
(2010-10-17 20:00:08) dscassel: Okay!

(2010-10-17 20:00:35) FiReSTaRT: shoot  darcy

(2010-10-17 20:01:15) dscassel: Mass call! SmartSsa zul bbrent kenjy mikkidog starcraftman ZykoticK9 IdleOne KombuchaKip mylesbra1thwaite tonyyarusso ilan Kulag ryanakca txwikinger infoverload sipherdee willwh

(2010-10-17 20:01:24) dscassel: We're starting the meeting.

(2010-10-17 20:01:33) dscassel: Agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-10-17

(2010-10-17 20:01:39) KombuchaKip: Meeting meeting eh? Sorry, I missed the chatter. Looking at agenda now.

(2010-10-17 20:01:56) dscassel: Feel free to introduce (or re-introduce) yourself.

(2010-10-17 20:01:57) ***starcraftman tucks the zerglings into bed.

(2010-10-17 20:02:09) hypatia: heeeee zerglings

(2010-10-17 20:02:15) dscassel: I'm Darcy. And I'm currently at Hacklab.TO in Toronto.

(2010-10-17 20:02:27) starcraftman: Hola folks :)

(2010-10-17 20:02:59) dscassel: Hi starcraftman, KombuchaKip :)

(2010-10-17 20:03:08) ***hypatia waves, also from hacklab :D

(2010-10-17 20:03:11) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Yodeladywho

(2010-10-17 20:03:12) mikkidog: Hello! Bill in Kemptville:)

(2010-10-17 20:03:15) hypatia: post-release-party hangouts

(2010-10-17 20:03:37) ***BobJonkman is at HacklabTO too

(2010-10-17 20:03:41) dscassel: Yeah, we just had the Toronto release party at linuxcaffe. :D

(2010-10-17 20:03:53) ***starcraftman is in montreal.

(2010-10-17 20:03:58) tonyyarusso: Tony in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA - looking for contacts in Thunder Bay, ON :)

(2010-10-17 20:04:23) dscassel: Hi, tonyyarusso :)

(2010-10-17 20:04:45) hypatia: anyone other new peeps?

(2010-10-17 20:04:55) FiReSTaRT: ladies and gents, my name's Ilija, currently in e-dot, at home

(2010-10-17 20:05:08) FiReSTaRT: butting in and out from time to time, but generally present

(2010-10-17 20:05:16) dscassel: And hi mikkidog :) And FiReSTaRT.

(2010-10-17 20:05:29) starcraftman: hypatia: well I wouldn't exactly say I'm new, just a lil busy. I been around the linux block a while :).

(2010-10-17 20:05:43) mikkidog: Hi dscassel,and all!

(2010-10-17 20:05:47) Kulag: Oh hey, I can attend for once.

(2010-10-17 20:05:53) ***FiReSTaRT in the same boat as starcraftman but looking for ways to help out :)

(2010-10-17 20:06:12) KombuchaKip: Hey folks. I'm Kip, a developer.

(2010-10-17 20:06:16) dscassel: Kulag: Glad to have you.

(2010-10-17 20:06:19) KombuchaKip: Living near Vancouver.

(2010-10-17 20:06:34) dscassel: Awesome.

(2010-10-17 20:06:40) dscassel: Right. We should start

(2010-10-17 20:06:47) Kulag: I'm in Winchester, ON

(2010-10-17 20:07:02) dscassel: First up: Re-approvals.

(2010-10-17 20:07:16) hypatia: what needs to happen for us to get re-approvinated?

(2010-10-17 20:07:37) dscassel: I got an email from czajkowski saying we have to email in our application by the 26th.

(2010-10-17 20:08:33) dscassel: Not a big deal, since we did a lot of the work a few months ago.

(2010-10-17 20:08:42) dscassel: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010

(2010-10-17 20:08:52) tonyyarusso: Need to get some info about the release parties in there though.

(2010-10-17 20:09:08) tonyyarusso: also, bad link

(2010-10-17 20:09:24) tonyyarusso: Capitalize Approval

(2010-10-17 20:09:27) tonyyarusso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010

(2010-10-17 20:09:27) dscassel: Yup.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010

(2010-10-17 20:09:30) dscassel: Thanks.

(2010-10-17 20:09:53) FiReSTaRT: by the way, what's the deal with http://ubuntutoronto.org/? somebody snagged it?

