

09:56   P235    How often does the group have meetings?
09:58   lophyte P235: we're gonna try to make them monthly
09:59   P235    Aw...so much for my good timing.  I'll sign up for the mailing list then.  Have a good day everyone.
09:59   lophyte you too :)
10:01   lophyte who's here for the ubuntu canada meeting?
10:02   Skapi_  I am :)
10:03   lophyte hehe, only you? :P
10:04   lophyte anyone else?
10:07   futz48  wow! pretty interesting meeting...
10:07   lophyte indeed
10:07   futz48  don't all talk at once
10:08   despot32        yeah that could be hard to follow
10:08   lophyte I'm waiting for more people to show up before beginning
10:08   futz48  k
10:08   lophyte most importantly the ubuntu canada leader
10:09   futz48  I'm new to this group thing - what is the purpose of local groups?
10:09   despot32        to group locally
10:09   futz48  or whatever they're called
10:09   lophyte local community teams more or less serve the purpose of local advocacy and support
10:09   futz48  clubs, like?
10:09   futz48  oh, ok
10:09   lophyte and in most countries they also work on localization/translations
10:10   lophyte http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams for more info :)
10:10   despot32        i do not think i can join. i am not sufficiently loco :(
10:10   lophyte lol
10:10   futz48  so we should, like, translate, eh? ya hoser :-D
10:10   lophyte haha
10:11   lophyte "You reallywant to close Firefox, eh?"
10:11   lophyte that'd be pretty funny
10:11   futz48  hehehe
10:11   futz48  "This might take a while. Go get a beer."
10:12   despot32        foreach $line ($manpages) { $manpages-ca .= ", eh?"; }
10:12   lophyte lmao
10:14   lophyte my CPU load graph looks like a sine wave
10:14   despot32        i don't look at my cpu load graph. that would use too much cpu
10:14   lophyte lol
10:15   lophyte okay, well I suppose we should start then
10:15   lophyte doesn't look like anyone else is going to show up
10:15   lophyte https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings
10:15   lophyte that's our agenda
10:17   lophyte perhaps we should start by introducing ourselves.. all 4 of us
10:17   darkenergy      uh, I'm seeing 87 members ...
10:17   lophyte okay, perhaps 5..
10:18   lophyte most people in here are idling and aren't here for our meeting
10:18   lophyte anywho
10:19   lophyte I'm Dave, it looks like I'll be heading up the meeting.. I'm currently leading the Toronto subgroup of Ubuntu Canada
10:19   lophyte hey jamon
10:19   lophyte welcome
10:19   jamonation      hi
10:19   jamonation      just starting?
10:19   lophyte yup
10:19   Skapi_  I'm Skapi, hailing from Richmond, BC
10:19   lophyte Corey hasn't shown up
10:19   futz48  futz from Ladner, BC
10:19   lophyte welcome guys :)
10:20   despot32        alex, waterloo ontario
10:20   darkenergy      I'm Blaine.   Occasionally join in the Toronto meetings...
10:20   lophyte ahh.. hey Blaine :)
10:20   darkenergy      :D
10:20   jamonation      jamon, usu. found working in cahoots with lophyte
10:20   lophyte hehe
10:20   lophyte welcome  everyone
10:21   jamonation      there a link to the agenda for this meeting on the wiki?
10:21   lophyte yup
10:21   lophyte https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings
10:21   jamonation      ty
10:21   lophyte before we begin, does anyone have any questions about the meeting or the team?
10:21   despot32        i do. where is the coffee
10:22   lophyte haha
10:22   lophyte I bet in your kitchen
10:22   futz48  in the grinder hopper
10:22   despot32        yeah it is, but it's like 2 days old. screw that
10:22   lophyte lol
10:22   darkenergy      I've got tea.
10:23   lophyte no questions from anyone?
10:23   despot32        no legitimate questions
10:23   darkenergy      onward with the question about the Cdn site?
10:23   futz48  yer gonna have to lead on
10:23   lophyte sounds good
10:24   lophyte Ubuntu Canada was recently approved by the Ubuntu Community Council as an *official* local community team
10:24   lophyte as such, this gives us access to a few benefits
10:24   lophyte one being that we get a shipment of 500 CDs for every release
10:24   lophyte another being that we have access to Canonical web hosting
10:24   jamonation      shell access?
10:24   lophyte I'm not sure what sort of access we have to it
10:25   lophyte I just know that we can host our site on Canonical's servers
10:25   despot32        how local exactly can communities get?
