Ubuntu Vancouver: Monthly General Meeting (August 2009)

Thanks Ubuntu Vancouver for a Great Meeting!

We had four presentations at the meeting:
1. General Presentation (Randall)
2. Lightning Talk: "Create a cool music server at home, the easy way!" (Craig)

3. Lightning Talk: "Easy Ways to Get Ubuntu Support Online" (Brandon)
These are the most relevant links. http://planet.ubuntu.com/ http://doctormo.wordpress.com/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/ http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/chatirc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning

4. "Women In Open Source, and Ubuntu Diversity" Presentation (Malcolm Van Delst)


Malcolm's brief notes from our discussion on the benefits of encouraging gender, race, sexual orientation, ability diversity in open source projects:

  • [get | view] (2009-08-16 20:06:00, 1200.7 KB) [[attachment:general_presentation_aug14.pdf]]
  • [get | view] (2009-08-16 20:11:28, 144.0 KB) [[attachment:lightning_talk_music_server.pdf]]
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Here's a link to Martin Fowler's response to the CouchDB controversy from a Ruby on Rails conference this spring. He gives a lot of links to other articles, many written by women, and provides some thought-provoking analysis himself: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/SmutOnRails.html

Historical information below



Special Notice: Our venue has changed based on growing attendance estimates and some special plans we have for August. (Yes, we are growing that fast, and adding excitement too.) The new location Dharmalab (what better place to be planning for the release of Karmic Koala than the Dharmalab!) is very close to our historic meeting place, and is right beside Free Geek, which many of you know...

1814 Pandora St., Unit #202
Vancouver, BC V5L 1M5

For more details, see the full listing: http://www.meetup.com/ubuntuvancouver/calendar/10843858/
Always RSVP above to ensure that you are updated in the event we need to move to bigger space, and any other important news about this meeting.


(This is a DRAFT. Your feedback will help shape the meeting.)

In the spirit of Ubuntu and diversity, please bring a guest or two to this meeting, ideally someone who normally wouldn't attend a "computer club" type of event (a friend, significant other, family member...) We promise to make it interesting for everyone who attends! Don't forget to add them to your RSVP if they're not already a meetup member.


1) In parallel with the latter half of the meeting we will be hosting a Rescue Centre. If you have an Ubuntu issue that you just can't seem to figure out, this will be the place for you! Expert(s) will be on hand to help triage issues and to provide suggestions. (Please remember to RSVP with a comment on the type of assistance that you will need.)

2) After the meeting some members continue socializing on "The Drive". For those who want to mingle with Ubuntu Vancouver folks, in a less formal (patio) setting, please plan to join us!

CanadianTeam/Vancouver/Meeting14August2009 (last edited 2009-08-27 21:17:02 by d207-81-167-199)