(2010-10-17 20:10:01) dscassel: I added a couple details today, but if people see anything missing, by all means...

(2010-10-17 20:10:18) tonyyarusso: ie, it would be great if the mentions of release parties linked off to details/photos of such things.

(2010-10-17 20:10:19) hypatia: looks like it's just squatted

(2010-10-17 20:10:45) FiReSTaRT: hypatia: didn't look like a standard squat, but i only gave it a glance

(2010-10-17 20:11:05) ***hypatia looked at the whois - owned by someone in nyc

(2010-10-17 20:11:22) dscassel: tonyyarusso: yeah, I'll see about getting blog posts link.

(2010-10-17 20:11:55) tonyyarusso: "Several members of Ubuntu Canada provided a lot of support in the creation and initiation of http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com" - Who?  How?

(2010-10-17 20:12:06) dscassel: That would be txwikinger

(2010-10-17 20:12:19) dscassel: He's been pushing for it, and answering a lot of questions.

(2010-10-17 20:13:02) tonyyarusso: txwikinger is "several" members?  :P

(2010-10-17 20:13:28) BobJonkman: You'd have to meet txwikinger :)

(2010-10-17 20:13:36) dscassel: We need to figure out when the reapproval meeting is, since the email was unclear.

(2010-10-17 20:13:58) dscassel: Given the timing, I'm guessing it'll be a UDS session.

(2010-10-17 20:14:06) dscassel: Keep an eye out on the mailing list.

(2010-10-17 20:14:34) dscassel: It would be good to get a bunch of people out for it to talk about what we've done and what we'd like to do.

(2010-10-17 20:14:35) ***hypatia will be attending as much of UDS remotely as possible

(2010-10-17 20:14:46) dscassel: Me too, barring work.

(2010-10-17 20:14:57) ***hypatia is funemployed :D

(2010-10-17 20:15:02) hypatia: (well, a student)

(2010-10-17 20:15:03) dscassel: hypatia: add that to the reapproval page. There's a section for UDS participation.

(2010-10-17 20:15:04) ***starcraftman wishes wasn't so busy between uni and coop work.

(2010-10-17 20:15:20) hypatia: dscassel: oh right!

(2010-10-17 20:15:28) hypatia: also i'm one of the 3 current Ubuntu Women leaders

(2010-10-17 20:15:32) hypatia: that should probably be on there

(2010-10-17 20:15:40) dscassel: Yeah, definitely.

(2010-10-17 20:15:43) hypatia: my wiki access is broken right now, can someone else add it?

(2010-10-17 20:15:52) ***hypatia remembers to go re-update that bug :/

(2010-10-17 20:15:56) dscassel: KombuchaKip: you should add your game project as well.

(2010-10-17 20:16:05) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Where?

(2010-10-17 20:16:09) dscassel: (if you want, of course)

(2010-10-17 20:16:15) dscassel: To the reapprovoal page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010

(2010-10-17 20:16:26) KombuchaKip: dscassel: What is this for?

(2010-10-17 20:16:33) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Sorry, I came in belated.

(2010-10-17 20:16:58) dscassel: Reapproval is supposed to happen every two years just to update the LoCo council on what our status is.

(2010-10-17 20:17:20) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Ah, so this page is kind of like the group's collective resume. Under what heading should I list Avaneya?

(2010-10-17 20:17:27) dscassel: Like whether we've gone dormant and what we do.

(2010-10-17 20:17:32) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Maybe we need a "Projects" section?

(2010-10-17 20:17:49) dscassel: Yeah. And sure, if you want.  Feel free to add it.

(2010-10-17 20:17:53) KombuchaKip: Well, I think the game will be very good publicity for Ubuntu-ca.

(2010-10-17 20:17:59) KombuchaKip: Ok, I'll do that now.

(2010-10-17 20:18:47) dscassel: Okay, moving on...

(2010-10-17 20:18:51) dscassel: Website!

(2010-10-17 20:18:58) starcraftman: dscassel: I got ya, so ya want what we been doing to impress council, ok. Guess I can add my wiki page in a moment.

(2010-10-17 20:19:12) FiReSTaRT: one thing that may be of some importance or not under "achievements"... FiReSTaRT represented the team at the Santiago Chile Lucid launch :P

(2010-10-17 20:19:19) dscassel: Current status: We've submitted the request to switch over the DNS, and we're waiting on Canonical IT.

