Sunday, April 20th, 2014, 7:00pm (1900) PT
- 14.04 Release event planning
If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.
Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
1 [02:00] <pleia2> #startmeeting
2 [02:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Apr 21 02:00:34 2014 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
3 [02:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
4 [02:00] <pleia2> Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14April20
5 [02:00] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14April20 - Ubuntu Wiki]
6 [02:00] <pleia2> really just the release party stuff :)
7 [02:01] <pleia2> who all is here for the meeting?
8 [02:01] <nhaines> _o/
9 [02:01] <ianorlin> o/
10 [02:01] <lrcaballero> o/
11 [02:01] <eps> o/
12 [02:01] <pleia2> #topic 14.04 Release event planning
13 [02:02] <pleia2> so things are coming together here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease
14 [02:02] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease - Ubuntu Wiki]
15 [02:02] <rww> o/
16 [02:02] <Roguehorse> o/
17 [02:02] <pleia2> I don't see philip here now, but he's hosting a little Ubuntu Hour-esque get together in San Diego on Thursday: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2765-ubuntu-san-diego-1404-release-party/
18 [02:02] <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu San Diego 14.04 Release Party | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]
19 [02:03] <pleia2> I've been working with folks to get the San Francisco event to come together: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease/SanFrancisco
20 [02:03] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease/SanFrancisco - Ubuntu Wiki]
21 [02:03] <pleia2> we'll have three Nexus 7s running Ubuntu for folks to check out :D
22 [02:03] <rww> How does the SD release party time work when the place it's at closes at 11:30?
23 [02:03] <raevol> ack a little late, but here!
24 [02:03] <rww> post-starbucks bar time?
25 [02:04] <pleia2> rww: hah, good question (for philip)
26 [02:04] <nhaines> Yeah, the party ends a couple hours after that Starbucks closes. Something to track.
27 [02:04] <nhaines> Oh hey, I should read the entire scrollback. But yes.
28 [02:05] <pleia2> :)
29 [02:05] <rww> anyways, San Francisco
30 [02:05] <pleia2> we have a lot of signups
31 [02:05] <pleia2> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2761-san-francisco-trusty-release-party/
32 [02:05] <darthrobot> Title: [San Francisco Trusty Release Party | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]
33 [02:05] <pleia2> more than we've had for an event before, I'm impressed :)
34 [02:05] <pleia2> (and a little scared)
35 [02:05] <rww> hehe :)
36 [02:06] <pleia2> the venue has that URL to track RSVPs, so they know what's coming, I'll follow up directly with them to make sure all is in order
37 [02:06] <rww> what's left on the todo list?
38 [02:06] <Roguehorse> What's the parking like around there and how close to BART?
39 [02:06] <nhaines> That's good news. :)
40 [02:06] <pleia2> Roguehorse: it's between Powell and Civic Center BART, very close
41 [02:06] <pleia2> Roguehorse: parking is awful, downtown and all
42 [02:06] * rww is BARTing
43 [02:06] <Roguehorse> pleia2: BART it is!
44 [02:06] * pleia2 recommends Powell :)
45 [02:07] <Roguehorse> pleia2: K, TY
46 [02:07] <nhaines> pleia2: if there's a massive turnout and everyone's using public transport, maybe you can get a special price at the bar.
47 [02:07] <pleia2> rww: todo list - I don't think anything
48 [02:07] <pleia2> nhaines: the venue is providing drinks already :)
49 [02:07] <nhaines> ooh :)
50 [02:07] <rww> pleia2: food?
51 [02:07] <nhaines> rww: the important part is covered though.
52 [02:07] <pleia2> rww: I submitted a community funding request to Canonical for food
53 [02:07] <nhaines> Clever!
54 [02:08] <pleia2> it's landing on my credit card though, will submit receipts for reimbursement (hopefully they approve it!)
55 [02:08] * nhaines crosses his fingers.
56 [02:08] <Roguehorse> Ouch
57 [02:08] <pleia2> we'll order a bunch of pizzas from Extreme pizza probably should figure out what actually
58 [02:08] <nhaines> Make sure you get extra anchovies.
59 [02:08] <pleia2> we were going to do Costco pizzas, but logistics for getting hot pizzas to the venus is hard :\
60 [02:08] <nhaines> They get soggy, but pickles will add more crunch.
61 [02:09] <pleia2> I want folks to have fun, not be sending everyone out on pizza runs
62 [02:09] <nhaines> Please report back on that.
63 [02:09] * rww glares at nhaines
64 [02:09] <pleia2> hah
65 [02:09] <rww> pleia2: did you get the quiz sorted out :D?
66 [02:09] * rww is trying to think of things to do
67 [02:09] <pleia2> rww: haven't even started :)
68 [02:09] <Roguehorse> Pizza works, easy. Trash can be a bugger though.
69 [02:09] <pleia2> rww: I can create a google doc and we can collaborate on questions if you want
70 [02:10] <rww> pleia2: woohoo. works for me
71 [02:10] <Roguehorse> pleia2: Smart idea
72 [02:10] <rww> btw, i'll be leaving work at 4:30 so i'll be there a bit after it starts
73 [02:10] <rww> do you need volunteers to help set up, or is it minimal setup?