10:25   despot32        cause i mean, Canada's quite the community
10:25   darkenergy      lol
10:25   despot32        can we do Ubuntu Siberia next?
10:26   lophyte its suggested that you have a LoCo for a country, and then subgroups of it
10:26   lophyte so, there is an ubuntu-us with subgroups (such as ubuntu-chicago) of it
10:26   darkenergy      does the site need to be moved?   is the current hosting a problem?
10:26   despot32        oh, okay. that makes sense.
10:26   lophyte its currently hosted on an old box in Burgundavia's basement
10:26   jamonation      makes distributing 500cds difficult...
10:26   darkenergy      ie. does it have limited bandwidth, transfer caps etc
10:26   darkenergy      ah
10:26   lophyte Burgundavia being the leader of ubuntu canada ;)
10:27   lophyte so it'd be preferable to move it to Canonical's servers
10:27   jamonation      so there is a question as to moving it? why wouldn't we?
10:27   jamonation      faster, more reliable
10:27   darkenergy      righto
10:27   lophyte no, that's not the question.. we are moving it
10:27   jamonation      good
10:27   lophyte the question thats put forth to the Canadian community.. what would you like to see
10:27   ReK_`laptop`    hello all, sorry im late
10:27   lophyte what would you like to see on ubuntu.ca/ubuntu-ca.org*
10:27   jamonation      the CMS is the question then
10:28   darkenergy      oh, lets figure out what before how
10:28   lophyte yup.. Brian Burger, the current webmaster, wants to put a CMS on it so that community members can volunteer as editors and news posters
10:28   jamonation      well, looks like ubuntu australia is using drupal
10:28   lophyte also suggested was a "Planet Ubuntu Canada," which is basically a news aggregator which pulls content from Canadian members' blogs
10:29   jamonation      waht are other LoCo teams using? planet aggregation?
10:29   despot32        i like that idea.
10:29   darkenergy      and are their going to be subsections for locals groups?
10:29   lophyte darkenergy: most likely... Brian mentioned having a ubuntu.ca/toronto for example
10:29   lophyte or toronto.ubuntu.ca depending on what kind of access we get to DNS
10:30   jamonation      would that mean changes to mailman or is that hosted elsewhere?
10:30   despot32        if you can get wildcard dns enabled you could just use a rewrite to map that
10:30   lophyte jamonation: mailman is hosted by Canonical already
10:30   lophyte lists.ubuntu.com
10:30   jamonation      it would be nice to have an archive of emails on the site, with comments enabled
10:30   darkenergy      probably just as easy to organize the subgroups in the CMS
10:30   jamonation      sorta like gmane, but integrated into whatever other CMS we use
10:31   lophyte ReK_`laptop`: btw, welcome... our agenda is here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings
10:31   ReK_`laptop`    thanks
10:31   lophyte jamonation: good idea
10:31   jamonation      are the 2 or 3 people that volunteered to help with the site present?
10:31   lophyte kind of like a forum-style interface to the mailing list
10:31   jamonation      yeah
10:31   lophyte I don't think so
10:32   ReK_`laptop`    im one of them
10:32   jamonation      i think drupal has a mailman module too ;)
10:32   lophyte ah
10:32   lophyte I know that when we launched ubuntutoronto.org on Drupal, Corey had issues with it.. we'll have to talk to him
10:32   ReK_    but i cant start for another week or so, deadlines creeping up :(
10:32   darkenergy      what does Cory  like?
10:32   jamonation      anything python?
10:32   lophyte I'm not sure
10:33   jamonation      well, whatever we choose, I can help with the theming
10:33   lophyte I'll be posting notes from the meeting on the wiki and the mailing list, so Corey can respond to these questions
10:34   lophyte ReK_: no worries.. we still need to move it over to Canonical hosting first anyhow
10:34   ReK_    what about phpbb? it has built-in groups, easily moddable and there are already cms mods out for it
10:34   despot32        i liked phpbb when i used it on one of my sites
10:34   lophyte the issue I see with phpbb is that it wouldn't integrate with the mailing list
10:34   ReK_    how do we want it to intergrate? i might be able to work on that
10:34   darkenergy      and its got a history of security probs
10:35   lophyte the majority of our discussion traffic is on the mailing list.. if we wanted to create a forum, it would ideally work with the list
10:35   jamonation      http://drupal.org/project/listhandler
10:35   lophyte jamonation: checking..
10:35   lophyte Drupal fanboy ;)
10:35   jamonation      indeed
10:35   lophyte jamonation: looks like what we need..