(2010-10-17 20:19:34) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: Excellent. Put that down. :D

(2010-10-17 20:20:05) dscassel: txwikinger thinks it's unlikely we'll go live before UDS is done.

(2010-10-17 20:21:05) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Ok, added.

(2010-10-17 20:21:38) FiReSTaRT: ahhh just saw the edit link

(2010-10-17 20:21:46) KombuchaKip: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010

(2010-10-17 20:21:56) FiReSTaRT: darcy: under release parties or Participation and Collaboration with other Open Source Groups and similar

(2010-10-17 20:22:09) dscassel: There's a launchpad team, as we talked about last time.  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ca-website

(2010-10-17 20:22:38) dscassel: Join up if you're interested in helping with the site.  There's a mailing list attached to that to get things organized.

(2010-10-17 20:23:08) KombuchaKip: dscassel: I am pretty busy these days with the game to be useful.

(2010-10-17 20:23:36) FiReSTaRT: dscassel: under which section should i put my "achievement"?

(2010-10-17 20:23:53) mikkidog: I'm afraid that being a truck driver means I can't add much expertise!

(2010-10-17 20:23:54) BobJonkman: dscassel gave me the keys to the Ubuntu-ca Google Calendar, which I've been updating with all the parties from the Wiki

(2010-10-17 20:24:08) hypatia: if anyone else wants access, i am happy to give it out

(2010-10-17 20:24:25) BobJonkman: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mll58frmllrllfksgd12t3h7cs%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Toronto

(2010-10-17 20:24:36) KombuchaKip: If ubunu-ca needs disk / bandwidth, I have unlimited and happy to help.

(2010-10-17 20:24:45) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: If you can't find a good spot, either add one, or just add a misc. section to the bottom, and we'll clean it up later.

(2010-10-17 20:26:20) hypatia: hey so i have an idea for the blog

(2010-10-17 20:26:30) hypatia: since there hasn't really been /any/ movement on the site

(2010-10-17 20:26:39) hypatia: let's just point ubuntu-ca.org at a wordpress.com install

(2010-10-17 20:26:43) hypatia: it takes 5 minutes to set up

(2010-10-17 20:27:33) KombuchaKip: hypatia: If you guys need a subdomain or hosting, I can provide that. I have unlimited disk, bandwidth, and the usual goodies like blog and CMS stuff.

(2010-10-17 20:27:45) FiReSTaRT: dscassel: done

(2010-10-17 20:27:48) hypatia: KombuchaKip: we've had a zillion offers of hosting, that's not the issue

(2010-10-17 20:27:53) FiReSTaRT: just waiting for commit

(2010-10-17 20:27:54) hypatia: the issue is actually giving out access

(2010-10-17 20:28:14) hypatia: txwikinger: ping?

(2010-10-17 20:28:17) FiReSTaRT: ok done :)

(2010-10-17 20:29:51) dscassel: All we need to get this thing going is, well, get the DNS switched.

(2010-10-17 20:29:59) dscassel: Then just add content.

(2010-10-17 20:30:02) dscassel: And fix the theme.

(2010-10-17 20:30:10) tonyyarusso: I think I'm technically capable of adding people to the access, but I don't know if that's actually intended...  Better to have txwikinger handle if if possible.

(2010-10-17 20:30:18) dscassel: There are a couple things, like getting the feed aggregator working, and a calendar.  But I think the blog

(2010-10-17 20:30:24) dscassel: is the most important, really.

(2010-10-17 20:30:43) hypatia: we need to have more than one person with full admin on whatever system it is

(2010-10-17 20:30:49) hypatia: wordpres or drupal, i don't care

(2010-10-17 20:30:54) dscassel: tonyyarusso: Ralph's probably cool with that. He keeps saying he wants to spread the load.

(2010-10-17 20:30:58) hypatia: but more than one person needs root on the box, and admin on the CMS

(2010-10-17 20:31:19) tonyyarusso: hypatia: I think I have both of those, except UID 1 access for running update.php.

(2010-10-17 20:31:36) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Ralph Pitchie?

(2010-10-17 20:31:45) dscassel: I have root on the box.

(2010-10-17 20:31:56) dscassel: KombuchaKip: Ralph Janke. aka, txwikinger

(2010-10-17 20:32:05) KombuchaKip: dscassel: Aye

(2010-10-17 20:32:05) hypatia: awesome, ok

(2010-10-17 20:32:14) hypatia: so we're just waiting on canonical turning the DNS over?

