
Revision 4 as of 2009-06-29 09:27:05

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Approval Application for Cameroonian Team (ubuntu-cm)

The Ubuntu-cm LoCo is a group of open source enthusiasts guys who want to share their knowledge in their area. We want to make aware others that open source software are reliable enough for their daily life usage. When it will be possible, we will provide efficient tools for their local users.

We organised online meetings and attend to some events when possible.

Key Details

  • Date - July, 2009

  • Team Contact - septox <>

  • Membership - 27 as of 5th June 2009

  • Mailing List - ubuntu-cm on

  • IRC - #ubuntu-cm on Freenode


Here down a list of our active projects

  • AddonCD - Creation of a custom CD with useful packages for those of us who do not have internet connectivity.

  • Maelys - Maelys is a set of cybercafe tools. In Cameroon many people use the internet in public places. The Loco work with the author of this software in order to integrate it to a custom Ubuntu CD.

