming Leadership Election. Review of the of brief LoCo proposed structure. 3Recaps of Launch parties. 19:05 < jdeslip> Please add anything if you like. 19:05 < jdeslip> If nuboon2age is around, perhaps he can quickly recap the code camp event 19:06 < MarkDude> We kicked ass 19:06 < MarkDude> Some videos are up with more to come 19:06 < jdeslip> MarkDude: can you post the link to the videos again? 19:07 < grantbow> MarkDude: language please 19:07 < MarkDude> http://www.youtube.com/zareason 19:07 < jdeslip> MarkDude: excellent 19:07 < MarkDude> Chill G - be hppy Im not all mad 19:08 < jdeslip> OK, lets move to the first item and nuboon2age is free to jump in between topics to talk about the event. 19:08 < jdeslip> 1. Upcoming Event: East Bay Maker Faire Booth. 19:08 *** MarkDude will be there, and YES I will be wearing the Penguin suit 19:09 < jdeslip> So, this is extremely short notice, but I just got an invitation from one of the organizers that they'd like BerkeleyLUG and the Ubuntu California team to represent there 19:09 < jdeslip> Some info on the event is here: http://ebmakerfaire.wordpress.com/ 19:09 < jdeslip> It is Sunday, October 24 from 10am-5pm 19:09 < MarkDude> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=101166379947552 19:09 < MarkDude> That is the facebook link 19:09 < jdeslip> In Oakland near Macarthur Bart 19:10 < jdeslip> MarkDude: thanks! 19:10 < MarkDude> Easier for folks to invite friends 19:10 < dragon> +1 attending 19:10 < MarkDude> :) 19:10 < grantbow> I am sorry I won't be able to make it. I'm one of the organizers of http://www.olpcsf.org/CommunitySummit2010/ which runs all weekend. 19:10 < jdeslip> dragon: awesome! 19:10 < MarkDude> grantbow, I know pleia2 said she was headed there also :( 19:11 < jdeslip> I put up a page for the event here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/EastBayMakeFaire 19:11 < jtatum> planning to attend 19:11 < jdeslip> So far we have the following - 1 tent. 2 Ubuntu/Linux banners. 2 Tables 1 Demo Machine plus TV. Stuffed animals 19:11 < jdeslip> jtatum: great! 19:12 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: sorry. i got sidetracked. Code Camp we did 75 min session on Beginning ubuntu Development. about 60 people came. it was billed as beginner. some people probably wanted more intermediate or advanced, but we did what we could with who we could get together on short notice. it went well. people liked my pineapple upside down cake with the Ubuntu circle of friends done with pineapple circles and cherries. 19:12 < MarkDude> If the GK canopy is needed I can drop it off whereever 19:12 < jdeslip> I think it would be useful if we had ~200 of so discs to give out. Any other ideas on what need? 19:12 < jdeslip> MarkDude - I "think" we probably only need one canopy. But thanks for the offer. 19:13 < nuboon2age> oh and we also are documenting Code Camp so everyone can see the videos and presentations on the Ubuntu wiki and we can use the talks again. 19:13 < MarkDude> http://www.youtube.com/zareason#p/u/0/1mcW4XweEv4 <<< your 1st video Drew 19:14 < nuboon2age> The wiki page for Code Camp (which continues to get updated) is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CodeCamp2010 19:14 < jdeslip> nuboon2age: thanks for the summary 19:14 < nuboon2age> welcome jdeslip. ty for your participation. that was probably people's fav. 19:14 *** MarkDude would like input on naming ways and details for the videos 19:14 < jdeslip> For people coming to the East Bay Maker Faire: please sign up here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/486/detail/ 19:14 < nuboon2age> Quickly 19:15 < nuboon2age> PyGTK and Quickly talk by jdeslip. probably fav of most. 19:15 < jdeslip> So, does anyone have any ideas for things to show off/do at the Maker Faire? The base starting point is demoing ubuntu on the TV and distributing info. 19:16 < jdeslip> That may be enough for a project on such short notice. 19:16 < nuboon2age> how about a showing how easy it is to do an install 19:16 < nuboon2age> even without completing it you can show the first steps. 19:16 *** MarkDude wants to film this also jdeslip 19:16 < jdeslip> The organizer has told me that we do have power. So, that should be possible. 19:17 < MarkDude> What would the group like for Cali Teams youtube channel? 