(2010-10-17 20:32:21) dscassel: Yeah, pretty much.

(2010-10-17 20:32:42) tonyyarusso: What is the current address?  The one I have isn't resolving properly atm.

(2010-10-17 20:32:54) BobJonkman: http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/

(2010-10-17 20:33:01) tonyyarusso: no, I mean for the development install

(2010-10-17 20:33:03) KombuchaKip: Ok, I need to get back to work. I'll be at the other desk. Just buzz me if anyone needs me.

(2010-10-17 20:33:09) hypatia: will do, KombuchaKip

(2010-10-17 20:33:33) tonyyarusso: oh, hmm - he made a bad config error

(2010-10-17 20:33:36) ***tonyyarusso checks it out

(2010-10-17 20:33:44) tonyyarusso: He's redirecting to a private IP address :P

(2010-10-17 20:33:56) dscassel: tonyyarusso: I think it's http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/drupal6, but yeah, looks busted.

(2010-10-17 20:34:08) dscassel: We can take that particular problem offline...

(2010-10-17 20:34:55) dscassel: Anyway, moving on!

(2010-10-17 20:35:05) dscassel: LUG Outreach!

(2010-10-17 20:35:27) dscassel: I've been busy with release parties, etc. so haven't sent out any emails.

(2010-10-17 20:36:09) dscassel: If anyone wants to be a LUG liason, you can get in touch with m

(2010-10-17 20:36:11) dscassel: me

(2010-10-17 20:36:24) BobJonkman: I was at the September MUMU meeting...  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/mumu-ca/

(2010-10-17 20:36:42) dscassel: I'd like to contact Canadian LUGs and let them know we exist and we can help them. And they can help us too, if they're inclined.

(2010-10-17 20:38:53) dscassel: But yeah, minimal action so far.

(2010-10-17 20:39:43) dscassel: Moving on!

(2010-10-17 20:39:43) Tm0: If no one will take that job, i can try to fit that into my work

(2010-10-17 20:39:48) Tm0: Sorry

(2010-10-17 20:40:00) FiReSTaRT: looks like there are a couple of takers.. already sent darcy a pm :)

(2010-10-17 20:40:15) dscassel: Tm0: Yeah, sure.  It'll be several someones, I think.

(2010-10-17 20:40:23) hypatia: yay Tm0 :D

(2010-10-17 20:40:42) Tm0: Okay graeat. :P

(2010-10-17 20:40:54) dscassel: But awesome, thanks.  I'll be in touch.

(2010-10-17 20:40:55) BobJonkman: I think dscassel meant many people in many LUGs to be a liaison, not necessarily one person to be a liaison for all LUGs

(2010-10-17 20:42:02) dscassel: You don't have to be a LUG member to be a liason.  But it probably helps

(2010-10-17 20:42:32) dscassel: Anyway, we should get through the agenda...

(2010-10-17 20:42:45) dscassel: Release parties!

(2010-10-17 20:42:53) BobJonkman: We're having one now!

(2010-10-17 20:42:54) dscassel: We're at one right now!

(2010-10-17 20:42:58) hypatia: lol

(2010-10-17 20:43:00) hypatia: JINX

(2010-10-17 20:43:04) dscassel: Well, that after party, anyway

(2010-10-17 20:43:55) dscassel: The Kitchener party yesterday was awesome. Turnout down a bit, but I didn't have time to advertise like in previous cycles.

(2010-10-17 20:44:06) dscassel: I'll post a blog post soonish.

(2010-10-17 20:45:17) dscassel: There's a photo up of the Ottawa 10-10-10 10:10 party on the Loco directory. http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca

(2010-10-17 20:46:13) BobJonkman: KW party cake:http://picasaweb.google.com/dscassel/Ubuntu#5528779341988668306

(2010-10-17 20:46:18) dscassel: If you were at a party, please blog! And let us know.  We'll collect blog posts for the report and reapplication pages.

(2010-10-17 20:47:46) dscassel: Upcoming events!

(2010-10-17 20:48:07) dscassel: FSOSS is Oct 28-29

(2010-10-17 20:48:13) dscassel: (in Toronto)

(2010-10-17 20:48:32) ZykoticK9: hey everyone.

