The CanadianTeam.
Key Details
Date - 2010-10-21
Team Contact - dscassel, txwikinger
Membership - 200+ members
Mailing List - (
IRC - #ubuntu-ca
Website -
Experience (2008-2010)
Team Reports
Conference participation
- Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2008 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger
- Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger, hypatia
- Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009: Ubuntu Table demoing Ubuntu and Kubuntu Karmic Release Candidates
SoOnCon 2010 speakers: txwikinger
Release Parties
- Ottawa Karmic Koala Release Party
- Toronto Karmic Koala Release Party
- Ottawa Lucid Lynx Release Party
- Toronto Lucid Lynx Release Party
FiReSTaRT was our ambassador to the Lucid Lynx Release Party in Santiago, Chile
- Ottawa Maverick Meerkat Release Party
- Kitchener/Waterloo Maverick Meerkat Release Party
- Toronto Maverick Meerkat Release Party
Ubuntu Hours or other regular meetings
Monthly meeting of MUMU - Mississauga Ubuntu Meetup
Ottawa monthly Ubuntu Hour
- Waterloo monthly Ubuntu Hour
Participation and Collaboration with other Open Source Groups and Projects
Active participation in KWLUG
Waterloo Libre Software Group at the University of Waterloo
hypa7ia is currently one of the leaders of Ubuntu Women. is an old Ubuntu Beginners member providing support with a smile (among other things).
txwikinger is active contributor to Kubuntu
Avaneya: A free, commercial, cerebral, science-fiction edutainment game for GNU.
Software Freedom Day
Organised and hosted Software Freedom Day event for Waterloo Region, Ontario
UDS participations
- Karmic Koala:
- Lucid Lynx:
- (physically): txwikinger
- (remotely): dscassel
- Maverick Meerkat
- (physically):
- (remotely): txwikinger
- Natty Narwhal
- (physically):
- (remotely): txwikinger, dscassel, hypa7ia (Stackexchange)
Several members of Ubuntu Canada provided a lot of support in the creation and initiation of
txwikinger is active moderator and in the top 5 contributors.
- In collaboration with other open source groups in the area, planning to start a non-profit organisation aiding open source and creative commons projects to hold local and regional events.
Ubuntu LAN Parties (Playing free software games on Ubuntu, successful BETA) - Future different cities playing against each other
Speaking at KWLUG
- Increased Global Jam participation
- Natty Narwhal release parties
Google calendar to collate all Ubuntu-ca activities.
- Events outside of the province of Ontario.
- Creation and maintenance of registry for local open source and creative commons groups throughout Ontario, and later throughout Canada.
- Contacting Canadian LUGs and encouraging them to hold Ubuntu events, stay in touch.
- Participation in organization created for aiding open source and creative commons events in order to leverage synergies.
Helping to resurrect Ontario Linux Fest.
- Switch the website from Canonical hosting, update theme and keep it updated.
New website, pending Canonical DNS switch:
- Get more people blogging about Ubuntu Canada on the Planet and elsewhere.
- Encourage city teams to set up Twitter/ feeds. Use #locoteams and #ubuntuca hashtags.
- Advocating Ubuntu at local multicultural festivals, etc.
- Brainstorm effective advocacy techniques. Recruit people suited to speaking with the public.
CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010 (last edited 2010-10-21 20:40:12 by Waterloo)