19:17 < nuboon2age> also people don't really understand about the 'live CD' usually until its demoed 19:17 < jdeslip> We are supposed to be located right next to the FixIt clinic booth (who is the organizer that invited us). 19:17 < MarkDude> jdeslip, ur power is overwhelming :) 19:17 < jdeslip> He is encouraging people to bring in old machines and will hopefully send them home with Ubuntu disks :) 19:18 < jdeslip> nuboon2age: demoing the live-cd sounds like a great idea. 19:18 < MarkDude> Installfest? 19:18 < nuboon2age> also it'd be cool to show about live USB 19:18 < jledbetter> jdeslip, That it runs so well on so little is nice to see in person. Not everyone will understand RAM, etc but maybe that it ran Windows 7 (or can't even) slowly 19:18 *** MarkDude will bring a few live usbs also - are we rolling with 10.10? 19:18 < Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10October17 edited 19:18 < jdeslip> An installfest outside at the event might be a little ambitous. But, if he fixes the hardware - giving them an Ubuntu CD to go might b ok 19:19 *** eps wonders if anyone has thought about creating an "Ubuntu infomercial" 19:19 < nuboon2age> i like to tell people about Portable Ubuntu on Windows and Wubi installs also 19:19 < MarkDude> Ahh, sounds reasonable 19:19 < jdeslip> eps: That would be cool 19:20 < jdeslip> MarkDude: Do you have any of the nice brochures that Pleia2 made? 19:20 < jdeslip> They looked really professional at the Solano Stroll 19:20 < nuboon2age> another neat thing would be to show WINE. wish it were more effective. but showing M$ Office stuff running is impressive enough. Open Office deserves more attention imo. 19:21 < eps> In certain venues, showing Edubuntu or Ubuntu Studio might make sense 19:21 < jdeslip> Ok, anyway, we can discuss more details in the channel and on the mailing list. Please remember to sign up here if you are coming: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/486/detail/ 19:21 < grantbow> jdeslip: if there are any brochures left over in that paper bag I still have them. 19:21 < nuboon2age> Open Office / Libre Office is not well enough known and along with Mozilla Firefox is one of the most persuasive FLOSS programs to get people to move towards GNU/Linux. 19:22 < jdeslip> grantbow: great, maybe I can get them next friday 19:22 < MarkDude> jdeslip, I only have a few, Ryan Singer has the others 19:22 < jdeslip> MarkDude: ok. 19:22 < nuboon2age> I use Kubuntu some and think it is quite elegant. Also use Xubuntu (and at least installed Lubuntu) they can all be installed on the same Ubuntu install and switch back and forth very easily. 19:23 < jdeslip> So, continue to discuss ideas for this after the meeting on the mailing list. Particularly if you are coming and have something you can bring. 19:23 < jdeslip> Meeting Agend Item #2 ---- 19:23 < jdeslip> Reminder of the ongoing Leadership/Restructuring process. 19:23 < paultag> good evening, my friends :) 19:24 < grantbow> paultag: welcome 19:24 < paultag> grantbow, thank you kindly :) 19:24 < MarkDude> Hey there paultag 19:24 < paultag> evening MarkDude 19:24 < grantbow> paultag: care to update us from the LoCo Council perspective? 19:24 < jdeslip> As many of you know, we were asked by the LoCo council last meeting to have an Election to nominate either 1 or 3 leaders to serve for a year. 19:25 < grantbow> hmm, anyone seen nhaines or Flannel lately? 19:25 < paultag> We're trying to keep out of the election, we are more then happy with the direction the LoCo takes it's self in. We're very very happy with the 3 leaders chosen so far, and we all agree they will be a strong addition to the leadership of the team 19:25 < paultag> I'm just here to watch and answer questions :) 19:25 < jdeslip> Pleia2 sent out an email taking a vote on whether members thought 3 or 1 leader was better and it was unanimously decided that 3 was better 19:26 < jdeslip> There is 1 day left to nominate yourself based on two weeks from pleia2 original email 19:26 < MarkDude> +1 19:26 < jledbetter> Yes, plus we also voted on the leadership document passed via email. 