(2010-10-17 20:48:32) hypatia: Mini Maker Faire Ottawa, Nov 6-7: http://artengine.ca/makerfaire

(2010-10-17 20:48:36) hypatia: hey ZykoticK9

(2010-10-17 20:48:53) dscassel: UDS is Oct 25-29 in Orlando (hurray, Eastern timezone)

(2010-10-17 20:48:54) BobJonkman: FSOSS calendar of presentations: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mm8meq5df0eh7tfjq2rp5519k4%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Toronto

(2010-10-17 20:48:57) hypatia: hacklab is going to have a booth at miniMF, we could make it also the ubuntu booth

(2010-10-17 20:48:58) dscassel: You can participate online.

(2010-10-17 20:49:07) hypatia: is this stuff all on the calendar?

(2010-10-17 20:49:12) ***hypatia checks

(2010-10-17 20:49:36) ZykoticK9: dscassel, hypatia (anyone else involved) - good job on getting the forum going!

(2010-10-17 20:49:51) hypatia: wooo forum

(2010-10-17 20:49:51) dscassel: Glad to help! Thanks for reminding me.

(2010-10-17 20:50:11) hypatia: i added it to the /topic

(2010-10-17 20:50:16) hypatia: if anyone is wondering where it is

(2010-10-17 20:50:46) dscassel: For logging purposes: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=395

(2010-10-17 20:51:03) FiReSTaRT: we have a separate forum?

(2010-10-17 20:51:14) hypatia: FiReSTaRT: it's just a subforum within the official ubuntu forums

(2010-10-17 20:51:18) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: It was requested by a bunch of people.

(2010-10-17 20:51:21) hypatia: many loco teams have them :)

(2010-10-17 20:51:21) FiReSTaRT: ahhh ok.. that's what i figured

(2010-10-17 20:51:21) ZykoticK9: dscassel, we had several of our local LUG board out for the release party :)  LUG outreach.

(2010-10-17 20:51:33) dscassel: ZykoticK9: Awesome. :D

(2010-10-17 20:51:48) dscassel: That's kinda how Ubuntu Waterloo works. We're pretty much a subset of KWLUG.

(2010-10-17 20:51:53) BobJonkman: Looking for an Atom/RSS feed of the Ubuntu-ca forum, all the topics and all the threads...

(2010-10-17 20:52:24) hypatia!~hypatia@ubuntu/member/hypa7ia: hypatia has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel! Welcome! | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=395 | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Ubuntu 10.010 is out! | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | We're up for LoCo re-approval: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReAppr

(2010-10-17 20:52:29) hypatia: aw crap

(2010-10-17 20:52:37) hypatia!~hypatia@ubuntu/member/hypa7ia: hypatia has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel! Welcome! | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | WikiPage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=395 | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Ubuntu 10.10 is out! | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | We're up for LoCo re-approval: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/ReAppro

(2010-10-17 20:52:45) ***hypatia will stop spamming the channel with topic changes now ;0

(2010-10-17 20:52:51) ZykoticK9: hypatia, :)  you caught your version typo

(2010-10-17 20:53:12) dscassel: Ottawa mini Maker Faire is Nov. 6-7

(2010-10-17 20:53:18) starcraftman: hypatia: put typo back, I want all those extra months in a year. :)

(2010-10-17 20:53:26) Tm0: Can i agree^

(2010-10-17 20:54:03) dscassel: Any other events coming up?

(2010-10-17 20:54:18) hypatia: http://ubuntuforums.org/external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=395 , for anyone who wants an RSS feed just of the canada forum

(2010-10-17 20:54:21) starcraftman: Uh, did anyone mention the Loco Days thing?

(2010-10-17 20:54:34) ***starcraftman has attention very divided.

(2010-10-17 20:54:40) hypatia: what's a loco day? :)

(2010-10-17 20:54:51) dscassel: starcraftman: I thought those were for non-English LoCos.

(2010-10-17 20:55:09) ZykoticK9: dscassel, someone was asking about a the Make Faire in Ottawa - but I'm not convinced it would be suitable for "ubuntu" (but i'm unfamiliar with the event/goals - but i don't consider Ubuntu DIY)

(2010-10-17 20:55:17) starcraftman: dscassel: true I guess, surely the Francophones aren't just limited to qc :).

(2010-10-17 20:55:26) starcraftman: And canadians come in many langugaes.