74 [02:10] <pleia2> rww: PM me your email address for sharing goog docs?
75 [02:10] <pleia2> rww: might need setup volunteers to make sure we have cords and things run properly
76 [02:11] <pleia2> rww: if you could also bring the SCaLE stuff, we might use some of that
77 [02:11] <rww> pleia2: sure
78 [02:11] <eps> Roguehorse: There is paid parking at the Fifth and Mission garage. See http://sfpark.org/
79 [02:11] <darthrobot> Title: [SFpark]
80 [02:11] <Roguehorse> I would help set up but have to wait for a sitter before I can go.
81 [02:11] <pleia2> eps: thanks!
82 [02:12] <Roguehorse> eps: Thanks, I'll go BART though.
83 [02:12] <pleia2> I have jyo coming by my place to help me haul over goodies too, 3 laptops and snacks from Costco (meeting eps at Costco the night before to pick up cookies and things)
84 [02:13] <pleia2> I'll firm up what time we want to meet for setup, event starts at 6:00 so getting there by 5:30 for setup seems fine
85 [02:13] * ianorlin wonders if laptops will run out of power or if they are plugs?
86 [02:13] <pleia2> ianorlin: I've packed a power strip, but I should ask about actual access to power :)
87 [02:14] <Roguehorse> Has anyone checked the weather forcast? Just for giggles if anything else.
88 [02:14] <pleia2> I have my little presentation prepped too, only like 10 minutes long (and will crib from nhaines' as well once that's around)
89 [02:14] * pleia2 never looks at weather forecasts
90 [02:14] * eps wonders about the wisdom of bringing touchscreens to an event where everyone's likely to have greasy fingers
91 [02:14] <pleia2> haha
92 [02:14] <Roguehorse> eps: LOL!!!!!
93 [02:14] <Roguehorse> good call
94 [02:14] <rww> yeah, I was bothered about that. figure i can just clean it off at the end of the evening though :P
95 [02:15] * pleia2 makes sign "please wipe pizza grease off hands before fondling tablets" :P
96 [02:15] <Roguehorse> have packets of wipes EVERYWHERE!
97 [02:15] <pleia2> haha, not a bad idea
98 [02:15] <eps> +1
99 [02:15] <pleia2> eps: haz wipes at costco? :)
100 [02:15] <Roguehorse> get a case of baby wipes
101 [02:16] <pleia2> alright, cool
102 [02:16] <Roguehorse> ok, maybe a case is much
103 [02:16] <pleia2> hehe
104 [02:16] <lrcaballero> If someone can bring a couple of microfiber towels can help with the graese part...Costco sells 30 of them for like $18
105 [02:17] <Roguehorse> lrcaballero: Good thought, but the microfibers can't be tossed
106 [02:17] <nhaines> Fry's had 4 for $5. Might be more economical for just one night.
107 [02:17] <nhaines> Roguehorse: you wash them. :)
108 [02:17] <Roguehorse> nhaines: but that many people at once?
109 [02:17] <eps> I should just look for Wet-Naps. (Smart and Final or Cash and Carry?)
110 [02:17] <lrcaballero> Roguehorse: save them, wash them and use them for the car...hehe!
111 [02:18] <Roguehorse> eh, bring em anyway
112 [02:18] <nhaines> eps: giant bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
113 [02:18] <pleia2> lol
114 [02:18] <Roguehorse> nhaines: LOL!!!
115 [02:18] <rww> cover the tablets in clingwrap
116 [02:18] <eps> nhaines: planning on removing blood stains?
117 [02:18] <Roguehorse> are we getting off topic?
118 [02:18] <Roguehorse> ; P
119 [02:18] <pleia2> ok, point taken about grease, I'll bring something along to handle it and remind attendees to be respectful
120 [02:19] <Roguehorse> pleia2: +1
121 [02:19] <nhaines> +1
122 [02:19] <pleia2> anything else we can think of?
123 [02:19] * ianorlin has nothing else
124 [02:19] <rww> remember to install stallboard on your tablets
125 [02:20] <rww> for the ultimate ubuntu touch experience
126 [02:20] <Roguehorse> maybe extra cords in case some fool is mean and takes one?
127 [02:21] <nhaines> During the party?
128 [02:21] <raevol> power strips?
129 [02:21] <Roguehorse> idk, it was just a thought
130 [02:21] <Roguehorse> nah, interface
131 [02:21] <Roguehorse> no one is going to go for a PS cord
132 [02:22] <pleia2> rww: haha, I am trying to avoid it to avoid offending people :)
133 [02:22] * pleia2 went with "random cats"
134 [02:22] <nhaines> cats! \o/
135 [02:22] <rww> pleia2: i have been terrorising elky with it
136 [02:22] <pleia2> lol
137 [02:23] <pleia2> this is shaping up nicely, I'm excited :)
138 [02:23] <rww> so am I :D
139 [02:23] <Roguehorse> agreed
140 [02:23] <pleia2> any other release party updates from anyone?