19:26 < jdeslip> You are to nominate yourself by adding your name to this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Leadership/2010 19:27 < MarkDude> Unless you are one of the 4 --- the banned people list is an offense to my sensibilities 19:27 < MarkDude> - 4 that is 19:27 < jdeslip> Yes, as jledbetter pointed out we have also written up a brief skeleton structure for the group based on something I proposed a year or so back: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Leadership 19:28 < jdeslip> MarkDude: Yes, as Mark has pointed out, there are 4 people not allowed to be nominated for this year only. 19:28 < jdeslip> If you don't know it, you are not one of the four 19:28 < itnet7> thanks for the clarification jdeslip 19:28 < MarkDude> Use Google - you can find the names 19:29 < jdeslip> The proposed structure was put to a vote on the mailing list with no objections. It is amendable through the decision making process laid out in the document. 19:29 < MarkDude> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grant+bowman+neal+busset 19:29 < MarkDude> 2nd result 19:30 < jdeslip> The purpose of discussing this here is not to debate the process - it is to remind everyone that this is going on and to encourage them to participate 19:31 < jdeslip> Again, if you think you would be a good leader please add you name to the list by the end of the day tomorrow! 19:31 < jledbetter> jdeslip, Thank you for the reminder. 19:31 < grantbow> you could have just linked to the email announcement - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2010-October/001320.html 19:31 < jdeslip> grantbow: yes, thank you :) 19:32 < MarkDude> Well the fact anyone here that uses their full name is fair game in Ubuntu's opinion 19:32 < MarkDude> Kindof important, at least IMHO 19:32 < jledbetter> But we're talking about the voting, MarkDude 19:33 < MarkDude> And that those of you running should not be shocked how your name shows up in Google - relevant 19:33 < grantbow> MarkDude: your feelings on this and other matters are noted 19:33 < jtatum> for the love of pete 19:33 < jtatum> i swear to god 19:33 < jtatum> MarkDude, i love you 19:33 < jledbetter> +1 jtatum 19:33 < jtatum> but seriously 19:33 < jdeslip> MarkDude: Once we have a working structure in place - I think we can then make decisions on our team policy in more detail. 19:34 < jtatum> the politics are driving me away from this loco 19:34 < paultag> +1 19:34 < jledbetter> :( 19:34 < Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects edited 19:34 < nuboon2age> i hope we'll get some candidates from SoCal. i'd like to see 2/3rds from SoCal seeing that is where the bulk of Cali's population is. 19:34 < jledbetter> MarkDude, Don't break up our marriage :( 19:34 < MarkDude> The council is driving me away 19:35 < jledbetter> nuboon2age, Maybe they'll step up later. Being a Leader might be overwhelming but maybe they'll become leaders in events and stuff :) 19:35 < jdeslip> OK - again the point of this agenda item is not to debate the Council's decision but to remind people of the process. 19:35 < jdeslip> That done, we are now moving on to the final Agenda item 19:35 < MarkDude> +1 19:35 < jdeslip> Agenda Item 3 ----------- 19:36 < jdeslip> Recap of Launch Parties 19:36 < nuboon2age> jbermudes: are you open to nomination? 19:36 < jdeslip> Who attended a launch party and would like to discuss it? 19:36 < nuboon2age> also Yasumoto? nomination? 19:37 < jbermudes> nuboon2age: At this time I have no plans to add myself to the list of nominations 19:37 < nuboon2age> and don't want me too jbermudes? 19:37 < jdeslip> nuboon2age - I believe the person needs to nominate themselves 19:37 < jdeslip> Though they can certainly be prodded in that direction ;) 19:38 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: oh? okay didn't know that. 19:38 < jdeslip> nuboon2age: You attended a launch party after code-camp right? 19:38 < jdeslip> (a mini-launch party?) 19:38 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: i attended the code camp speakers dinner 19:39 < nuboon2age> along with MarkDude, Earl, and ryan 19:39 < jdeslip> Ah, ok. I thought there was perhaps an Ubuntu specific meetup after. 19:39 < nuboon2age> we had my cake for a small Maverick celebration though. 19:39 < MarkDude> aaditya, also 19:40 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: this wednesday the 21st we have an Ubuntu Hour / Maverick release party 19:40 < dragon> jdeslip: I believe there was a proposed party on Sunday night after code camp, but it never happened afaik. 