
Differences between revisions 6 and 203 (spanning 197 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2009-07-14 05:47:58
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Editor: adsl-68-127-150-231
Revision 203 as of 2018-01-15 03:23:12
Size: 98
Editor: nhaines
Comment: Updated current meeting date.
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#REFRESH 0 09July12
#REFRESH 0 CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18January28



Sunday, January 28th, 2018, 7:00pm (1900) PT


  1. Upcoming events
  2. Announcements
  3. SCALE 16x and UbuCon at SCALE

Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

Full Log

   1  03:00:43 <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Jan 29 03:00:43 2018 UTC.  The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at
   2  03:00:43 <darthrobot> 
   3  03:00:43 <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
   4  03:00:55 <nhaines> Hi everyone!  It's January 28th and that means it's meeting time.  :)
   5  03:01:03 <pleia2> hello!
   6  03:01:10 <nhaines> _o/
   7  03:01:16 <nhaines> Tonight's agenda is available here:
   8  03:01:16 <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18January28 - Ubuntu Wiki]
   9  03:01:34 <nhaines> #topic Upcoming events
  10  03:01:42 <nhaines> Anything interesting happening in the next couple of weeks?
  11  03:02:39 <pleia2> nothing up here
  12  03:03:02 <nhaines> There's some kind of Snapcraft Summit going on in Seattle this next week:
  13  03:03:02 <darthrobot> Title: [A peek at the Snapcraft Summit | Ubuntu Insights]
  14  03:03:59 <nhaines> Snapcraft is pretty awesome, and the snap and snapcraft devs are very diligent, so I have no doubt that amazing things are going to come out of that meeting.  Also I think I may have been off to the left in that article's photo, at the Ubuntu Rally in New York  :)
  15  03:04:12 <nhaines> Anyway, that's good news for Ubuntu and Ubuntu users.
  16  03:04:22 <nhaines> #topic Announcements
  17  03:04:31 <nhaines> Any announcements to be made this week?
  18  03:05:56 <nhaines> Okay, we'll move along to the agenda then.  :)
  19  03:06:01 <pleia2> I guess since the last time we had a meeting, make sure you patch your systems :)
  20  03:06:05 <pleia2>
  21  03:06:05 <darthrobot> Title: [SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown - Ubuntu Wiki]
  22  03:06:13 <nhaines> Oh right, that's a good reminder! :)
  23  03:06:20 <pleia2> the patches at this point are pretty comprehensive
  24  03:06:33 <pleia2> get new kernels, reboot, all safe
  25  03:06:48 <nhaines> Meltdown is mostly addressed and Spectre patches had to just sort of filter in.  So if you've already updated, make sure you check again.
  26  03:07:08 <nhaines> Your security, if not your backend system performance, will thank you.  ;)
  27  03:07:21 <pleia2> yeah, the bottom of that wiki page has the timeline, Jan 22nd saw the latest Spectre updates land
  28  03:07:53 <pleia2> come to my Ubuntu security talk at UbuCon!
  29  03:07:53 <DonkeyHotei> is there an update addressing variant 1 yet?
  30  03:08:16 <nhaines> The disclosures have not been handled to everyone's satisfaction, but the Ubuntu Security Team have done an excellent job of documenting their progress.
  31  03:08:19 <pleia2> DonkeyHotei: yes, it's all linked on the wiki page, but here directly
  32  03:08:19 <darthrobot> Title: [CVE-2017-5753 in Ubuntu]
  33  03:09:06 <nhaines> #topic SCALE 16x and UbuCon at SCALE
  34  03:09:18 <nhaines> SCALE is a thing that is happening!  And so is UbuCon!  At the other thing!
  35  03:09:25 <pleia2> yay :)
  36  03:09:53 <nhaines> UbuCon planning is going pretty well, and Richard Gaskin and I are handling that.  :)
  37  03:10:18 <nhaines> Ubuntu will have a booth at SCALE and we need volunteers from the LoCo as always!  The signup sheet is here:
  38  03:10:18 <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale16x - Ubuntu Wiki]
  39  03:11:00 <nhaines> As always, we need bodies to stand there and talk about Ubuntu with booth visitors.  SCALE is a very friendly, informal expo and so it's a very gentle way to gain a lot of booth experience if you've never done it before.  :)
  40  03:11:21 <pleia2> shall I share this call for participants on Twitter?
  41  03:11:30 <nhaines> Yes, that'd be great.
  42  03:11:51 <pleia2> the wiki has also become very hard to log into and edit, might want to mention that they can contact you if they can't edit?
  43  03:12:04 <nhaines> Yup, good idea.  They can email me or the list.
  44  03:12:12 <pleia2> (you need to be in a special group in lp to edit it at all, and that's poorly documented)
  45  03:12:29 <nhaines> I do forget that.  Mostly the wiki is just annoyingly slow.
  46  03:12:53 <pleia2> yeah, I got logged out recently and it was a 15 minute, multi-attempt ordeal to get back in ;)
  47  03:13:08 <nhaines> In addition, we still have a speaker slot open for UbuCon, so if you have something cool that you want to talk about and it's Ubuntu related, you should definitely let me know.  :)
  48  03:13:38 <nhaines> You can just email me directly at nhaines at ubuntu dot com and I'll forward that on to Richard Gaskin and we'll discuss.
  49  03:15:49 <nhaines> pleia2: thanks!
  50  03:15:49 <darthrobot> [R:] Title: [Twitter]
  51  03:16:33 <pleia2> np, lmk when we have an UbuCon schedule and I'll make sure that gets out as well
  52  03:16:46 <nhaines> Great!  We hope to firm that up over this upcoming week.
  53  03:17:03 <nhaines> People submitting additional talks will help with this!  ;)
  54  03:17:26 <nhaines> But we have some exciting speakers lined up, and we're trying to confirm a couple more.  We'll have a press release out soon.
  55  03:17:32 <nhaines> #topic Other business
  56  03:17:33 <pleia2> \o/
  57  03:17:41 <nhaines> Is there any other business before we wrap things up?
  58  03:18:18 <pleia2> oh, real quick
  59  03:18:44 <pleia2> I'm still the only active (for certain values of) admin for our social media things, if anyone else wants to help out, I welcome the help :)
  60  03:19:26 <pleia2> we do try to keep it very California-related, but I'm sure we could do a better job keeping it updated about team meetings and the regular Ubuntu Hours that happen
  61  03:19:48 <pleia2> (as in, I don't want the social media accounts just puppeting all Ubuntu news)
  62  03:20:06 <nhaines> I should probably get some of the passwords from you.
  63  03:20:27 <pleia2> probably so :)
  64  03:20:30 <nhaines> I did remember to re-set my calendar notifications for meetings properly, so that I remember to send out emails the Wednesdays before.  ;)
  65  03:21:44 <nhaines> Okay, I will attempt to remember to email you or something later!
  66  03:22:04 <nhaines> I am famously bad at social media, though, so anyone else should also volunteer to help out.
  67  03:22:54 <nhaines> Okay, any other business before we wrap things up?
  68  03:23:21 <pleia2> I'm all set, thanks for chairing
  69  03:23:37 <nhaines> You're welcome!
  70  03:23:39 <nhaines> Alright, we have just two more meetings before SCALE!  Our next meeting is Feburary 11th, 2018.
  71  03:23:44 <nhaines> #endmeeting

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/Current (last edited 2020-01-20 03:26:55 by nhaines)