(2010-10-17 20:55:42) hypatia: ZykoticK9: i've attended 3 maker faires - lots of open source stuff happening there.  i think ubuntu would be totally on-topic

(2010-10-17 20:56:07) hypatia: and i'm already doing a table, so happy to just have ubuntu stuff on hand in addition to the 3D printing and other stuff we're bringing

(2010-10-17 20:56:16) starcraftman: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-classroom/2010-August/000204.html < For those wondering.

(2010-10-17 20:56:39) ***starcraftman likes helping classroom when he has time.

(2010-10-17 20:56:48) dscassel: starcraftman: True. We can promote it.

(2010-10-17 20:56:48) ZykoticK9: hypatia, interesting - I'll try an stop by then

(2010-10-17 20:56:59) hypatia: ZykoticK9: cool :)

(2010-10-17 20:57:07) dscassel: LoCo Days, incidentally, are like Ubuntu Open Week run by LoCos in different languages.

(2010-10-17 20:57:29) BobJonkman: hypatia's RSS link only gives the first post in a thread...  Partway there!

(2010-10-17 20:57:46) hypatia: aww ff4 crashed again

(2010-10-17 20:57:51) hypatia: this nightly is terrible :(

(2010-10-17 20:57:58) Tm0: Lynx FTW!

(2010-10-17 20:58:06) meatcar: uzbl :)

(2010-10-17 20:58:10) starcraftman: dscassel: More or less, kinda informal I say, we can hold some bilingual sessions, doesn't have to be too formal like users days which has strict session on a 1 hour limit.

(2010-10-17 20:58:44) dscassel: starcraftman: If you want to take that on, you're more than welcome to. :D

(2010-10-17 20:58:54) ***BobJonkman googles "Ubuntu Open Week"

(2010-10-17 20:59:15) tonyyarusso: txwikinger: Dude, what did you *do*?  :P

(2010-10-17 20:59:19) BobJonkman: ah! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek

(2010-10-17 20:59:29) hypatia: tonyyarusso: lol

(2010-10-17 20:59:43) dscassel: Ubuntu Open Week, incidentally, is IRC training sessions. It was last week, though.

(2010-10-17 20:59:53) starcraftman: dscassel: Oh geez, I dunno about that, I'm like super over committed man, I belong to beginners team, classroom, docs, qc, ca, uni. I can offer support and coordination with qc but someone else (with more free time) should probably head the drive.

(2010-10-17 21:00:23) ***starcraftman wishes hypatia had typoed more hours in a day.

(2010-10-17 21:00:39) hypatia: starcraftman: "we" doesn't necessarily mean "starcraftman"

(2010-10-17 21:00:40) hypatia: :)

(2010-10-17 21:00:49) dscassel: starcraftman: well, if you can find a bilingual person to delegate to, you're welcome to do that too. :D

(2010-10-17 21:01:21) starcraftman: dscassel: Yay, time to find "volunteers" :).

(2010-10-17 21:01:39) hypatia: delegation ftw

(2010-10-17 21:02:09) ***hypatia suggests calling for a volunteer on the mailing list :)

(2010-10-17 21:02:12) starcraftman: hypatia: I concur, I only wish my legion of zerglings were real to delegate menial tasks too.

(2010-10-17 21:02:15) starcraftman: to*.

(2010-10-17 21:03:11) hypatia: lol

(2010-10-17 21:03:13) starcraftman: hypatia: will catch magicfab at next chance see what he thinks on it.

(2010-10-17 21:03:28) dscassel: Cool.

(2010-10-17 21:03:33) hypatia: starcraftman: or email the list before then :)

(2010-10-17 21:03:36) dscassel: Well, it's after 9.

(2010-10-17 21:03:47) BobJonkman: and we're out of cake

(2010-10-17 21:03:54) hypatia: i'm sure lots of folks simply haven't heard of Loco Days - I hadn't until just now

(2010-10-17 21:03:56) Tm0: Oh no!

(2010-10-17 21:04:01) dscassel: Anybody have anything they want officially entered into the records?  We can keep chatting.

(2010-10-17 21:04:02) hypatia: and i spend a lot of time in ubuntu channels

(2010-10-17 21:04:13) Tm0: I has something i would like to say at the least. :P

(2010-10-17 21:04:24) dscassel: Go ahead, Tm0

(2010-10-17 21:04:28) starcraftman: hypatia: alright, I'll see about a lil bilingual email to ca/qc lists.