10:36   darkenergy      so, I'm not personally convinced that drupal is the greatest choice if you want to get non-technical editors involved
10:36   jamonation      why not?
10:36   lophyte drupal's content posting is quite intuitive
10:36   darkenergy      ok.   /runs for exit
10:36   jamonation      there is also a wysiwyg javascript editor
10:37   jamonation      no no, it's a valid concern
10:37   lophyte darkenergy: ubuntutoronto.org runs on Drupal, and Kim has posted on it many times
10:37   darkenergy      LOL
10:37   lophyte its almost his personal blog ;)
10:37   ReK_    about mailing list on phpbb: http://www.mail2forum.com
10:37   jamonation      how many of us have a personal blog or site?
10:37   lophyte ReK_: checking...
10:37   ReK_    already done, with 2 way comunication between the list and the forum
10:38   lophyte I know as a fact that people have requested we set up a forum
10:38   jamonation      if most of us have a site already, aggregating into a planet would be best no?
10:38   ReK_    yeah
10:38   lophyte jamonation: yup.. but we also want ubuntu canada specific content as well, not just aggregated blogs
10:39   jamonation      right, so here again, drupal, bear with me:
10:39   jamonation      forum, integrated and installed in drupal by default
10:39   ReK_    we could get the planet to only read blog posts with the ubunu-ca tag?
10:39   ReK_    or ubuntu* might be better
10:40   darkenergy      if you're using venus its got good filters
10:40   jamonation      aggregation, module is included in core, allows the admin to choose whatever feed, in multiple formats
10:40   jamonation      content posting, done, mailing list integration, doable
10:40   lophyte well, before we start arguing what CMS is going to be used, let's focus on what features we want
10:40   jamonation      I'll make a list on the wiki page?
10:41   ReK_    so far im seeing news post, mailing list, basic forums and planet-style post aggregation
10:41   ReK_    although the latter could be seperated out of the cms easily
10:41   jamonation      same goes for the forum
10:42   jamonation      though a single sign on auth mechanism is preferable
10:42   jamonation      what about wiki? just use the main ubuntu wiki?
10:42   ReK_    if we can use the forum to make news posts by using user groups/hidden forums, it would be extremely simplistic for editors
10:43   lophyte yup...
10:43   jamonation      hey one sec. lets take a step back...
10:43   lophyte any and all wiki needs are met by the existing wiki
10:43   jamonation      what are we trying to do with the site? we have it, but why? what is it's purpose?
10:43   jamonation      if we start there, the CMS and feature will follow
10:43   lophyte a community portal, I would say
10:43   ReK_    news, a place to gather and talk
10:43   ReK_    what he said, basically :P
10:44   lophyte it would serve the news function it currently serves
10:44   jamonation      ok, so a portal to events, thoughts, howtos, mailing list?
10:44   lophyte yup
10:44   jamonation      right
10:44   ReK_    I could see other features n the future, like a downloads section, media gallery
10:44   lophyte a photo gallery was also suggested
10:44   jamonation      photos/videos/podcasts?
10:45   lophyte videos could be hosted on youtube or ubuntuvideo.com and linked to from ubuntu.ca
10:45   despot32        yeah
10:45   despot32        this sounds quite complicated
10:45   lophyte how so?
10:45   ReK_    if were going for a gallery, id suggest this: http://gallery.menalto.com/
10:45   ReK_    we use it for the dystopia pr gallery
10:46   despot32        i mean, will people have use for all these features? sounds like a lot
10:46   darkenergy      I think you probably want to find out what Canonical will supply before selecting packages
10:46   lophyte agreed
10:46   darkenergy      ditto
10:46   jamonation      i think they'll do whatever runs on the lamp stack
10:46   lophyte despot32: news and forums isn't complicated
10:46   despot32        no, not at all
10:46   lophyte other features can be added later, if needed
10:46   despot32        but videos?
10:46   jamonation      there's a gallery plugin for drupal :)
10:46   ReK_    and everything else is gravy that you dopnt have to go to if you dont want
10:46   despot32        i mean are we gonna make ubuntu films?
10:46   darkenergy      yeah, but you need community first.   if you supply empty space it won't be all that inviting
10:47   lophyte despot32: Ubuntu Toronto is planning to :)
10:47   lophyte but
10:47   ReK_    well, see, this is why i said i could see these features later
10:47   lophyte let's get back to the point...