19:40 < nuboon2age> in Mountainview 7pm at Red Rock Coffee. 19:40 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: yes that's true dragon. we didn't pull it off 19:40 < jdeslip> dragon: Ah, ok. That was the one I was thinking of. 19:41 < jdeslip> nuboon2age: OK - great! 19:41 < nuboon2age> we settled for cake 19:42 < jdeslip> Let's be honest, cake is really the most important part of any party ;) 19:42 < nuboon2age> Ubuntu Hour / Maverick party details and RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/474/detail/ 19:42 < nuboon2age> jdeslip: it went over better than i expected. :-) 19:42 < jdeslip> OK. So, unless anyone else has a Release party announcement/recap. Lets draw this meeting to a close with a few announcements. 19:43 < grantbow> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek just concluded - logs are available 19:43 < jdeslip> 1. Ubuntu open-week is just drawing to close. I believe grantbow attended a loted of sessions 19:43 < nuboon2age> i think there was a Sunday party in SF. but i didn't go. 19:43 < jdeslip> grantbow: I was hoping you'd jump in there :) 19:43 < grantbow> I didn't attend as many as I would have liked :-) 19:43 < grantbow> I tweeted about a few 19:44 < eps> grantbow and I were both at the S.F. event 19:44 < jdeslip> 2. Ubuntu Developer summit is coming Oct. 25th - 29th 19:44 < grantbow> eps: +1 19:44 < jledbetter> Anyone going to UDS? 19:44 < itnet7> o/ 19:44 < itnet7> :-) 19:44 < jdeslip> It is in Orlando this year. So, you shouldn't have to be up in the middle of the night to attend the live webcasts 19:44 < jledbetter> Well, of course, itnet7 ;) 19:45 < grantbow> itnet7: nice 19:45 < grantbow> helps to live in Florida :-) 19:45 < jledbetter> Yep 19:45 < itnet7> Sure does, If I lived closer, I would let all of you stay over ;-) 19:45 < grantbow> I'll definately be attending virtually 19:45 < jdeslip> itnet7: can I pay you to cause a scene at the multimedia section if Banshee is not chosen to replace rhythmbox? 19:45 < grantbow> IRC logs and audio streams work well for those interested 19:46 < grantbow> I did it last time for Belgium even though the hours were a bit odd 19:46 < itnet7> jdeslip: I think jorge and everyone there will be able to handle that without input from me :-) 19:46 < itnet7> but if the start moshing I'll help 19:46 < jdeslip> itnet7: great. 19:47 < jdeslip> I want to hear about a riot at some nerd-fest on the orlando news 19:47 < grantbow> http://uds.ubuntu.com 19:47 < jdeslip> OK... Are there any other general announcements? 19:47 < jdeslip> aaditya: do you want to announce anything relating the Yahoo event? 19:48 < dragon> sure 19:48 < dragon> We're planning to conduct an Ubuntu event at Yahoo! Sunnyvale on Thursday, Oct 28. 19:48 < dragon> We'll have a few presentations and demonstrations from MarkDude, jtatum, and possibly me. 19:49 < jledbetter> Woo hoo :) 19:49 < jdeslip> dragon: is this an open event? Is anyone welcom? 19:49 < jdeslip> And, who is the audience? 19:50 < dragon> Target audience is the general crowd, LAMP users. It's open to everyone, and if anyone is interested in presenting something, please get in touch. 19:50 < jdeslip> dragon: OK, sounds good. I assume the details are going to be posted somewhere soon? 19:50 < dragon> We're publicizing using meetup.com and YDN's twitter channels mainly, so that should give you some idea about what kind of audience to expect. 19:50 < nuboon2age> I updated this page and would like additional feedback: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Devbeginnings#preview 19:51 < dragon> We'll have the details posted on the wiki page in near future, and will post to the ML as well. 19:51 < jdeslip> dragon: great! 19:52 < jdeslip> OK, with that I'd say everyone go check nuboon2age's page for comments and lets wrap this meeting up. 19:52 < eps> pleia2 has an Ubuntu Hour coming up on the 26th in San Francisco 19:52 < seidos> nuboon2age, you're on the beginner's team? /me didn't know. cool 19:52 < nuboon2age> not yet seidos 19:52 < jdeslip> eps: thanks for that reminder 19:53 < nuboon2age> i'm like you seidos 19:53 < jdeslip> ------------------------- Meeting Ends Here ---------------------------