
Revision 10 as of 2010-05-20 23:55:22

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The CanadianTeam.

Key Details

Activities performed by Canada LoCo during 2008-2010

Conference participation

  • Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2008 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger
  • Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger, hypatia
  • Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009: Ubuntu Table demoing Ubuntu and Kubuntu Karmic Release Candidates

Release Parties

  • Kitchener/Waterloo Karmic Koala Release Party
  • Kitchener/Waterloo Lucid Lynx Release Party
  • Ottawa Karmic Koala Release Party
  • Ottawa Lucid Lynx Release Party

Ubuntu Hours or other regular meetings

  • Monthly meeting of MUMU - Mississauga Ubuntu group
  • Ottawa monthly Ubuntu Hour

Participation and Collaboration with other Open Source Groups and similar

  • Active participation in KWLUG
  • Kwarztlab
  • Waterloo Libre Software Group at the University of Waterloo

UDS participations

  • Karmic Koala:
  • Lucid Lynx:
    • (physically): txwikinger
    • (remotely): dscassel
  • Maverick Meerkat
    • (physically):
    • (remotely): txwikinger

Currently planned Activities

Conference participation

  • Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2010 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger
  • Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2010: Ubuntu Table demoing Ubuntu and Kubuntu Lucid LTS and Maverick Release Candidates, maybe UEC

Release Parties

  • Kitchener/Waterloo Maverick Meerkat Release Party
  • Ottawa Maverick Meerkat Release Party

Ubuntu Hours

  • Kitchener Waterloo
  • Ottawa