141 [02:23] <pleia2> s/party/event
142 [02:23] <rww> i was excited when it was 20 people, then i looked today and was wowed
143 [02:23] <Roguehorse> what r we @?
144 [02:23] <nhaines> I have some related forms I'll publish soon.
145 [02:23] <pleia2> 30 registered on the site, 6 emailed me directly, and 17 maybes
146 [02:24] <Roguehorse> not bad!
147 [02:24] <nhaines> We have a promotional flyer, an attendee datasheet based on the Installfest HOWTO forms...
148 [02:24] <raevol> u'll bug phil about the SD one
149 [02:24] <rww> do we have anything else going on apart from SF, SD, and the installfest at OCLUG?
150 [02:24] <pleia2> oh, I'm bringing "Hello, my name is" stickers too ;)
151 [02:24] <Roguehorse> this is going to be fun! : )
152 [02:24] <pleia2> nhaines: nice!
153 [02:24] <pleia2> rww: I think that's it
154 [02:24] <Roguehorse> pleia2: LOL! Always a fave
155 [02:24] <rww> any action items?
156 [02:24] <eps> We need "Hello, my nick is" stickers ;-)
157 [02:24] <nhaines> And best of all, the CSUF faculty are really excited, so I have a full-page "talking points" sheet that breaks down Ubuntu, Installfests, and OCLUG.
158 [02:25] <nhaines> So that'll be easy to adapt. :)
159 [02:25] <Roguehorse> eps: Going to have to custom do those
160 [02:25] <pleia2> nhaines: that's awesome
161 [02:26] <Roguehorse> eps: http://www.vistaprint.com/
162 [02:26] <darthrobot> [R: www.vistaprint.com] Title: [Browsing's better with cookies enabled.]
163 [02:26] <nhaines> All Ubuntu color palette. The LUG saw it this month and were really happy with them.
164 [02:26] <rww> i should get business cards one of these years
165 [02:26] <nhaines> Otherwise, the installfest is looking like it's going to be good. So I'll keep everyone up to date. :)
166 [02:26] <pleia2> \o/
167 [02:26] <pleia2> #topic Any other business
168 [02:27] <pleia2> any other topics anyone wants to bring up?
169 [02:27] <Roguehorse> anyone have raffle prizes to donate?
170 [02:27] <raevol> texted phil, SD release party on for this thursday at 7pm, that venue should be open then
171 [02:28] <rww> raevol: yep, it's the ending time i was confused about
172 [02:28] <rww> since it ends at 1am and starbucks closes at 11:30pm
173 [02:28] <nhaines> Can we get that on the wiki or something?
174 [02:28] <raevol> i think that's if we stroll over to a more late-night oriented venue :p haha
175 [02:28] <rww> ah, okays :)
176 [02:28] <pleia2> so far the raffle prizes are:
177 [02:28] <pleia2> * 1 Ubuntu Unleashed 2014 book
178 [02:28] <pleia2> * 1 Official Ubuntu Server book
179 [02:28] <rww> nhaines: lyz just did
180 [02:28] <nhaines> yay
181 [02:28] <pleia2> if anyone else has new Ubuntu goodies to bring along as prizes, please do :)
182 [02:29] <pleia2> I also asked jono if he had anything to bring
183 [02:29] <eps> Do we know if he's coming?
184 [02:29] <pleia2> he is!
185 [02:29] <nhaines> pleia2: have him bring a Nexus 4 or something.
186 [02:29] <nhaines> Or the Official Ubuntu Book!
187 [02:29] <pleia2> nhaines: haha, for the raffle? :)
188 [02:29] <nhaines> pleia2: yes :)
189 [02:29] <pleia2> Official Ubuntu Book is 7th edition and getting a bit long in the tooth :\
190 [02:29] <rww> then we can prank call mozilla on it
191 [02:31] <Roguehorse> I'm out of ideas
192 [02:31] <pleia2> hah, me too
193 [02:31] <pleia2> might be meeting end time :)
194 [02:31] <nhaines> Oh! One thing.
195 [02:31] <Roguehorse> ??
196 [02:31] <nhaines> I put links to the OCLUG installfest documents on the mailing list on April 9th. So far they're still the same.
197 [02:31] <pleia2> cool
198 [02:31] <nhaines> So if anyone wants printables for a release party, there's a start.
199 [02:32] <eps> pleia2: will we need cups, plates, tableware, etc.?
200 [02:32] <Roguehorse> eps: just wet wipes
201 [02:32] <pleia2> eps: I don't think so, but I'll doublecheck (and extreme can provide if needed)
202 [02:32] <Roguehorse> LOL!!
203 [02:32] <pleia2> definitely won't need cups
204 [02:33] <Roguehorse> of course not, we won't have any printers there
205 [02:34] <pleia2> :P
206 [02:34] <pleia2> ok, thanks everyone
207 [02:34] <raevol> \o/
208 [02:34] <pleia2> #endmeeting
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14April20 (last edited 2014-04-24 23:21:10 by lyz)