10:47   lophyte we've got:
10:47   lophyte 1) news
10:47   lophyte 2) mailing list-integated forums
10:47   lophyte 3) news aggregator
10:47   lophyte I think this is a good place to start
10:47   despot32        those 3 sound good
10:48   jamonation      yeah
10:48   despot32        brb...
10:48   lophyte anything further can be added later, if needed
10:48   jamonation      apart from mailing list, I think pretty much any CMS will suffice
10:48   lophyte I agree
10:48   lophyte I'd suggest Drupal as well
10:49   lophyte we'll see  what Brian and Corey think
10:49   ReK_    im still partial to phpbb, it can do everything but news aggregation and is more user-friendly for the editors
10:49   jamonation      anyone else?
10:49   jamonation      ReK_: but for admin it is a royal PITA
10:49   ReK_    no
10:50   lophyte phpbb isn't a CMS though...
10:50   ReK_    it can be modded into one
10:50   lophyte that creates work
10:50   jamonation      why not go with CMS to begin with then?
10:50   lophyte someone has to mod it
10:50   ReK_    i will, i have before
10:51   lophyte rather than modding something that isn't a CMS.. why not go with a CMS to start
10:51   darkenergy      agree
10:51   jamonation      anyone used typo3 or other enterprise CMSes?
10:51   jamonation      plone?
10:51   lophyte whether its Drupal or not isn't a concern at the moment
10:52   darkenergy      I used typo2.   it was ok but you have to be happy with ruby hacking
10:52   darkenergy      plone, sucks from what I know
10:52   jamonation      hmm, wait a sec., forums can go on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=183
10:52   jamonation      which is the LoCo team portion of the forums
10:53   darkenergy      nice
10:53   lophyte it could, but is it a good idea to duplicate discussions?
10:53   jamonation      it would do ubuntu more good to have them there too
10:53   darkenergy      integrated search if its colo'd
10:54   jamonation      it also has integrated rss, so we could aggregate that onto ubuntu.ca
10:54   lophyte I wonder if there's a way to integrate ubunuforums with the mailing lists
10:54   jamonation      and to have all locos centralized would boost their profile to new users, since forums are usu. their first stop
10:54   darkenergy      and less admin too
10:54   jamonation      there are plugins for posting to mailing lists form a cms
10:55   jamonation      even wordpress has one for mailman
10:55   lophyte indeed.. but I mean ubuntuforums+mailman
10:55   jamonation      ubuntuforums->ubuntu.ca CMS->mailman
10:55   jamonation      through rss
10:55   lophyte ah, perhaps
10:55   lophyte not sure if it would work the other way though
10:56   ReK_    that would be somewhat of a hackjob, we'd have to hide the 'news posts' coming from the forums
10:56   ReK_    and it wouldnt be 2wayu
10:56   lophyte I was hoping that we could set it up so that the forums and the mailing lists would essentially be one in the same
10:57   lophyte but I don't think its a huge issue to have it separate
10:57   ReK_    the way I saw was one sub forum would be the mailing list, fully 2 way. the other forums wouldnt, however, otherwise the list wouldnt know where to put new threads
10:57   jamonation      well, we know what we want, so lets put it on the wiki and more on to the next item on the agenda
10:57   despot32        ok back, sorry. headache.
10:57   jamonation      wait for Corey and Brian and then charge ahead
10:58   lophyte good call
10:58   lophyte the next item is regarding Ubuntu Canada subgroups
10:58   lophyte currently, as far as I know, the only one that exists is in Toronto
10:58   lophyte there's been talk of people wanting to start one in New Brunswick and Winnipeg, but I've heard nothing about them so far
10:59   ReK_    vancouver too
10:59   lophyte how far is Victoria from Vancouver?
10:59   darkenergy      a boat ride
10:59   ReK_    a ferry ride
10:59   despot32        victoria's on an island
11:00   lophyte ah
11:00   lophyte yeah i knew it was on the island
11:00   jamonation      they might as well be 2 distinct groups
11:00   ReK_    say, 2-3 hours
11:01   lophyte for the most part, I'd like to encourage everyone to try and start a subgroup in their area..
11:01   lophyte its incredibly rewarding to meet with other Ubuntu users and do advocacy projects together
11:01   lophyte it doesn't take too much time to start one.. choose a location, a date, and a time, and post it everywhere you can think of
11:02   ReK_    btw: ubuntuforums.com uses vbulletin, and i can find no mailing list plugin for it, so we would have to do it through rss
11:02   lophyte noted
11:02   jamonation      failing that, or lacking critical mass, how about integrating with a local LUG?