(2010-10-17 21:04:45) starcraftman: hypatia: thou art insistent for the record :).

(2010-10-17 21:05:13) Tm0: I've recently played about with BSD. Someone posted an interesting comment, which applies to Ubuntu. The one thing we lack these days, is not just drivers, but documentation on how to use things, in plain english.

(2010-10-17 21:05:29) BobJonkman: dscassel: you mentioned something about participating in UDS remotely.  Howzat?

(2010-10-17 21:05:31) dscassel: Documentation Jam!

(2010-10-17 21:05:32) Tm0: Another user suggested showing people the distro around. I actually think Ubuntu could do the same.

(2010-10-17 21:05:33) hypatia: starcraftman: i try to be aggressive-aggressive, not passive-aggressive :)

(2010-10-17 21:05:46) Tm0: And set up test PC's around our ocal areas with our LUGS.

(2010-10-17 21:05:47) starcraftman: hypatia: lol

(2010-10-17 21:05:51) hypatia: starcraftman: i'm happy to translate the email if you need french help

(2010-10-17 21:05:56) dscassel: Tm0: There are projects (Like the ubuntu manual projects) that you can contribute to.

(2010-10-17 21:06:17) dscassel: Check out the Ubuntu Manual if you have the chance. it's pretty good.

(2010-10-17 21:06:27) starcraftman: hypatia: I hope not, I'll be in trouble on the homefront seeing as I'm from Montreal.

(2010-10-17 21:06:41) Tm0: dscassel, i haven't the time. This is though what Ubuntu needs. People that are interested in the project speaking in plain english, it also gets the distro out in hte public if anything else

(2010-10-17 21:06:43) starcraftman: hypatia: offer appreciated though :)

(2010-10-17 21:06:48) tonyyarusso: Okay everybody, drop the /drupal6 - I don't know what he broke with that.  Just use http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/

(2010-10-17 21:07:26) ***hypatia has actually found the ubuntu docs to be quite good

(2010-10-17 21:08:04) dscassel: Getting out and talking to people is also good.

(2010-10-17 21:08:10) starcraftman: tonyyarusso: needs a bit more dark red I think. And no purple is good.

(2010-10-17 21:08:30) hypatia: yay!

(2010-10-17 21:08:38) Tm0: As someone who is literate in techonlogy. You have to remember, most aren't.

(2010-10-17 21:09:16) ***tonyyarusso headdesks - the login is broken too

(2010-10-17 21:09:24) dscassel: We're talking about getting out to multicultural festivals and things.

(2010-10-17 21:09:37) hypatia: Warning: does not look like a trustworthy URL.

(2010-10-17 21:09:39) hypatia: looooooool

(2010-10-17 21:09:47) dscassel: But it's hard.  I'm certainly no salesman.

(2010-10-17 21:09:54) ***BobJonkman has to scroll horizontally on http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/ in a narrow window - /me is unhappy with non-liquid layout

(2010-10-17 21:09:58) tonyyarusso: hypatia: yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out atm

(2010-10-17 21:10:22) dscassel: You might want to talk to Randall at Ubuntu Vancouver. He has lots of ideas about helping Ubuntu "cross the chasm."

(2010-10-17 21:10:44) dscassel: But it's a project that people will need to take on.

(2010-10-17 21:10:52) Tm0: I know a designer that would likely do this discounted. If he could keep a link in the bottom even more so. Not sure if he has worked with the Drupal yet though

(2010-10-17 21:11:28) hypatia: theming drupal is a bit of an undertaking

(2010-10-17 21:12:28) Tm0: I do agree, but then again, about 8 months ago, he couldn't code a thing. I thought him a little, and he does amazing designs now, full of Jquery etc.

(2010-10-17 21:12:36) Tm0: Optimized Kquery that is too

(2010-10-17 21:13:43) Tm0: *J

(2010-10-17 21:13:48) ***dscassel is going to officially adjourn the meeting now.  Feel free to keep chatting.

(2010-10-17 21:13:55) ***Tm0 agrees

(2010-10-17 21:14:00) Tm0: btw

(2010-10-17 21:14:02) hypatia: thanks for moderating, dscassel

(2010-10-17 21:14:12) dscassel: np. :D

CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010/2010-10-17/log (last edited 2013-05-31 00:02:42 by 206-248-137-186)