11:02   Fujitsu ReK_: ubuntuforums used to have a mail gateway set up to a number of Ubuntu lists.
11:02   lophyte that works as well
11:03   ReK_    did they change forum software recently?
11:03   lophyte if you feel you don't have the time or energy to start up a local subgroup, talk with your local LUG to set up an Ubuntu special interest group
11:03   Fujitsu No.
11:04   lophyte is anyone here interested in starting a local subgroup in their city or town?
11:04   ReK_    im interested in joining one in vancouver, and id help out, but i dont think i can take the full load until summer at least :(
11:05   jamonation      do you go to vanlug meets?
11:05   ReK_    im heading to the next one, havent gone before though
11:06   jamonation      they'll likely be pretty technical
11:06   ReK_    that fine
11:06   jamonation      but you could start by posting on upcoming.org and various places that you'd like to meet other ubuntu users at the meeting?
11:06   lophyte craigslist works too
11:06   jamonation      yeah
11:06   ReK_    hmm, true
11:06   lophyte or even on the ubuntu-ca mailing list
11:07   lophyte just a post that says "would anyone like to meet?"
11:07   jamonation      as a start at least, maybe someone there would help out
11:07   despot32        at the next KWLUG someone's going to be giving a presentation on using drupal. i might attend, if only to be a smartass. lol
11:07   lophyte lol
11:07   lophyte despot32: you should start an ubuntu-kw ;)
11:07   despot32        where would i get members?
11:08   lophyte uh
11:08   lophyte U of W?
11:08   jamonation      another good spot for starting a sub group would be local college and university campuses
11:08   despot32        it's very rarely that i run into someone who uses linux let alone ubuntu
11:08   ReK_    Fujitsu: "There was once an add-on at vBulletin.org but I believe it was abandoned."
11:08   lophyte despot32: I bet if you posted on the mailing list, you'd find some folks
11:08   Fujitsu ReK_: Ah, terrific.
11:08   despot32        Microsoft's hands are heavily in the CS programs so they're all very Windows-centric
11:09   despot32        what mailing list? lol
11:09   lophyte ubuntu-ca@lists.ubuntu.com
11:09   despot32        ah
11:09   jamonation      not engineering and physics dept's
11:09   lophyte http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca
11:09   despot32        most people i talk to infer that since i use linux i must be homosexual
11:09   jamonation      plus most campus SACs would give free meeting space
11:10   darkenergy      jeez
11:10   lophyte despot32: perhaps post on the KWLUG mailing list that you'd like to start an Ubuntu group? that might work as well.
11:10   despot32        that might
11:10   despot32        i think i will go to a kwlug meeting first though and see what the community is like
11:11   jamonation      anyone else want to start a local chapter?
11:11   despot32        oh hey, your friend Evan is doing the demo.
11:11   lophyte LOL
11:11   lophyte really?
11:11   jamonation      roadtrip!
11:11   despot32        yes
11:11   lophyte jamonation: let's do a roadtrip to KW ;)
11:11   jamonation      yeah, exactly
11:11   lophyte though I invited Evan to the next toronto meeting
11:12   jamonation      that's inter-SIG awareness for you
11:12   lophyte despot32: you might find that the KWLUG is extremely techincal.. TLUG is like that
11:12   lophyte technical, rather
11:14   lophyte I think that's it for today
11:14   despot32        the latest legit post on their online forums was almost 4 months ago
11:14   lophyte hah
11:15   lophyte perhaps the mailing list is more active
11:15   lophyte anyway.. let's wrap it up
11:15   lophyte anyone have any questions or comments?
11:15   darkenergy      Dave, are you going to talk to Corey and Brian about CmS and what is available from Canonical?
11:16   darkenergy      and how does that get moved forward?
11:16   lophyte yup, I will
11:16   despot32        if they will give you php and mysql databases, you should be good to go
11:16   lophyte I'll post the meeting notes to the mailing list, and I'm sure a discussion about it will continue from there
11:16   jamonation      don't forget to put them on the wiki too
11:16   lophyte that too
11:17   darkenergy      k
11:17   lophyte we're going to make these meetings monthly
11:17   lophyte so we should be meeting again in a months time :)
11:17   jamonation      put it on the fridge then
11:17   ReK_    heh, theres another feature for the site: a google calander
11:17   lophyte the meetings? they are
11:17   jamonation      oh good
11:18   lophyte well thats it for today then.. if anyone would like to stick around and discuss, you're welcome to hop into #ubuntu-ca